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Aug 29, 2020 (posted I just finished translating a work contract from German into English for an Australian applying for an exemption to travel to Germany for work!...more, + 11 other entries »
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German to English: Grant Application for Educational Project Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - German Die Idee für den Bau einer Schule in Kamerun entstand im Umfeld der XXX Foundation, die sich bereits seit 2001 in Kamerun engagiert und seit einiger Zeit die Idee dieses Vorhabens verfolgt. Gleichzeitig suchte eine Gruppe von 15 ArchitekturstudentInnen der TU Berlin die Möglichkeit, ein Bauprojekt in einem Land des Südens zu realisieren. Im Rahmen eines Studienprojektes im Sommer- und Wintersemester 2013/2014, das durch das Studienreformprojekt Die Baupiloten betreut wurde, sollten die StudentInnen nicht nur den Gebäudeentwurf konzipieren, sondern sich auch aktiv an den Baumaßnahmen in Kamerun beteiligen.
Nach Abschluss der Planungsphase, fand im Zeitraum Januar bis März 2014 die erste Bauphase des Projektes statt, in deren Rahmen die Studenten, zusammen mit dem Team der Hope Foundation, mit dem Bau des Verwaltungs- und Mehrzweckgebäudes sowie des Markplatzes der Einrichtung begannen, die gegenwärtig fertiggestellt werden. Das Team, bestehend aus Studenten und Fachkräften vor Ort, legte somit die Grundlagen für den Schulbau: Sie rodeten das Grundstück, begannen mit den Arbeiten an den ersten Fundamenten und Mauern und knüpften Kontakte zu der lokalen Bevölkerung um deren Partizipation und Inklusion zu ermöglichen.
Translation - English The idea for building a school in Cameroon came about in the context of XXX Foundation, which had already been active in Cameroon since 2001 and pursued the idea for some time. Meanwhile, a group of 15 architecture students from the Technical University Berlin were looking for the chance to work on a building project in a country from the South. As part of a summer-winter 2013/2014 student project that came under the study reform scheme "Die Baupiloten", the students were required not only to come up with a design but also to participate actively in the building operations.
Completion of the planning stage was followed by the first construction phase. Here the students, together with the Hope Foundation team, made a start on the construction of the administration and multi-purpose building as well as setting up the marketplace, all of which is currently being completed. The team, made up of students and a qualified workforce on site, laid the foundation for the school building; they cleared the block, then began work on the first wall foundations while connecting with the local population to facilitate their participation and inclusion.
French to English: From a catalogue on Himalayan art General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - French Les Tibétains ont une vision anthropomorphique du « dieu du terroir ». Il est perçu comme un être humain avec ses qualités et ses défauts : satisfait si on lui procure des réjouissances (il aime que l’on montre sa force, son courage, que l’on parle bien, que l’on danse, etc.), il peut exprimer son mécontentement s’il n’est pas honoré de manière appropriée ; il envoie alors diverses calamités. Il est généralement figuré sous l’aspect d’un dieu guerrier (dgra lha, « dieu qui soumet les ennemis »), portant casque et armure, et monté le plus souvent sur un cheval, mais aussi parfois sur une mule ou un cerf. Ces dieux sont généralement de sexe masculin, mais certains sont féminins. Ainsi, (PHOTO 7) les nomades Lalu (Lha klu), qui vivent à Markyang (Mar rkyang), au Tibet de l’Ouest, ont comme « déesse du terroir » la montagne Jomo Gangkar (Jo mo Gangs dkar) que l’on pourrait traduire comme « Dame ou Sœur aînée, Blanche montagne enneigée ».
Translation - English Tibetans have an anthropomorphic view of the “god of country”; he is seen as a human being with good and bad qualities. He is happy if pleased, by being shown feats of strength, courage for example, as well as beautiful speech, dance and so on. He will be unhappy if he is not honoured in the right way, in which case he inflicts various calamities. He is generally represented as a warrior god (dgra lha or “enemy-conquering god”) wearing a helmet and armour, usually riding a horse and sometimes a mule or stag. These gods are generally male but some are female. Thus, (PHOTO 7) the Lalu nomads (Lha klu) living at Markyang (Mar rkyang) in Western Tibet have as their “goddess of country” the Jomo Gangkar mountain (Jo mo Gangs dkar); this can be translated as “Lady or Older Sister, White Snow-Covered Mountain”.
