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Chinese to English: Data analysis sample General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - Chinese 本文主要利用非參數化方法於頻譜估測之模態參數識別。在頻域分析中,大部分的量測訊號透過快速傅立葉轉換,將時間訊號轉換到頻率域上,可能會發生洩漏效應,造成後續模態參數識別的誤差。本文利用非參數化方法中的Welch's method,來抑制洩漏現象發生,並提出改良多參考點最小二乘複頻域法的加權函數,以及用circular overlap的方式來改良Welch's method以提高識別結果的精度。
Translation - English The purpose of this study was the application of a non-parametric method to identify the modal parameters for spectrum estimation. In frequency domain analysis, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is generally used to plot time signals within measurement data into a frequency domain. This process is prone to leakage, leading to errors in subsequent modal parameter identification. In this study, we used the non-parametric Welch's method to suppress the occurrence of the leakage effect. We also proposed a weight function to improve the pre-existing poly-reference least squares complex frequency domain method and a circular overlap method to enhance the identification accuracy of the Welch's method.
Chinese to English: Open data sample General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - Chinese 政府資訊公開、資料開放透明,是促進公民參與的第一步,我國自 101 年起 開始推動政府資料開放,建立整合各機關及地方政府開放資料之「政府資料開放平臺」(以下簡稱本平臺),本平臺以開放格式提供資料,且以無償方式、不可撤回、開放授權原則,透過資訊公開與資料開放,滿足民間「知」與「用」的權利。
經由機關及民間共同努力,我國政府資料開放推動成果獲國際多項肯定,開放知識基金會(Open Data International)舉辦之全球開放資料指標(Global Open Data Index),我國蟬聯全球第一(2015 年、2016/2017 年);我國六都簽署國際開放資料憲章(Open Data Charter),為亞洲率先簽署之城市;公私協力所訂定並成為我國開放資料權利義務基礎的「政府資料開放授權條款」,亦獲國際開放授權(Open Definition)之認證。
同時,為兼顧開放資料之質與量,已建立資料品質標章及獎勵機制,截至 108 年 12 月底,政府資料開放平臺累計開放超過 43,700 項資料集,其中 73%已符合 資料品質金標章。惟目前尚待改善問題包含: 1.開放資料以靜態資料為大宗,動態 API 比例尚低,資料可用性尚有提升空間。 2.現有開放資料應用價值,未完全契合民間應用發展所需。 3.現行機關資料內容格式不一,不利於跨機關資料整合應用。
Translation - English The accessibility and transparency of government data are the first steps toward promoting civic engagement. Since the Taiwanese government announced the promotion of open government data in 2012, the open data of various government agencies and local governments have been consolidated into an open government data platform (hereinafter referred to as “the Platform”). The Platform offers free, irrevocable, and sublicensable data in an open format. Through data disclosure and transparency, the right of the people to access and use data is upheld.
Thanks to the collective efforts of the public and private sectors, Taiwan has gained extensive international recognition for its promotion of open government data. Taiwan ranks first on the Global Open Data Index (2015 and 2016/2017) hosted by the Open Knowledge Foundation. In addition, the six special municipalities of Taiwan were among the first cities in Asia to sign the International Open Data Charter, and the Open Government Data License, a framework for open data rights and obligations in Taiwan jointly established by the private and public sectors, was certified by the Open Definition Advisory Council.
Furthermore, an accompanying data quality label and incentive system were introduced to ensure both the quality and quantity of the data. As of the end of 2019, there were 43,700 datasets on offer on the Platform. Of these, 73% meet the gold label for data quality. However, the following problems remain to be addressed: (1) Open data are mostly static data. The proportion of dynamic APIs remains low, and there is room for improvement in terms of data usability. (2) Open data have yet to fully meet the utilization and development needs of the public sector. (3) The data content and formats adopted by various government agencies are inconsistent, which hinders cross-agency consolidation and utilization.
Chinese to English: Medical sample General field: Medical
Translation - English Two cases of anaphylactic shock caused by liposomal doxorubicin injection
Liposomal doxorubicin uses liposomes as carriers. Encapsulating doxorubicin effectively increases drug concentration within tumor tissue while significantly reducing toxic side effects. Compared to its non-liposomal counterparts, liposomal doxorubicin has a relatively low risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), including leukopenia, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and infection[1]. It is currently widely used in the treatment of various malignant tumors. This article reports on two cases of liposomal doxorubicin-induced anaphylactic shock to raise awareness on the risks of drug administration and prevention and provide a reference for safe clinical drug administration.
