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Arabic to English: Court of First Instance General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Arabic source upon request
Translation - English - The appeals No 321&294, Commercial- on hearing of 22/7/2014 included:
"Anyone who has the actual control over an object, that requires special care, whether He owns it or not, should be obligated to indemnity for harm caused by such object for others- such liability is based on the rule of "privilege must be paid for" not on the basis of presumed fault.
- The proof of infringement and default is not required to hold such liability- as the proof that such object was positively contributed in causing the damage is sufficient.
- The liability shall not be changed whether the damage was resulting from a defect of such object or using thereof.
- The appeal No 3 – Commercial, on the hearing of 22/7/2014 included:
"The liability towards the objects, require special care to prevent its harm and the mechanical machineries those cause harmful acts for others, is held on the person who manage it at the time of the damage. The rule stipulated that the burden of proof is on the Claimant to prove harm caused, however the proof of ownership of such object by someone is a presumption to the liability"
- Whereas the Claimant ensures that she was suffering from serious injuries and fractures, in addition to suffering from the various elements of material, physical, psychological, and moral damage as a direct result of the harmful act caused by the elevator, which is owned and managed and supervised and guarded and controlled by the Defendant. And whereas the hospital's reports, the witnesses who accompanied her, and witnesses who were working in the Defendant mall, including, the witness/ Ibrahim Hamdy, Egyptian nationality, in addition to the witness/ Rsheed, Indian nationality, and others, prove that the Claimant had an accident resulted in the serious injures included. Accordingly, the full elements of liability that deserve to provide compensation are available. Thus, the Claimant appeals for an adequate and proper compensation to remedy the various elements of material, moral, and psychological damage.
- The Appeal No 29, Civil, on the hearing of 27/11/2011 included:
"The assessment of the compensation of damage is objective, provided that, the Court should assess it according to agreeable reasons, and it should be equivalent to the amount of damage"
- The Article 292 of Civil code states that:
“In all cases the indemnity shall be assessed according to the amount of damage suffered by the victim, together with loss of profit, provided that is a natural result of the harmful act.”
- The Appeals No 451 & 557 – Commercial, on the hearing of 25/9/2014 included:
"The damage elements should include the physical, material and moral damage- determining of damage elements and the equivalent amount of compensation is objective, provided that it is based on agreeable reasons"
-Whereas the Claimant was suffering from serious physical injuries, disruption of her works, the disability, and long- term pains, which could only be proved and assessed by appointing a medical expert, who should examine the Claimant and determine the disability percentage, in order to assess the adequate compensation thereof. Accordingly, the Claimant appeals the honorable Court to be examined by the forensic physician of Al Ain Court to check the injuries and determine its disability percentage.
The Claimant appeals to the honorable Court to:
1. Record the claim, determine the nearest hearing to consider it and notify the Defendant with the statement thereof.
2. Refer the Claimant to the forensic physician to examine her health status and determine the disability percentage caused by the accident of Defendant's elevator, with taking into consideration the reports of hospitals examined the Claimant since the accident occurred on 3/10/2018. The Claimant has the right to submit her final requests based on results of the forensic physician's report.
3. Obligate the Defendant with the charges, expenses and attorneys' fees.
English to Arabic: Report on Femail Genital Mutilation / Circumcision General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Report on Femail Genital Mutilation / Circumcision
Preseted by : Nehad Abulkomsan
Senior Lawyer
First question : FGM criminal sanctions
The crime of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or female circumcision, was introduced to the Egyptian law in 2007, in accordance with the health minister’s decree no. 271 of 2007, which included the banning of performing FGM as well as defining the forms of violating the female reproductive system, which constitute the material element of the crime.
While in 2008, the first legislation that penalizes FGM was issued, adding a special law as per law 126 of 2008, adding Article 242 (bis) to the Penal Code which stipulates that “taking into consideration Article 61 of the Penal Code, and without affecting a harsher penalty stated by another law, those who perform FGM (as stated in Article 241 and 242) are imprisoned to between three months and two years or pay a fine between one thousand to five thousand pounds.
Practical application of the law has proved that it is not enough to punish the perpetrators, as when they were convicted they received suspended prison sentences, and the perpetrators got away from the punishment, if they were convicted, by reconciling with the victim’s family.
