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English to French: Kingdom Come: Deliverance General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English When I left the village, I came upon a crossroads and didn't know which way to go. So I fell on my knees and prayed. And my prayer was heard, for the finger of Christ rose from the ground to show the right path. On I went, through this sinful land, and suddenly I heard the sound of a thousand-headed crowd at work, and I saw their queen and their towers. I journeyed further on and all at once there rose from the ground the jaws of the Behemoth, and his broken teeth jutted up to the heavens like the tombstones of the Moabites. So I went through the mouth of the beast. And by the road I saw the abode of the Apostles Peter and Andrew. I was hungry, so I took the fruits of their labours and filled my belly. Then I left their house and saw two widows weeping and keening. I wept with them and they let me sleep in their shadow.
I went further along the edge of the world and saw the ribs of the great Leviathan washed up by the sea! Then I saw two bridges over the River Jordan, and the Devil tempted me and tried to lure me to the one on the right. But I saw through his deception and went against his will. And then I finally saw it - the gateway to the Garden of Paradise, abundant with foliage. It was guarded by men of straw, but they saw I was a good Christian and let me enter therein.
These were the last words uttered by the heretic Peter of Hradek, for he did then breathe his last. The Vicar did then state that his death was surely the work of Lucifer, to silence his tongue before the ears of the servants of God. The Executioner thereupon took umbrage and made conceited objections, for which his wage was cut by three Groschen and he was admonished not to repeat such remarks, especially in the presence of a Servant of Holy Mother Church. The body of the heretic was buried outside the cemetery wall as befits, so that it should not corrupt hallowed ground. Thereby the Case of the Heretic Peter of Hradek was brought to a close in accordance with Ecclesiastical Law.
Translation - French En quittant le village, je me suis retrouvé à une intersection sans savoir quelle route emprunter. Je me suis alors agenouillé en prière. Mon oraison a été entendue, puisque le doigt du Christ s'est élevé des entrailles de la Terre pour me montrer la bonne voie. Je traversais cette terre de débauche quand soudain, j'ai entendu la clameur d'un millier de personnes, j'ai aperçu leur reine et leurs tours. J'ai poursuivi mon chemin jusqu'à ce que brusquement, la mâchoire du Béhémoth jaillisse du sol, ses crocs cassés touchant les cieux tels les sépultures des Moabites. Je me suis alors engouffré dans la gueule de la bête. Près de la route, j'ai vu la demeure des apôtres Pierre et André. Affamé que j'étais, j'ai pris le fruit de leur labeur pour me remplir l'estomac. En quittant leur maison, j'ai aperçu deux veuves en pleurs. J'ai joint leurs lamentations et elles m'ont laissé m'assoupir dans leur ombre.
En continuant à longer la lisière du monde, j'ai vu les côtes du monstrueux Léviathan, charriées sur la rive par les flots ! Puis je suis arrivé devant deux ponts qui traversaient le Jourdain et le Diable a tout fait pour que j'emprunte celui de droite. Décelant sa duperie, j'ai fait tout l'inverse. C'est alors que je l'ai enfin aperçue : la porte du jardin d'Éden au feuillage luxuriant. Elle était gardée par des hommes de paille qui, voyant en moi un bon chrétien, m'ont laissé entrer.
Ces mots sont les derniers prononcés par l'hérétique Pierre de Hradek poussant alors son ultime soupir. Le vicaire déclara par la suite que sa mort était sûrement l'œuvre de Lucifer, de façon à le réduire au silence devant les oreilles des serviteurs de Dieu. Le bourreau a à cet instant fit des objections prétentieuses à ce sujet, ce qui lui valut une diminution de son salaire de trois groschen et un avertissement de ne pas répéter de telles remarques à l'avenir, particulièrement en présence d'un serviteur de la sainte mère l'Église. Comme il sied, le corps de l'hérétique fut enterré à l'extérieur des murs du cimetière, de sorte qu'il ne puisse corrompre le sol sanctifié. L'affaire de l'hérétique Pierre de Hradek est ainsi close conformément à la loi ecclésiastique.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Littoral (Boulogne sur Mer)
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Apr 2015. Became a member: Jan 2018.
Spanish to French (ULCO (france), verified) Spanish to French (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Spanish to French (Université d'Artois, verified) English to French (ULCO (france), verified) English to French (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
marketing, mobile apps, video games, human resources, software, advertising, SEO, fintech, business, multimedia, media/press, e-commerce, electrical vehicles and mobility, software, hardware, UX/UI Design, IT, tourism, crypto, casino/betting, blockchain, sport, education, technical and audiovisual, online training, online courses, betting, casino, business solutions, press, dating, social media, virtual reality, hospitality, cartoons, automotive industry, insurance, terms of services, e-marketing, environment, cloud computing, data centers, management, e-learning, renewable energies, market studies, workstations...
Software and CAT tools: SDL Trados Studio, Memsource, Lokalise, Phrase, Crowdin, MemoQ, SmartCAT, Lingohub, Notion, Déjàvu, Xbench, HTML knowledge
Dozen of thousands of translations delivered including hundreds of websites up to 2,5 million words, around 30 million words from English / Spanish, and 40 million words proofread for an important portfolio. Independent, responsible for my key customers’ translations, guaranteeing quality across diverse formats: websites, apps, software solutions, game content localisation, litterature, manuals, brochures, flyers, posts, press articles, scripts, blogs, etc.
I am responsive, reliable, true to the subject matter while capable of creative literary adaptation, and always meet my deadlines. I want to devote myself to important projects for international companies and agencies to reach my potential over the long term.