1. Case data
1.1 Case 1
The patient was a 32-year-old female who intermittent fever for over a month. During which, she received a right cervical lymph node biopsy at an external hospital. Pathological results indicated mixed cellularity Hodgkin's lymphoma. For further treatment, the patient was admitted to the China-Japan Union Hospital of Jilin University on March 16, 2017. Admission examination: blood pressure (BP) (BP) 120/80 mmHg (1mmHg=0.133 kPa), body temperature (T) 36.5℃, heart rate (HR) 90 beats/min, respiration rate (R) 19 times/min, lucid and articulate, acceptable conditions. Admission blood routine: white blood cell (WBC) count 7.31×109/L, hemoglobin (Hb) 100.4g/L, and platelet (PLT) count 375×109/L. Coagulation routine: fibrinogen (FIB) 5.51g/L, prothrombin time (PT) 15.5 s, and international normalized ratio (INR) 1.48. No liver or kidney dysfunction or abnormal electrocardiography results were observed. No abnormal bone marrow results were observed.
Chinese to English: Seismic studies sample General field: Science
Source text - Chinese 橋梁地震損害預測推論模式之研究
橋梁除具有跨越河川及山谷、連絡外地之功能外,隨著工商業之發達,亦也負擔起維繫經濟動脈之重要使命,面對人煙稀少的偏遠地區,橋梁更成為人民生命物資補給或產品輸出入之重要維生管。故許多研究學者即針對橋梁健康狀態建立定性或定量指標,並發展橋梁劣化模式以作為橋梁維護管理策略依據。Yi Jiang el al.(1988)將橋梁狀態利用定性指標將橋梁分為0 to 9共10個級距,並利用印第安那州公路橋梁管理系統橋梁檢測結果,建構橋梁劣化之transition probability matrix of the Markov chain,以預測橋梁劣化狀況,亦有其他學者(Morcous, G., (2006))利用Markov chain進行橋面板劣化預測。Tserng et al.(2007、2009)利用橋梁目視檢查建立橋梁各構建健康指標,並利用統計迴歸分析掌握橋梁腐蝕劣化趨勢。M. S. Elhag and Ying-Ming Wang(2007) 利用風險因子及分類評估評估橋梁風險分數,並利用類神經網路進行橋梁狀態預測。Huang(2010)以透過ANOVA分析找出11 個對橋面版劣化有顯著的因子,並將這11個因子作為類神經網路之輸入,預測橋梁劣化狀態。
Translation - English Modeling Prediction of Bridge Deterioration Considering Aging and Seismic Hazards
Bridges provide passage across rivers and valleys and establish external communication channels. Amidst perpetual industrial and commercial development, bridges have also become structures that facilitate economic development. In remote and scarcely populated regions, bridges are the crucial channel for the acquisition of essential supplies and export of local products. Therefore, many scholars have established qualitative and quantitative indicators to assess bridge health and developed bridge development models to serve as references for the formulation of bridge maintenance and management strategies. Jiang et al. (1988) used qualitative indicators to assess bridge conditions in 10 levels (Level 0 to Level 9). The Indiana Bridge Management System was used to assess the findings and establish a transition probability matrix of the Markov chain for assessing bridge deterioration conditions. Morcous (2006) applied a Markov-chain model to predict the deterioration of bridge decks. Tserng et al. (2007, 2009) adopted a visual bridge inspection approach to establish various bridge health indicators and statistical regression analysis to determine the corrosion and deterioration trends of bridges. Elhag and Wang (2007) analyzed risk factors and risk categories to calculate the risk scores of bridges and adopted an artificial neural network to predict bridge conditions. Huang (2010) performed an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and identified 11 significant factors influencing the deterioration of bridge decks.
Chinese to English: Government/toiurism sample General field: Social Sciences
Source text - Chinese
Translation - English
Chinese to English: Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Chinese
Translation - English
Chinese to English: Marketing sample General field: Marketing
Source text - Chinese 有時候,我們所在意的,所希望突破的
Translation - English Sometimes, the breakthroughs that we are trying to make are quite subtle that not everyone will be able to appreciate them. The people around us may not be able to understand the significance of investing so much effort into these things.
Nonetheless, just like any change, the changes that fuel human progress arise from unique differences, perhaps slightly crazy differences, differences that take us beyond our current understanding.
