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Aug 28, 2019 (posted Recently translated from IT a paper on Renaissance natural philosophers for Prof. S. Plastina, due to be published on the Intellectual History Review, issue 30/1 2020....more »
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Italian to English - Standard rate: 0.09 GBP per word / 29 GBP per hour French to English - Standard rate: 0.09 GBP per word / 29 GBP per hour Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.09 GBP per word / 29 GBP per hour English to Italian - Standard rate: 0.09 GBP per word / 29 GBP per hour
Italian to English: Wine blogging translation General field: Other Detailed field: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Source text - Italian Sto parlando, si sarà capito, della Malvasia nera, spesso coltivata in maniera promiscua, insieme all’uva principale, nei vigneti del Salento, ed in dettaglio del Salento Malvasia nera Maliadi un’azienda che conosco e apprezzo molto come l ’Azienda Agraria Duca Carlo Guarinidi Scorrano, località posta nel basso Salento.
L’azienda, 70 ettari di vigneti e 260 di oliveti secolari coltivati con le varietà Cellina Scorranese e Ogliarola da cui si ottiene un ottimo olio extravergine è proprietà della famiglia Guarini da poco meno di mille anni, considerando che i Guarini, di origine normanna, giunsero in Salento intorno al 1040.
A proposito del Malia ho scritto che la prima annata ufficialmente prodotta è di dodici anni fa, anche se l’azienda racconta che “già nel 1890 si produceva in azienda un vino da Malvasia Nera in purezza e il ritrovamento di alcune bottiglie una ventina di anni fa, fece nascere l’idea di impiantare in diversi ettari esclusivamente questo storico vitigno salentino”.
Translation - English I’m talking about the Malvasia Nera, often grown promiscuously with Negroamaro in the Salento. Specifically, of the Salento Malvasia Nera by a winery I know and appreciate, the Azienda Agraria Duca Carlo Guarini from Scorrano, in the lower Salento. The winery, comprising 70 hectares of vineyards and 260 hectares of centuries-old olive groves growing the Cellina Scorranese and Ogliarola varieties and yielding an excellent extra-virgin olive oil, has been the property of the Guarini family, of ancient Norman origin, for just under 1.000 years, considering they came to the Salento in around 1040 AD.
The Malia wine’s first vintage was officially 2001, though the winery tells that ‘as early as 1890 we produced a 100% Malvasia Nera wine, of which we found some bottles about twenty years ago, giving us the idea to plant several hectares exclusively with this historic Salento grape’.
French to English: Academic article translation General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Philosophy
Source text - French Laurence Renault
Nature humaine et passions selon Thomas d’Aquin et Descartes
Selon Thomas d’Aquin, reprenant à son compte la thèse de ceux qu’il appelle ‘les péripatéticiens’, ‘les passions modérées sont bonnes’. C’est une affirmation semblable que l’on rencontre chez Descartes, au terme de son traité sur les Passions de l’âme, où il conclut que ‘les passions sont toutes bonnes de leur nature et que nous n’avions rien à éviter que leur mauvais usage ou leur excès’.
Ces deux auteurs entendent s’opposer ainsi à la conception stoïcienne des passions, selon laquelle le sage est impassible, autrement dit selon laquelle la sagesse et la vertu sont incompatibles avec les passions.
Translation - English LAURENCE RENAULT
Human nature and passion according to Thomas Aquinas and Descartes
According to Thomas Aquinas, who appropriated the thesis of those he terms the Peripatetics, ‘moderate passions are virtuous’1. It is a contention similar to the one we find in Descartes, at the end of his treatise on the Passions de l’âme (Passions of the soul) where he concludes that passions ‘are all good by their nature and we must only avoid their wicked use or their excess’2.
These two authors thus wish to oppose the Stoics’ conception of passion, according to which the wise man is impassive, or, in other words, according to which wisdom and virtue are incompatible with passion.
Italian to English: Translation of a financial futures e-book General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Italian Le opzioni possono essere acquistate o vendute allo scoperto come qualsiasi altro strumento di trading.
Come faccio quindi a capire se le opzioni Call oppure Put su un determinato Strike sono state comprate oppure vendute? Come accennato in precedenza, infatti, questa informazione non compare nella tabella delle opzioni.