French to English: Product promotion (Transcreation rather than Translation, Client request) General field: Marketing Detailed field: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Source text - French Vintage Box Magnum & Jéroboam
Le Champagne X a créé des coffrets d'un genre particulier « les Vintage Box », excentriques et volontairement décalés en forme de boite à outils. Cet étui, aux couleurs électriques, affiche un style novateur pour la marque.
A l'extérieur, le bleu nuit, envoûtant et puissant, laisse place à l'ouverture du coffret à un violet intense synonyme de rêve et de liberté. Les cuvées mises à l'honneur dans ce Vintage Box, un Magnum ou un Jéroboam millésimés, sont non seulement le reflet du savoir-faire de la marque mais aussi le signe de la qualité des vins conservés dans la cave de V. Des flûtes de champagne ont été disposées dans les Vintage Box pour accompagner cet instant magique.
Translation - English Vintage Box - Magnum & Jeroboam
It’s hard not to notice our Vintage Box, a sassy newcomer in the ranks of Champagne X’s uncommon offerings. The contrast between the apparently functional toolbox and the precious wine it contains is both playful and unexpected.
The exterior’s powerful midnight blue gives way to a deep violet interior that is seductively dream-like, inviting you to prepare for a very special moment. The vintage Magnum or Jeroboam within is the outcome of years of watchful and passionate dedication – a careful blend of Champagne X’s highest quality cuvées, aged in our cellars at V. Four classic champagne flutes inside the Box complete this striking tableau.
French to English: Sustainable Viticulture (Transcreation/Adaptation Client request)) General field: Other Detailed field: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Source text - French V est également une terre où le respect de l’environnement et du vignoble n’est pas qu’un simple mot : ici, la viticulture est « raisonnée » avec un vignoble enherbé au-delà de la moyenne régionale, un retraitement des eaux usées et un terroir à 100% en « confusion sexuelle »* depuis plus de 15 ans (*biotechnique à base d’émission de phéromones qui limite les chenilles et donc les dégâts sur les raisins).
Enfin, plusieurs vignerons adhérents de la coopérative, leaders de cette viticulture « raisonnée » sont passés au « bio » sur une partie de leurs exploitations, dans la continuité de cette logique. Enfin, le champagne X est adhérent au groupe de travail Magister du CIVC, qui promeut la protection raisonnée et améliore les pratiques viticoles.
Translation - English At V we do more than pay lip service to eco-friendly methods. Champagne X is a member of the CIVC’s Magister working group on improved and integrated viticulture. Several of our cooperative’s vignerons lead the way in integrated farming and have converted part of their land to organic viticulture.
Our sustainable viticulture practices include recycling wastewater, above-average grass cover for the region and 100 percent use of “sexual confusion”, a biotechnology whereby pheromones are emitted to confuse the butterfly mating process, reducing the number of caterpillars and thus the damage to grapes.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Australian National University
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Jan 2013.
French to English (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, verified) German to English (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters)
About my services
I am dedicated to providing a translation service that is responsive, thorough, and confidential. In fifteen years I have never missed a deadline.
Your texts will be translated into clear and natural English, be culturally appropriate and ready for outreach to the English-speaking world.
About me
I grew up in France and have an English mother. While my mother tongue is English, I have a French family too, and am steeped in the French, English and Australian cultures.
German is my third language and was the main subject of my BA at Bristol University, UK. In fact, I also have an adopted German family!
I live in Canberra, Australia, and am certified by NAATI to translate from French into English, and accredited by NAATI to translate German into English, and interpret between French and English.
My clients include Australian government departments, NGOs, wineries, art magazines and art galleries.
International development
Grant applications, project management, rural development, oceans management, renewable energy, environment, health and society, cultural heritage, religion, social studies and social science, monitoring and evaluation
Public Sector
Corporate communications, health, Human Resources, immigration, rural development, agriculture, press releases
Exhibition catalogues, labels, articles and reviews, loan requests, promotional materials
Wine and Viticulture
Websites, labels, reviews, tasting notes, flyers and brochures
Mental and physical health reports, government brochures
Any text type. I have twenty years’ experience in this field
Keywords: International development, développement international, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; public administration and public sector, administration publique, öffentlicher Sektor; wine, vin, Wein; viticulture, Weinbau; art, beaux-arts, Kunst; museums. See more.International development, développement international, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; public administration and public sector, administration publique, öffentlicher Sektor; wine, vin, Wein; viticulture, Weinbau; art, beaux-arts, Kunst; museums, musées, Museen; education, éducation, Bildung; healthcare, soins de santé, Gesundheitswesen. Fourteen years of experience as Translator; quatorze années d'expérience en traduction; vierzehn Jahre Erfahrung als Übersetzerin.. See less.