As the world embraces convenience, it becomes more and more similar and uniform. Eventually, our ability to judge value and our awareness of differences begin to erode. At stake are humanity’s most valuable ideals and irreplaceable feelings, attitudes, and beliefs.
Chinese to English: Culture/art/anthropology sample General field: Art/Literary
Source text - Chinese 貴州省黔西縣化屋村苗族服裝「裙背花」圖紋造型、內涵與製作工藝之研究
Translation - English A Study on the Pattern Styles, Content, and Technique of the “Embroidered Rear Skirt Panels” Worn by the Miao People of the Huawu Village, Qianxi Country, Guizhou Province, China
Findings revealed that the Miao people residing in Huawu Village (hereafter referred to as “Huawu Miao people”) preferred to decorate their rear panels with a rooster-like bird pattern, which is a combination of the rooster and the long-tailed bird often seen in the village. The quilting techniques and colors used by the Huawu Miao women are similar to those observed in the Chu art of the pre-Qin era. Rear panel patterns often illustrate “twin birds” or “birds and dragons,” both of which represent procreation. The Huawu Village is extremely secluded, and the population is relatively small. Local people use the “twin-bird” and the “bird-dragon” patterns to pray for fertility and procreation.
Huawu Miao women employ two edge-to-edge quilting techniques unique to their subgroup, specifically, the “straight-stitch flower appliqué technique” and “horsetail hair edge-stitch reverse appliqué technique (horsetail hairs are concealed in the edge stitch).” Huawu Miao women are proficient in creating stereoscopic effects using these quilting techniques. A field survey was performed to record how local women embroidered their rear panels. The survey results were collated in the present study to propose a detailed account of the two edge-to-edge quilting techniques used in the embroidering of rear panels.
Chinese to English: Legal sample General field: Law/Patents
Source text - Chinese 非實施專利實體之專利訴訟實證分析
近年來專利訴訟已經普遍成為一種商業競爭手段,並根據美國會計事務所PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) 2015年專利訴訟報告指出從1991年開始平均專利訴訟年成長率為7.1%,也就是專利訴訟案件數量每年以7.1%的成長速度持續增加,由此可見專利訴訟逐漸成為科技產業各廠商的科技主要戰場,甚至有些公司以專利訴訟獲利超過實際銷售產品之收益。其中,結合科學研究機構、法律專家及投資人的新興專利中介者---非實施專利實體,該實體以專利訴訟作為獲取財務價值的主要手段之一,一般企業在面對NPEs所造成爭議,至今仍是方興未艾的問題。故本文著重NPEs其訴訟行為,並深入探討NPEs擁有的專利其涉及專利侵權訴訟的程度。NPEs又俗稱做Patent Trolls。然而,Patent Trolls一詞具有貶義,曾經公開點名並評斷這些所謂Patent Trolls的Cisco專利律師,被遭受點名之公司提起誹謗告訴。是故往後都以中性詞彙「NPEs」來稱呼此類的專利權人。但是,NPEs的字面定義過於廣義,其中包含專利主張實體、專利仲介公司、專利授權公司、獨立發明人、學校與研究機構等實體。然而,大學與研究機構本身就不是將專利商品化,從事製造、生產、販售等商業行為,若只因授權行為而被冠上NPEs,實屬不妥。再根據Federal Trade Commission對於 PAEs的定義:該公司的商業模式是藉由購買專利,然後對準備實施專利的團體伸張智慧財產權來獲取利潤。由此定義本篇的研究主體更符合PAEs的定義,是故本篇後續提到之NPEs為狹義定義,將其限縮於從事收購專利,並透過專利授權與訴訟獲取主要利潤的事業體。
Translation - English An Empirical Analysis of the Patent Litigation of Non-Practicing Entities
1. Introduction
Patent litigation has become a common business strategy in recent years. According to the 2015 Patent Litigation Study published by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of patent litigation is 7.1%. In other words, the number of litigation cases is increased by a rate of 7.1% each year. These statistics clearly show that patent litigation is gradually becoming a battlefield for vendors in the technology industry. For some companies, the award for winning patent litigations even outweigh that of actual product sales. This trend has fueled the collaboration of scientific research institutes, legal experts, and investors to form patent intermediaries, or non-practicing entities (NPEs). One of the main objectives of these entities is to capitalize on patent litigation. Allegations by NPEs are becoming an increasingly troublesome issue for general companies. This study aims to examine the litigation behavior of NPEs and comprehensively investigate the patent ownership of NPEs and their involvement in patent infringement litigation. NPEs are commonly referred to as patent trolls. However, the term “patent troll” is derogatory. Cisco Patent Lawyers was previously criticized and denounced as being a patent troll. The company responded by suing the accuser for defamation. Thereafter, NPEs became the neutral term in reference to this type of patent owner. However, NPEs is a broad term that encompasses patent assertion entities (PAEs), patent brokerage firms, patent licensing firms, independent inventors, and universities and research institutions. However, universities and research institutions seldom commercialize their patents or engage in business activities, such as manufacturing, production, and sales. Therefore, classifying universities and research institutions for licensing their patents to others is seemingly incorrect. The Federal Trade Commission defined PAEs as businesses that acquire patents and seek to generate revenue by asserting them against alleged infringers. The entities examined in this study fit the definition of PAE better than that of NPE. Therefore, the NPEs mentioned in the following sections refer to entities that acquire patents and seek to generate revenue through patent licensing and patent litigation.