This led the Egyptian legislator on 25/9/2016, under pressuring campaigns by the Egyptian civil society, to issue law 78 of 2016 which toughened the penalties previously mentioned in Article 242 from either a prison sentence or a fine to only a prison term, which led to:
1. Changing the crime from being a misdemeanor to a criminal offense;
2. It became one of the crimes that penalizes those who attempt to do it, even if they do not fully fulfill it;
3. Reconciliation became unpermitted.
This was applied in addition to adding two aggravating circumstances to the crime, which are: causing a permanent deformity or the death of the victim. Furthermore, adding a new article for the first time in the Penal Code, which criminalizes anyone who requested FGM to be performed on a female, and based upon his or her request, FGM was performed.
Translation - Arabic تقرير حول تشويه الأعضاء التناسلية الأنثوية/ الختان
تقديم: نهاد أبو القمصان (Nehad Abulkomsan)
كبير محامين (Senior Lawyer)
التساؤل الأول: العقوبات الجنائية المقررة لتشويه الأعضاء التناسلية الأنثوية
تناول القانون المصري جريمة تشويه الأعضاء التناسلية الأنثوية (FGM) أو ما يُعرف بختان الإناث في عام 2007، وفقًا لقرار وزير الصحة رقم 271 لسنة 2007، حيث نص على منع ممارسة ختان الإناث، فضلًا عن تحديده أشكال انتهاك الجهاز التناسلي للإناث، والتي تشكل الركن المادي للجريمة.
وفي عام 2008، صدر أول تشريع ينص على عقوبة لممارسة تشويه الأعضاء التناسلية، مضيفًا قانونًا خاصًا وفقًا للقانون رقم 126 لسنة 2008، وذلك بإضافة المادة 242 (مكرر) إلى قانون العقوبات والتي تنص على "مع مراعاة حكم المادة (61) من قانون العقوبات ، ودون الإخلال بأي عقوبة أشد ينص عليها قانون آخر يعاقب بالحبس مدة لا تقل عن ثلاثة أشهر ولا تتجاوز سنتين أو بغرامة لا تقل عن ألف جنيهًا ولا تجاوز خمسة آلاف جنيهًا كل من أحدث الجرح المعاقب عليه في المادتين ( 241 ، 242 ) من قانون العقوبات عن طريق ختان لأنثى "
بيد أن التطبيق العملي للقانون أثبت أنه ليس كافيًا معاقبة مرتكبي هذه الجريمة، وذلك لأنهم بعد إدانتهم يُحكم عليهم بالسجن مع إيقاف التنفيذ، ويفلت مثل هؤلاء من العقاب بالتصالح وتسوية الأمر مع عائلة الضحية.
وفي إطار حملات الضغط التي شنها المجتمع المدني المصري، أتجه المُشرع المصري- بتاريخ 25/09/2016- إلى إصدار القانون رقم 78 لسنة 2016، والذي ينص على تغليظ العقوبات سالفة الذكر في المادة 242 والتي ورد بها عقوبة السجن أو الغرامة فقط عن مدة السجن، مما يؤدي إلى:
1. تغيير الجريمة من كونها جنحة لتصبح جريمة جنائية،
2. أن تصبح واحدةً من تلك الجرائم التي يُعاقب مرتكبيها على محاولة ارتكابها حتى في حالة عدم استيفاء كامل أركانها،
3. عدم السماح بالمصالحة وتسوية الأمر.
وطُبق ذلك، علاوة على إضافة ظرفين من الظروف المشددة للجريمة، ألا وهي: حدوث عاهة مستديمة للضحية أو وفاتها. ومن ناحية أخرى، أضيفت مادة جديدة للمرة الأولى إلى قانون العقوبات، والتي يُجرم بموجبها أي شخص يطلب إجراء عملية الختان لأنثى، وتُختن بناءً على طلبه.
English to Arabic: Brain Tumor: How to Care for Your Child- Sidra Medicine article General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Brain Tumor: How to Care for Your Child
Your child is ready to leave the hospital. Health care professionals did tests to find out what kind of tumor your child has. When they get the results, they will decide on the best treatment. Until then, follow these instructions to help your child feel better.
• If the health care professional prescribed medicines for pain or nausea, follow the oncology care team's directions on how and when to give them.
• Be sure to check with the care team before giving your child any other medicines.
• Make sure your child goes to all scheduled appointments.
Your child:
• Has worsening headaches.
• Has nausea or throws up.
• Starts having seizures.
• Has seizures that are getting worse.
• Feels weak.
• Has a fever.
• Has any change in behavior.
Your child:
• Has pupils that are different sizes (pupils are the black spots at the center of the eyes).
• Has a severe headache and is throwing up.
• Has a seizure that last longer than 5 minutes.
• Has trouble breathing or is breathing quickly.
