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English to Spanish: Mending with Microbes General field: Science Detailed field: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Source text - English Microbes are all around us. They live inside of us, on top of us, in our food, and in nearly all the places on earth we can think of. Most microbes are friendly – like almost all of the ones inside of our intestines – but a few are dangerous to our health. Despite needing a microscope to see them, microbes make up about 18% of all the living material in the world. We are only beginning to understand how important microbes are to life on Earth.
Translation - Spanish Los microbios nos rodean. Viven dentro de nosotros, por encima de nosotros, en nuestros alimentos, y en casi todos los lugares de la tierra que podamos pensar. La mayoría de los microbios son beneficiosos - como casi todos los que están en nuestro intestino- pero algunos son peligrosos para nuestra salud. A pesar de necesitar un microscopio para verlos, los microbios componen aproximadamente el 18% de toda la materia viva en el mundo. Sólo estamos empezando a comprender cómo los microbios son importantes para la vida sobre la tierra.
English to Spanish: Crazy Climate and Wacky Weather General field: Science Detailed field: Meteorology
Source text - English People are talking about it all over the globe. In some places, storms are more frequent, in others, temperatures are changing and droughts are longer. So what’s going on with all this wacky weather?
In today’s world, climate change is a popular topic, as it stands to affect the entire globe, including many of the plants and animals that we depend on to live. But what exactly does this crazy climate mean? What is causing it and why should we care? To understand the changes in Earth’s climate, we first need to look at how climate is different from weather.
Translation - Spanish La gente está hablando sobre esto en todo el mundo. En algunos lugares las tormentas son más frecuentes, en otros las temperaturas están cambiando y las sequías duran más. Entonces, ¿qué está pasando con este clima loco?
En el mundo de hoy, el cambio climático es un tema popular, ya que está afectando a la totalidad del planeta, incluyendo muchas de las plantas y animales de los que dependemos para vivir. Pero ¿qué significa exactamente este clima loco? ¿A qué se debe y por qué nos debería importar? Para entender los cambios en el clima de la Tierra debemos, en primer lugar, evaluar la diferencia entre clima (‘climate’) y tiempo meteorológico (‘weather’).
English to Spanish: Medical Report 3 General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English DATOS CLÍNICOS: Cervicalgia
En la exploración realizada de Resonancia Magnética de columna cervical, con cortes sagitales y transversales, potenciados en STIR (Short-tau inversion-recovery), T1, T2 y TSE (turbo spin-eco), vemos:
Ligera rectificación en la alineación de cuerpos vertebrales, que presentan una morfología e intensidad de señal normal.
Los arcos posteriores, carillas articulares y agujeros de conjunción, presentan una morfología e intensidad de señal normal.
Los discos intervertebrales, son de una altura, volumen e intensidad de señal normal, no viendo ninguna imagen que nos haga sospechar la existencia de protrusión o hernia discal.
El conducto y cono medular son de morfología e intensidad de señal normal, no viendo imágenes sospechosas de estenosis o masas.
La unión vertebro basilar, es de morfología e intensidad de señal normal.
Ligera rectificación cervical
Translation - Spanish CLINICAL INFORMATION: Cervical pain
In the exploration of the cervical spine by imaging magnetic resonance (IMR), with sagittal and transverse slices, enhanced by STIR (Short-tau Inversion-recovery), T1, T2 and TSE (turbo spin-echo), we see:
Slight rectification of the alignment of vertebral bodies, which have normal morphology and signal intensity.
The posterior arches, articular veneers, and conjunction holes have normal morphology and signal intensity.
The intervertebral discs present normal height, volume and signal intensity, seeing no image that makes us suspect the existence of disc bulging or herniation.
The medullary duct and cone are of normal morphology and signal intensity, not seeing suspicious images of stenosis or masses.
Spinal cord of normal morphology and signal strength.
Slight cervical rectification
Spanish to English: Medical Report 2 General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Spanish Internacional Normalizado T. protrombina) 1,1. Tiempo de Tromboplastina Parcial (PTT) 26 segundos Ratio de PTT 0,87 [0,75 - 1,3) fibrinógeno 475 * mg/dL [ 200 - 400 ).
BQ: Glucosa (suero/plasma) 106 mg/dL [ 74 - 106 ). Creatinina 0,70 mg/dL [ 0,67 - 1,17 ] Urea 29 mg/dL [ 17 - 49 ]. Sodio 130 * mEq/L [ 136 - 146 ). Potasio 3,9 mEq/L [ 3,5 - 5,1 ] Cloruro 90 * mEq/L [ 99 - 109 ]. Bilirrubina directa (conjugada) 0,3 mg/dL [ Aspartato aminotransferasa (AST/GOT) 33 U/L [0 - 35 ] Alanina aminotransferasa (ALT/GPT) 32 U/L [ 0 - 45 ] Gamma-glutamil transferasa (GGT) 125 * U/L [O-55 ] Proteína C Reactiva en suero 5,26 * mg/L.