English to Chinese: 數位轉型翻譯作品 General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - English Taipei, Sept. 14, 2020—The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a surge in the trend toward digital transformation as businesses have had to pursue new and innovative strategies to keep operations running smoothly during lockdowns. Nowhere was this made clearer than at the Digital Transformation: When Imagination Meets Reality seminar held in Taipei on September 9.
The hybrid webinar was co-organized by the Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency and the Hungarian Trade Office in Taipei with partners Start-up Island, Innovex, Computex, the Taipei Computer Association, and Digital Success Nonprofit, LTD. Led off by keynote speakers from both countries, the even featured a mix of local and remote presentations by eleven Taiwanese and Hungarian startups and scale-ups that explored the opportunities offered by digital transformation.
The event offered insights into digital transformation, explored ways in which tech startups and scale-ups use new technologies to transform ideas into reality, and provided business collaboration opportunities to ICT professionals, venture capitalists, and industry professionals.
Cheng-mount Cheng, Deputy Minister of National Development Council and CEO of ASVDA, and Hungarian Trade Office Deputy Representative Lili Siklós gave the opening remarks. Deputy Minister Cheng noted that with 4.4% of the global market share of IoT production, Taiwan is a major player in digital transformation worldwide. According to this year’s IDC Spending Guide, global spending on digital transformation will grow by 10.4% to 1.3 trillion USD this year, and digital transformation will add 2.6-3.1 trillion USD to Asia Pacific GDP by 2024. Taiwan, as a capital-rich country with a strong and responsive supply chain that offers quick turnaround, thrives in this kind of market, making it a great place for start-ups to engage in fundraising and for businesses to set up facilities.
Deputy Representative Siklós stressed the importance of collaborating with global partners. She also noted that Hungary has been instrumental in helping to set up several digital innovation hubs in Europe specializing in fintech, medical technology, etc., which function as centers where startups can find investors or enter into joint collaborations and pool resources bring their ideas to fruition.
Keynote speakers at the event included Jobbágy László, managing director of Digital Success Nonprofit, LTD, and Steven Ho, managing director of institutional banking group DBS. László addressed his remarks remotely, noting that the world has already changed in ways that could not have been imagined even a decade ago, and that traditional brick and mortar businesses that didn’t invest in an online presence then are falling behind, particularly since the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic. László pointed out that the future belongs to those who can adapt to and take advantage of digital transformation, and that, as small, resource-poor countries, Hungary and Taiwan share similarities in relying on technology development to survive.
László was followed in his keynote address by DBS managing director Steven Ho, who during his 30 years in banking has experienced the digital transformation process first-hand in the banking companies he worked in. Ho, who has volunteered at incubator Garage + since 2016, noted that new companies have the advantage of already being digital, and that older companies that have survived the disruptions caused by digital transformation are those that invested in an online presence early and then kept innovating.
Following the keynote addresses, representatives of five Hungarian startups and six Taiwanese startups presented online or in-person pitches along with booth displays that offered insights into their products for those interested in partnering with or investing in their businesses.