• Falls asleep and is hard to wake up.
What can happen with a brain tumor? A tumor can press on the parts of the brain that help the body work. Kids who have a brain tumor might have headaches, feel very tired, lose their appetite, or feel nauseated. Some kids might have blurry vision, trouble focusing, or balance problems.
How are brain tumors treated? Treatments for a brain tumor can include:
• Surgery to remove part or all of the tumor.
• Radiation therapy, a high-energy light that shrinks tumors.
• Chemotherapy, special medicines that shrink tumors.
Translation - Arabic
ورم المخ: كيفية الاهتمام بطفلك
أصبح صغيرك مُستعدًا للخروج من المُستشفى بعد أن خضع للفحوصات التي أجراها أخصائي الرعاية الصحيّة لمعرفة نوع الورم الذي يُعاني منه وبعد ظهور نتائج الفحوصات سيتلقى طفلكِ العلاج المناسب له وحتى ذلك الحين، عليك إتباع التعليمات التالية لمساعدة صغيركِ على التحسن
تعليمات الرعاية
• إذا وصف أخصائي الرعاية الصحية مُسكنات للألم أو للغثيان، اتبع توجيهات فريق الرعاية الخاص بالأورام عن كيفية إعطاء الأدوية.
• استشر فريق الرعاية قبل إعطاء طفلكِ أي أدوية أخرى.
• تأكد من ذهاب طفلك إلى جميع مواعيد زيارات الطبيب
عليك استدعاء مُقدم الرعاية الصحية في حالة:
شعور طفلك:
• باشتداد الصداع
• بالغثيان أو القيء
• بالبدء بنوباتِ صرع
• ازدياد نوبات الصرع سوءًا
• بالضعف والخمول
• الحمى
• بأي تغير في السلوك
توجه إلى غرفة الطوارئ في حالة:
شعور طفلك:
• اختلاف حجم بؤبؤ العيّن (الحدقة) (وهي سواد العين أو إنسان العيّن)
• الصداع الشديد والقيء
• نوبات الصرع التي تستمر أكثر من 5 دقائق
• مشاكل التنفس أو سرعة التنفس
• الشعور بالنُعاس وصعوبة الاستيقاظ
معلومات إضافية
ماذا يحدث في حالات ورم المخ؟
يضغط الورم على أجزاء المخ التي تُساعد بدورها الجسم على العمل. يُعاني الأطفال المصابون بورم المخ من الصداع والتعب والإرهاق وفقدان الشهية أو الشعور بالغثيان وقد يُصاب بعضهم برؤية ضبابيّة ومشاكل في التركيز والاتزان
كيفية معالجة ورم المخ؟
تضمن علاجات ورم المخ ما يلي:
• عملية جراحية لإزالة جزءٍ من الورم أو كله
• العلاج الإشعاعيّ، وهو ضوء ذو طاقة عالية يُساعد على تقلص الأورام
• العلاج الكيميائيّ، أدوية محددة تُساعد على تقلص الأورام.
Arabic to English: Al-Sheikh Kamel Al-Qassab General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Arabic Source available upon request
Translation - English
Translation of the connoisseur Al-Sheikh Kamel Al-Qassab
He is the great scholar, the famous Mujahid, and the conscious political, and the leader of Independence movement, and he is the person, who commands virtue and morality and forbids evils. He has been the leader of Salafis in The Levant for more than fifty years.
He is originally from Homs, he was born in Damascus, and he grew up on religious verdict, then he joined Masjid Alaguibh, devoted himself to knowledge, and he excelled in many fields of science.
He established Al-Kamilia School (1) in Al-Buzuriyah, his school was one of the firsts which released the national believer spirit. In 1914, when the First World War broke out, he joined to Jam’iyat al-’Arabiya al-Fatat Al Serya and he was commissioned to travel to Egypt then he met men of the Hijaz and they agreed on working on the liberation of the Arab countries, he agreed with them on a work plan and he became the person who is trustworthy from Al-Sharif Hussein al-Hashimi during the revolution.
He was captured by Turks, but he was able to get rid of them as he pretended that he was going to Egypt to provide books to his Al-Kamilia school.
At the end of war he went to Mecca, and became a Knowledge Manager- before it has been formed as a minister- then he went back to Damascus. He was one of the most famous men of the national committees which defended its rights and he was the person who instigated the people of The Levant to break the Battle of Maysalun out.