AS: 24/09/2022: HG: CHCM 36.5 g/dl, neutrófilos 78.6 %, linfocitos 16.5 %, VSG. Coag normales. Glucosa 109, Hba1c, normales. CT 227, LDL 147, HDI, TG, proteínas totales, albumina, ceruloplasmina, proteinograma, inmunoelectroforesis, urato, urea, creatinina, sodio 129, potasio, cloruro 91, magnesio, bilirrubina total, directa, GOT; GPT; GGT 121; LDH, CPK, FA, hierro, transferrina, IST, TIBC, ferritina 461, fosfato, calcio total, B1 8.9, B6 70.2, Fólico, B12 normales.
TSH, t4L, T3I, FR, PCR 18.1, IgA/G/M, C3, C4, CH50, Ac-Tg, TPO, normales.
Cardiolipinas IgG/M, glicoproteínas beta 2 IgG/M, SSA, SSD, ANA, ac. anti Miositis, ANCA, ac. (anticuerpos) antiGAD negativos.
Ac. anti gangliósidos Igg/M pendientes. , CEA AFP, Ca 15.3, 19.9, beta-2-microglobulina PSa, PSA libre, índice PSA L/T normales.
Salmonella typhi, paratyphi, Rosa de Bengala, VHB, VHC, VIH, VIH, EBV, VHS I negativos. CMV IgG/M, EBV-IgG positivo, IgM negativo. VHS Igg/M negativo. VHS 2 Igg/M, WZ IgG, Treponema pallidum negativos. WZ IgG positivo. RPR, Borrelia burdorferi gg/M, Coxiella burnetti negativos, Ricketsias negativo. C. Jejuni pendientel. C. Pneuoniae y M Pneumoniae pendientes. Cobre normal. zinc 137.
LCR: no se observan celulas. Cloro y glucosa normales, proteínas 104.1mg/l ( 15-45), ADA pendiente, VDRL, Borrelia burdorferi IgM, Listeria monocytogenes, Rickettsias IgG/M, Ac. antiLeptospira interrogans IgG/M, Ag Cryptococcus, Brucella IgG/M, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, tinción de Gram, examen en fresco y tincion ZiehlNeelsen negativos. VIH, ac. anti-influenzare, Streptococcus, M, pneumoniae, pendientes. PCR: CMV, VH7, VH6, WZ, VH8, EVB. VHS 1 y 2, Haemopilus influenaze, enterovirus y Parechovirus negativos.
Juicio clínico: Sd (Síndrome) Miller-Fisher.
Evolución: durante su estancia en UCI se han administrado 2 ciclos de Ig 0.4g/kg/Iv (intra venoso) x 5 días. + 1 ciclo corticoides bolos MTP, actualmente con prednisona 50 mg/24h/vo (vía oral) en descenso (cada 5 días) con buena respuesta neurológica.
Al alta de UCI (Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos):
Paciente estable, mejoría neurológica progresiva, más fuerza en mid (miembro superior derecho) visible (levanta contra gravedad) continúa déficit msi (miembro superior izquierdo). Ptosis bilateral similar. Sale a la calle en sillita en la hora de la visita. -Finaliza ayer Ig. Corticoides orales, decenso el 14/10 - Analítica sin alteraciones destacables. Anemia 9.5 g/dl (Ayer 10.6.) Plaq y coagulación estables, anticoagulación profiláctica. Retiramos sonda urinaria, comprobación posterior de diuresis espontánea sin problemas. -Sin atb (antibiótico), sin datos de infección activa
Alta a planta, Informo a neurología.
Translation - English International Standard T. Prothrombin) 1.1. Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) 26 seconds PTT Ratio 0.87 [0.75 - 1.3] Fibrinogen 475 * mg/dL [200 - 400].
BC (Bio Chemical parameters): Glucose (serum/plasma) 106 mg/dL [74 - 106]. Creatinine 0.70 mg/dL [0.67 - 1.17] Urea 29 mg/dL [17 - 49]. Sodium 130 * mEq/L [136 - 146]. Potassium 3.9 mEq/L [3.5 - 5.1] Chloride 90 * mEq/L [99 - 109]. Direct bilirubin (conjugated) 0.3 mg/dL [Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/GOT) 33 U/L [0 - 35] Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT/GPT) 32 U/L [0 - 45] Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) 125 * U/L [O-55 ] Serum C-reactive Protein 5.26 * mg/L.