Translation - Chinese 2020年9月14日台北— Covie-19 疫情帶動數位轉型趨勢,企業被迫採取創新策略,才能在封城期間維持穩健營運。而這點在9月9日於台北舉辦的《數位轉型:想像與現實》研討會上清楚體現。
這場混合型研討會由亞洲.矽谷計畫執行中心和匈牙利貿易辦事處共同主辦,並與 Start-up Island、Innovex、Computex、台北市電腦公會,以及 Digital Success Nonprofit Ltd. 合作舉辦。除了兩國講者的專題演講外,活動還有來自台灣和匈牙利 11 家新創和成長公司帶來的精彩現場和線上分享,探討數位轉型提供的機會。
國家發展委員會副主任委員兼矽谷計畫執行中心執行長鄭貞茂與匈牙利貿易辦事處副代表李莉 (Lili Siklós) 致開幕詞。鄭副主委提到,台灣在物聯網生產上享有 4.4% 全球市占率,是全球數位轉型的重要參與者。根據今年 IDC 研究報告指出,全球數位轉型技術和服務支出將成長 10.4%,達到 1.3 兆美元;數位轉型將在 2024 年為亞太地區 GDP 帶來 2.6 兆至 3.1 兆美元的成長。台灣資本豐富且擁有強大、反應迅速的供應鏈提供快速周轉,能在如此市場茁壯發展,非常適合新創公司在此進行募資、企業設置廠房。
研討會專題演講則邀請到 Digital Success Nonprofit Ltd. 執行董事 Jobbágy László 和機構銀行集團星展銀行董事總經理何子明進行分享。László 透過遠端視訊分享,提到世界已改變非常多,這些都是十年前無法想像的。傳統實體企業若還沒投資線上業務,早已遠遠落後,尤其是在 Covid-19 疫情爆發後。他也指出,未來屬於可以調整且善用數位轉型的人。匈牙利和台灣都是小型且資源缺乏的國家,兩國十分相似,都透過科技茁壯發展。
László 演講後,由星展銀行董事總經理何子明進行專題演講。何子明在銀行業擁有 30 年的資歷,第一手體驗到他所在銀行的數位轉型歷程。他 2016 年開始在創業育成中心 Garage + 志願服務,指出新公司的優勢在於可以一開始就數位化;而老公司之所以能從數位轉型帶來的破壞中存活下來,則是因為及早投資線上且不斷創新。
English to Chinese: 口服懸液使用說明翻譯作品 General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English 1. Important: Mix the Repotrectinib oral suspension by gently inverting the bottle 15 times. Avoid
shaking vigorously.
Note: Please notify the study doctor and/or study staff immediately if you receive a bottle that is
broken, cracked, leaking or otherwise not intact. The study doctor will determine if replacement
bottles are needed.
2. Let the bottle sit for approximately two minutes before use.
3. Open the bottle by pushing down on the child-resistant cap and turning the cap counter-clockwise.
4. Place the bottle on a flat surface. Hold the bottle upright with one hand.
Note: For daily dosing 1
mL use a 5 mL oral syringe included in the kit.
5. Push the air out of the oral syringe by pushing the plunger down with your other hand.
Note: Ensure the syringe cap has been removed. Keep out of reach of children.
English to Chinese: 仿生科技/農業科學翻譯作品 General field: Science
Source text - English An intelligent soilless garden to grow your own healthy vegetables
Hexagro Urban Farming offers systems and
services to create collaborative farming networks for people living in urban areas: consumers and producers of fresh food. Unlike traditional farming, our high-yield farming systems don't need pesticides. A new and interactive way to have a garden at home or business. It is a modular and automatized groundless system which allows its user to scale-up until reaching a “tree” configuration; also, it adapts to the desired crop type to grow and environmental conditions.
The Living Farming Tree is a product inspired on Biomimicry metholody using strategies to save space in an efficient way like Honneybee Hives and Guanacaste Trees. Thanks to its effcient use of space, it is capable of growing 120 plants in the full configuration of 20 modules.
It is “living” because it interacts with the user through an App and visual patierns that express the current state of the system. Hexagro Urban Farmers (producers) will be able to payback their systems and scale-up atier vegetable consumers in the same area purchase the production via our Online Network. Our vision is to develop solutions that allow anybody, anywhere access to healthy, fresh and nutritious food.
English to Chinese: 網站翻譯作品 General field: Marketing
Source text - English
Translation - Chinese
English to Chinese: 宗教文化翻譯作品 General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Religion
Source text - English Sikunshen Longshan Temple
Sikunshen Longshan Temple was the first temple in Taiwan dedicated to the worship of Master Qingshui, a Buddhist monk who lived in China a thousand years ago.