Come faccio quindi a crearmi una “bilancia” delle posizioni per crearmi un quadro chiaro dello scenario?
Dopo avere speso diverso tempo in ragionamenti e back test ed avere ottenuto ottimi risultati ho deciso di intraprendere la via che spiegherò di seguito.
Ogni qualvolta vi siano dei volumi su opzioni Call, oppure Put, su strike che risultano OTM (Out The Money) consideriamo le opzioni come vendute.
Non ci preoccupiamo di considerare quale sia il piano di chi ha movimentato le opzioni, d’altro canto, sarebbe impossibile credere di leggere nella testa degli investitori che hanno acquistato o venduto le opzioni. Semplicemente consideriamo le opzioni in vendita poiché per un investitore istituzionale, la “mossa” più ragionevole sugli strike OTM è quella di vendere opzioni per aumentare le probabilità di profitto. Quando invece i volumi e gli scambi della giornata si verificano su opzioni che risultano ITM (In The Money), consideriamo le opzioni in acquisto.
Translation - English Options can be bought or sold short, like any other financial instrument.
How can I then understand if the Call or Put options on a specific Strike have been bought or sold? As we mentioned earlier in fact, this information does not appear in the options table.
How then can I create a “balance” of the positions in order to have a clear picture of the situation?
After spending a considerable amount of time reasoning and back-testing, and having obtained excellent results, I decided to follow the approach I am now going to explain.
Every time there is trading on Call or Put options, on strikes that result OTM (Out-of-the-Money), we consider the options as sold.
We do not care to consider the plan of those who have been trading the options; at any rate it would be impossible to believe we could read the minds of investors who have bought or sold the options.
Quite simply we consider the options as sold because, for an institutional investor, the most reasonable move on OTM strikes is that of selling options to increase the chances of making a profit. When on the other hand the volumes and the day’s trading focus on ITM (In-the-Money) options, we consider the options as bought.
English to Italian: Presentation of a warehousing software manual General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - English Warehousing is a vital component in the current supply chain management environment. A company's success is currently based on the timely and error-free satisfaction of the clients' needs. This is a requirement that cannot be met by companies that are based on conventional warehouse management systems or manual procedures.
A company that is able to cover its clients' needs rapidly, without errors, and at a low cost, acquires a significant competitive advantage in the supply chain industry.
The key to acquiring such a competitive advantage is a flexible IT system for Warehouse Management that is able to automate all supply chain processes.
Translation - Italian Il Warehousing è una componente essenziale nell'attuale contesto di gestione della supply chain. Il successo di un'azienda oggi si basa sulla soddisfazione tempestiva e senza errori delle esigenze dei clienti. Questa è una condizione che non può essere soddisfatta da aziende che si basano su sistemi convenzionali di gestione del magazzino, o che adottano procedure manuali.
Una società che è in grado di rispondere alle esigenze dei propri clienti rapidamente, senza errori, ed a basso costo, acquisisce un vantaggio competitivo significativo nell’area della supply chain.
La chiave per l'acquisizione di un vantaggio competitivo di questo genere è un sistema IT per la gestione del magazzino che sia flessibile ed in grado di automatizzare tutti i processi della supply chain.
English to French: Medical literature on a cervical cage device General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English The Anterior Cervical System ………………….. is manufactured in TA6V4 ELI. This system is placed in an anterior cervical position to achieve a fusion between two vertebrae; it adapts to the different profiles of the vertebral bodies. The plate is designed to cover the different dimensional ranges of the cervical spine.
After insertion of the fixing screws, the cervical plate is held in place by locking screws. The latter feature a key advantage: they hold in place the fixing screws, which could eventually shift due to micro movements.
Translation - French Le Système Cervical Antérieur …………….. est fabriqué en TA6V4 ELI. Ce système se place en position cervicale antérieure pour réaliser une synthèse entre deux vertèbres ; il s’adapte aux différents profils des corps vertébraux. La plaque est conçue de façon à couvrir les différentes plages dimensionnelles du rachis cervical.