Professional Experience
2014-onwards: Freelance translator, localiser and proofreader - English / Spanish to French
Contextualisation and paralinguistic approach, researching and making the most of existing resources through the creation a knowledge source folder
Video game translation manager: complete localisation of the game "Kingdom Come: Deliverance" by Warhorse Studio from English to French 100% of the content translated - menu, dialogue, tutorials, advertising - several million words
Delivered on time with 100% customer satisfaction, a very positive reception from the French press, and over 6 million copies sold 3 years of alpha and beta development through team feedback, commercial release 02/2018 Promotion of the game, website, and YouTube channel Contract renewal after release for the translation of downloadable content (4 DLC packages)
Multimedia translation manager: computer programs/softwares, Android or iOS mobile applications, computer hardware, Windows and Android applications
- Tight deadlines Adapting my schedule for regular monitoring and customer support: Microsoft, Sony, Intel, R2Games, GameHouse, 13amGames, Kaspersky, Tidal, UEFA, XBOX, Amazon, Samsung, Facebook, Huffington Post, Oracom, CanalJ
Video game localizer for mobile, PC, and consoles Multiple formats: web, scripts, interviews, seminars, conferences, product sheets, glossaries
Translator in tourism and hospitality sector: translation of tourist brochures and advertisements for the Canary Islands Tourism Office 100% deadline compliance, recurring customer Product sheets, activity leaflets, hiking and excursions guides, restaurant menus
2014 English / Spanish to French translator
International Association of Translators, Interpreters, and languages teachers of the Canary Islands (AI-TI)
Multi-support translation: tourism brochures, websites, guides for Tourism Offices and Travel Agencies
Management while working with a team to manage and coordinate projects
2013 Teacher of French as a foreign language
French Programme Manager, delivering French classes to pre-teens and adults
EdukaWorld Language Academy- Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
Creation of teaching materials, methodology implementation Groups of 6-8 people across 4 levels
2012 Trilingual guide, Support and information
Elder Museum of Science & Technology,- Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
500 people guided, groups of up to 30 children - 5 to 16 year olds, and individual adults
Education Languages - Skills- Status
2014: M.A. Languages and Digital Technologies Translation, adaptation: English / Spanish University of Littoral, Boulogne/Mer
2012: Bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpreting English/Spanish Universidad de Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
2011: Bachelor’s degree in Foreign Languages Applied to International Trade Speciality Civilisation/translation - English/Spanish University of Artois - Arras
2008: Economic and Social Baccalauréat Languages: English/Spanish Bruay-La-Buissière Secondary School
Translation areas: Multimedia, video games for PC, mobile, and console (RPG/MMORPG/SPORT/ADVENTURE/FIGHTING), tourism, marketing, business, education, e-commerce, sports (Formula 1, soccer), science & innovation, toys, board games, IT, audiovisual
Areas of Specialization: Windows and Android/iOS software and apps, press articles, slogans, website content, blogs, brochures, technical, industrial manuals, print and web press, flyers, e-shopping, ebooks, betting and online casinos, marketing, mobile apps, video games, human resources, software, advertising, SEO, fintech, business, multimedia, media/press, e-commerce, electrical vehicles and mobility, software, hardware , UX/UI Design, IT, tourism, crypto, casino/betting blockchain, sport, education, technical and audiovisual, online training, online courses, betting, casino, business solutions, press, dating, social media, virtual reality, hospitality, cartoons, automotive industry, insurance, terms of services, e-marketing, environment, cloud computing, data centers, management, e-learning, renewable energies, market studies, workstations...
Organisation: working directly in CAT tools, Word, Excel, PowerPoint or via HTML Microsoft Office Suite: Excel, Word, PowerPoint Adobe, Indesign Suite
- Spanish Bilingual professional 4 years of foreign travel: Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Latin America - English Bilingual professional 1,5 year of foreign travel in the USA. Used every day
Interests: Foreign languages and cultures, video games, New Technologies of Information and Communication, cinema, marketing, advertising techniques
Keywords: french, french translator, french editor, french proofreader, proofreading, french localisation, french localization, french localizer, french literature, french linguist. See more.french, french translator, french editor, french proofreader, proofreading, french localisation, french localization, french localizer, french literature, french linguist, french top translator, french best translator, best french native, french certified, french qualifications, quality french, traductor francés, francés, español a francés, traductor bilingue francés, videojuegos francés, turismo francés, francia, traductor francia, telenovelas, doblaje francés, technology, IT, community manager, software, web, tourism, localization, localisation, localizer, marketing, mobile, education, human resources, app, android, iOs, game, videogames, gaming, mmo, rpg, sports, technical, press, advertising, games, board games, litterature, literary french, press, media, brochure, manual, bachelor, master, scripts, steam, cinema, geek, board, casinos, book, e-book, trados, trados french, memsource, lokalise, science, memoQ, sports, football, crypto, betting, tutorial, fashion, poker french, french agency, gamer, geek, french subtitling, mobile app, review, hospitality, telenovelas, english into french, spanish into french, spanish bilingual, english bilingual, french videogame, warhorse, french studios, french degree, slot machine, french professional, français, traducteur français, app localization, mobile, software solutions french, HR french, human ressources french, fr, fr proofreader, fr translator, fr gaming, proz best french, proz french linguist, blueboard french, french rating, blueboard best translator, certified french, certified translator, SEO french, french quote, french proof, crypto, currency, lokalise, crowdin, trados, memsource, smarcat. See less.