Early History
In the 1600s, the village of Sikunshen was part of a long, narrow island separated from Tainan by a large bay known as the Inland Sea. At the time, the Dutch occupied Tainan, using the sheltered bay as a base for trade with China and Japan. In 1661, Chinese warlord Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga) invaded. After quickly taking control of Tainan, he established a headquarters here and set siege to the nearby Anping Fort, the last stronghold of the Dutch.
When Dutch leader Frederick Coyett surrendered nearly a year later, it was on this spot that he signed the formal documents ceding the island to Chinese control. Koxinga later rewarded the men under his command with land grants, and it was these early Chinese settlers who first constructed Sikunshen Longshan Temple in 1665.
The Temple and its Artifacts
The building has been renovated and enlarged several times since, most recently in 1987, when it was almost entirely rebuilt. The god effigies and the temple’s ancient artifacts have all been carefully preserved. Traditionally, temples in Taiwan are constructed as three separate halls divided by courtyards to let in light. Here, however, the front hall, prayer area, and main shrine are combined into a single large, enclosed space. This more modern design protects the temple and its treasures from the effects of weather.
Visitors will find a carving of a dragon by the rightward of the three temple doors (always the entrance), while the wall next to the left-hand door (the exit) is carved into the image of a tiger. The central entryway is reserved for the gods.
As in most Buddhist temples the doors to the gods’ entrance are painted with images of the Buddhist generals Heng and Ha. The entry and exit doors at Longshan Temple, however, sport fantastic depictions of demons. These are the demons who once challenged the temple’s chief god, Master Qingshui, to a fight for supremacy. After a week-long battle in a cave full of fire and smoke, the Buddhist master endured and finally subdued them, and ever since, they have remained his most faithful guardians.
The door gods were painted by Pan Yue-hsiung, one of the most celebrated temple artisans of modern times. An earlier set of temple doors are now housed in the second-floor gallery on the left. Painted by Pan’s even more famous father, Pan Li-shui, they, too, depict the demons, and the younger Pan’s work is in many ways a tribute to the elder artist.
The antique palanquins used to carry the gods in temple processions are also kept to the left of the main shrine area. All three palanquins date from 1872.
Chinese to English (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) English to Chinese (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters)
Adobe Photoshop, CafeTran Espresso, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordbee
A list of TOPICS that I’ve worked on in 2020 are provided below:
General Translation:Degree certificates, driver’s license, food labels, identification documents, marital documents, birth certificates, death certificates, immigration documents, visa applications, crisis reports, certificate of gratitude, household registration transcript, proof of employment, retirement certificate
Government and Legal:Application forms, application guidelines, COVID-19 policies, website localization, National Health Insurance annual report, terms of services, affidavits, purchase agreements, privacy policies, user agreements
Science and Technology:Data mining, geostatistics, machine learning, data compression, bioinformatics, pattern recognition, cluster analysis, spatial statistics, performance prediction, data modeling, complementation, information cues, Fast Fourier Transform, spectrum estimation, SoC, NoC, task mapping, dynamic voltage frequency scaling, heuristic algorithms, genetic algorithms, antenna-in-package, 5G architecture, Bluetooth, visual reaction training, badminton, training aid
Sustainable Technology:Wind farm operational guidelines, turbine specifications, offshore foundation construction, substation construction
Business and Marketing:CSR reports, annual reports, audit reports, promotional websites, speaker autobiography, event introduction, customer satisfaction survey
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering:Tungsten inert gas welding, friction stir welding, remote sensing, radiative transfer, Monte Carlo, critical length determination, fault analysis, failure analysis, heat regenerative combustion solutions, polymer composite, insulation coatings, inorganic and organic materials, visible light transmittance, residual stress
A list of BRANDS that I’ve worked on in 2020 are provided below:
Fitbit, Netflix, Twitch, Tesla, Facebook, Tzu Chi Foundation, TestRite
“Jackson and I were part of the in-house translator team at Wallace Academic Editing. He demonstrated excellent translation as well as proofreading skills, in addition to being a great team player who was communicative, resourceful, and receptive to feedback. Jackson also showed strong work ethics and multitasking skills, capable of juggling various projects at the same time. I learned a great amount from Jackson as both a colleague and friend.”
“I worked with Jackson Yang on the Naplan Project at Fuji Xero a couple of years ago. He had the most knowledge of the programs and systems, He is friendly courtesy and extremely well liked. His skill level was very high and his professionalism to everyone was exceptional.”
References available upon request
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