Après insertion des vis de fixation, la plaque cervicale est maintenue en place par des vis de blocage. Ces derniers présentent un avantage essentiel : maintenir les vis de fixation qui peuvent éventuellement se déplacer lors de micromouvements.
Italian to English: Sample from an Andrea De Carlo novel General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Italian Alle tre di pomeriggio sto guidando la mia MG bianca lungo Goldfinch Avenue verso le colline, con una cassetta dei Rolling Stones a tutto volume sullo stereo, e salto uno stop senza accorgermene. Vedo una Chevette verde chiaro che mi arriva da destra, scivola verso di me come un piccolo cetaceo sott’onda. Non cerco di frenare, o di girare il volante, o. Guardo il verde chiaro che si avvicina, senza togliere il piede dall’acceleratore.
C’è un rumore completo, perfetto. Una specie di PTRAC molto concentrato, dove le diverse note si sovrappongono una all’altra invece di dilatarsi in varie direzioni come normale. E’ un suono che ne racchiude molti, li semplifica ed arricchisce di sfumature allo stesso tempo. La MG è senza cofano, senza spazio per le gambe; gira molto alla svelta su se stessa. Vedo l’incrocio da parecchi punti di vista simultanei; da fermo, in una prospettiva rovesciata rispetto a quando venivo.
Translation - English It’s three o’clock in the afternoon and I’m driving my white MG along Goldfinch Avenue, bound for the hills, a Rolling Stones tape at full blast on the stereo, and I skip a stop sign without noticing.
I glimpse a light green Chevette coming into me from the right, gliding toward me like a baby whale underwater.
I don’t attempt to brake, or turn the steering wheel, or. I just look at the light green shadow advancing, and I don’t take the foot off the accelerator.
A complete, perfect noise. A kind of highly concentrated PTRAC, whose different tones pile on top of each other rather than dilate in several directions as they would normally do. A sound that incorporates many sounds, that simplifies and at the same time augments them with modulations. The MG is bonnetless, with no room for legs; it revolves on its axis very fast. I see the crossing from several simultaneous viewpoints: standing still, the perspective the inverse of the one I had before.
Spanish to Italian: Logistics company website translation General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Source text - Spanish La agencia aduanal …… apoya y asesora a los importadores de mercancías extranjeras y al exportador de producto nacional o nacionalizado a cumplir con todos los requerimientos que indiquen las leyes involucradas en comercio exterior.
Translation - Italian L'agenzia doganale ……… supporta ed offre consulenza agli importatori di merci estere ed agli esportatori di merce nazionale o nazionalizzata, per soddisfare tutti i requisiti specificati dalle leggi vigenti per il commercio con l'estero
Translation education
Other - IoLET Diploma in Translation (IT>EN)
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Aug 2013. Became a member: Aug 2013.
Nicola Mira is a translator from Italian, French and Spanish, specialised in journalism, academic and non-fiction texts.
Educated in the UK (BA Politics &
Economics, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford), he has lived and worked in Italy, France
and the UK. He currently lives in Cambridge.
He has a Diploma in Translation (Italian to English) from the Chartered
Institute of Linguists and is a member of the Society of Authors/Translators Association and English PEN.
He translates texts from a range of industries,
with fashion journalism his main focus. You can view his fashion translations
on Fashion Network here.
He regularly translates academic articles and papers, chiefly in
the Humanities (history and philosophy). His most recent academic translations (from Italian) for
Prof. S. Plastina are 'Clio’s Daughters: British Female Historians of the XVIIIthcentury', published in
an anthology by Aschendorff Verlag, Munster 2019; and 'Is Francesco Patrizi's L'Amorosa
Filosofia a Heterodox Reading of the Symposium?', to be published on
the Intellectual History Review, issue 30/1 2020.
He has contributed to ‘In Other
Words’, the journal of the British Centre for Literary Translation, and to
London literary magazine Litro, where he
also published a translation of an excerpt from Italian early XXth
century author Gabriele D’Annunzio.
When he is not translating, Nicola
loves reading, writing and sports. He is the managing editor of sports
statistics website Greatest Sporting Nation.
For more information, please see Nicola’s LinkedIn page.
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