BT (Blood Test): 24 September 2022: HG (Hemoglobin): MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration) 36.5 g/dl, neutrophils 78.6%, lymphocytes 16.5%, ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate). Coag. (Coagulation) normal. Glucose 109, HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin), normal. CT 227, LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins) 147, HDI (High Density Lipoproteins), TG (Triglycerides), Total Proteins, albumin, ceruloplasmin, proteinogram, immunoelectrophoresis, urate, urea, creatinine, sodium 129, potassium, chloride 91, Magnesium, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, GOT (Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase); GPT; GGT (Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase) 121; LDH (Lactate dehydrogenase), CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase), AP (Alkaline Phosphatase), iron, Transferrin, TSI (Transferrin Saturation Index), TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity), Ferritin 461, Phosphate, Total calcium, B1 8.9, B6 70.2, folic acid, B12 normal.
TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone), T4L (Thyroxine), T3I (triiodothyronine), RF (Reumathoid Factor), CRP (C-Reactive Protein) 18.1, IgA/G/M (Immunoglobulins), C3, C4, CH50 (Complement proteins), Ab-Tg (Thyroglobulin Antibodies), TPO (thyroperoxidase), normal.
Antibodies: Cardiolipins IgG/M, beta 2 glycoproteins IgG/M, SSA (anti-Sjögren's syndrome related antigen A), SSD, ANA (Antinuclear Antibodies), Ab Anti Myositis, ANCA (antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies) Anti-GAD (antibodies) negative.
Ab Anti-gangliosides IgG/M pending. , CEA AFP (alfa feto protein), CA (cancer antigens) 15.3, 19.9, beta-2-microglobulin PSA (protatic specific antigen), Free PSA, normal L/T PSA index.
Salmonella typhi, S. paratyphi, Rose Bengal, HBV, HCV (hepatitis), HIV (AIDS), HIV, EBV (Epstein-Barr), HSV I (Herpesvirus) negative. CMV (cytomegalovirus) IgG/M, EBV-IgG positive, IgM negative. HSV IgG/M negative. HSV 2 IgG/M, WZ IgG, Treponema pallidum negative. VZV (Varicella Zoster Virus) IgG positive. RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin), Borrelia burdorferi gg/M, Coxiella burnetti negative, Ricketsias negative. C. jejuni pending. C. pneuoniae and M. pneumoniae pending. Normal copper. zinc 137.
CSF (cerebrospinal fluid): No cells are seen. Normal chlorine and glucose, proteins 104.1mg/l ( 15-45), pending ADA ( Adenosine Desaminase), VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test), Borrelia burdorferi IgM, Listeria monocytogenes, Rickettsias IgG/M, AC. Anti-Leptospira interrogans IgG/M, Ag Cryptococcus, Brucella IgG/M, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Gram stain, Negative fresh test and Ziehl Neelsen stain. HIV, Ab Anti-influenza, Streptococcus, M, pneumoniae, pending. PCR: CMV, VH7, VH6, VVZ, VH8, EVB. HSV 1 and 2, Haemophilus influenzae, Enterovirus and Parechovirus negative.
Clinical judgment : Miller-Fisher Sd (Syndrome) .
Evolution: During his stay in the ICU, 2 cycles of Ig 0.4g/kg/IV (intra-venous) x 5 days were administered. + 1 cycle corticosteroids bolus MTP (Methylprednisolone), currently with prednisone 50 mg/24h/oral administration decreasing (every 5 days) with good neurological response.
At admission to Special Care Unit (ICU):
Patient is stable, showing progressive neurological improvement, visibly (lift against gravity) stronger right upper limb, still weakness left upper limb. Similar bilateral ptosis. He goes outside using a little chair at visiting hours. -He finished yesterday with Ig. Oral corticosteroids, decrease on 14th October - analytical tests with no notable alterations. Anemia 9.5 g/dl (yesterday 10.6.) Stable platelets and coagulation, prophylactic anticoagulation. We removed urinary catheter, subsequent check of spontaneous diuresis with no problem. -No atb (antibiotic), no information about active infection
He was discharged to the plant, I inform neurology.
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Jan 2015. Became a member: Feb 2015.
English (C1 Certificate, verified) Spanish (Autonomous University of Madrid: Master's Degree in Biology, verified) Spanish (University of Saragossa: Doctorate in Animal Pathology, verified) English (Florida Atlantic University, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute: Postdoctoral Fellow, verified)
European Society for Translation Studies
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Personally, I consider myself a translator, but also a scientist.
Part of my professional career has been dedicated to do and to teach science in English and in Spanish. After getting my PhD in Science (Animal Health) in Spain, I relocated in the US to develop my postdoctoral studies at the Florida Atlantic University.
Now, back in Spain, I am a full time translator and interpreter who enjoys finding the meaning in the original language, and the best suitable words to convey it in the target language. My knowledge of the context is my greatest skill.
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