1)) it is the Altnkzip center of Quran and Al-Hadith which was established by Al-The Levant Duty in 728 AH and it was renewed by Al-Shaikh Kamal Al-Qassab in 1329. Many of Syrian leaders studied in this school, such as the leader Abdul Rahman Al-Shahbandar, Kheireddine Al-Zarkali, and Salim Al- Jindy. The school was accredited by the Ottoman Empire, and it accepted who had its certification of faculty of Law and faculty of medicine without taking any test or exam. And it continued in the field of education for more than twenty five years, as a lot of scholars from the Levant studied and graduated from it.
Translation of the martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam (1)
He is the great scholar, the great Mujahid who Allah ended his life with martyrdom and the good deeds, and he is the person, who commands virtue and morality, forbids evils and the fighter of novelty and aberrance in his county Jableh in the Syrian coast, and all over Syria and Palestine.
He learnt in Al-Azhar and one of his fellows was the professor Izz al-Din Almaldin Altnokhi May Allah be merciful to him (2).
He and his father, Al-Shaikh Abdelqader, were teaching people in Masjid Ibrahim ibn Adham, reforming people's creed, and improving their habits, treatments and their acts of devotion. He tried to go for Jihad in Tripoli )Libya) when it was under the Italian occupation, he went to Turkey to seek for weapons from the Ottoman Empire in exchange for money he has collected from people in his country. But he failed in getting weapons and going back to Tripoli to stop the war, so he saved the money for the purposes of Jihad. During the French occupation of the Syrian coast, he and some of his disciples and his father's disciples revolted against them, so that he was chased by the French then he moved to Damascus.
In 1920, when Damascus was occupied by the French, he moved with Al-Qassab to Palestine and he undertook the writing of marriage contracts by a command of Al-Haj Amin al-Husseini on behalf of the judge, as a kind of disguise, in order to be able to work and move in front of the British. He was also working as a preacher in Masjid Al-Esteklal, and he presided over Gam'yet Al-Shoban Al-Muslimin in Haifa.
He was preparing himself to fight against the British and the Jews, but he was martyred treacherously in a valley called Al-Trm in the village of Al-Shaikh. He was died on 23rd Shaaban 1354 AH corresponding to 1935 AD, at the age of fifty-four years old, May Allah be merciful to him.
(1) I mentioned some words about him in the reminiscences of his martyrdom in Damascus, Palestine and Lebanon. As well as I wrote a number of articles about him.
Look at my article about him in " Magalet Al-Aman" , the honorable magazine, the edition No. 130 dated on 11/11/1994 AD and my book " Al- Malhozat Ala' Al- Mawsoa' Al-Falstynia" 36,37, 63, 104, and 202.
(2) He is originally from Abey in Lebanon, but his grandfather immigrated to Damascus because of disputes with families and he was one of the great men of knowledge, religion and Da'waa to Islam May Allah be merciful to him.
And my brother the scholar, historian and ascetic, Mr. Mohammed Saeed Al-Tantawi wrote a precious letter about him that was published within the book of (Rsaa'l Msjd Aljama'h) in the second section, page 321, which was printed by the Islamic office, it includes:
"He and his all brothers were living with their children in Haifa, in only on home, they were eating together… and all money was given to him to add it to the great income which he earned from teaching, marriages contract and the job… and he was buying weapons by the remaining money for Al-Jihad.. And he sold his home and bought with its price twenty-four guns.
He was fighting novelty and calling for avoiding it, he also prevented a lot of novelties which were used to be done in Al-Masajid, in order to that, some of the ignorant who support novelty were agitated against him. They still conspired against him till he was deposed from the oratory, but they failed as he came back again to the oratory, against their will. They tried another way of conspiracy, when a mercenary orator stood on the pulpit, but people forced him to go out and Al-Shaikh stood on the pulpit instead of him.
He speech denying the people who walked at the funeral of Abbas Bahaa AlKiadena (1) ,he also denied the establishment of (Amod Faisal) (2) statue in station square and he refused to speech in the ceremony"
His bright biography was mentioned in all what were written about Palestine.
The virtuous educator, Abdul Rahman Tawfiq Albany, May Allah protects him, guided me to a poem in which the Lebanese poet Fouad Khatib commiserated him:
He called it: "Masra' Batal" "The killing of a hero", here are some of them.
(1) Abdul-Baha Abbas Bin Mirza Hussein Al-Baha'i, he died in Haifa in 1340 AH – 1921 AD.
(2) He is the King Faisal Bin Al-Hussein al-Hashimi the king of Syria then Iraq, he died in 1352 AH – 1933 AD
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Education Dep. of English
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Mar 2015.
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