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English to Spanish - Rates: 0.05 - 0.07 USD per word / 28 - 28 USD per hour Spanish - Rates: 0.06 - 0.07 USD per word / 28 - 28 USD per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.07 USD per word / 28 - 28 USD per hour
English to Spanish: Hydraulic Crane General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English • High-quality and rugged electro-hydraulic 2-post lift
• Two control panels for flexible use on both columns
• "Energy Set" at main control panel (consisting of 230V plug / 12V plug /quick connect air coupling)
• Fast lifting and lowering with high hydraulic power unit
• Very low drive over plate (height = 20 mm) for comfortable working in the workshop and to protect hydraulic hose and synchronization ropes
Translation - Spanish - Grúa electro-hidráulica resistente de dos columnas de alta calidad.
- Panel de control doble para uso más flexible en ambas columnas.
- "Juego de energizado" en control principal (consistente de bujía de 240 V /
bujía de 12 V / conexión rápida de aire).
- Unidad de poder hidráulica para rápida elevación y bajada lenta.
- Placa de sobre poder para bajada muy lenta( altura = 20 mm.) para un
trabajo más confortable en el taller y para proteger la manguera hidráulica y
cuerdas de sincronización.
Spanish to English: Bisphenol A General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Source text - Spanish Si pongo Bisfenol A en el buscador que hay arriba a la izquierda de la página que aparece al abrir el Blog, se muestran la friolera de 16 entradas en las que, de una manera u otra, ha salido aquí a escena ese compuesto químico. Así que me temo que mis lectores, en cuanto vean la palabra Bisfenol en el título de esta nueva entrada, me van a mandar al guano. Aunque, si su curiosidad sigue viva, no deberían tomar esa decisión, puesto que el protagonista no es hoy el Bisfenol A que tanto nos gusta al granadino Prof. Olea y a un servidor, sino un "primo" suyo, el Tetrametil bisfenol F que, si las cosas no se tuercen, puede resolver uno de los problemas inherentes a su denostado pariente. La noticia está aún calentita y se publicará el próximo lunes en el número 10 del volumen 97 del Chemical Engineering News (CEN), en un artículo debido a la ya otras veces citada aquí Melody M. Bomgardner.
Como ya he comentado otras veces, el Bisfenol A (A y no F) es una sustancia empleada en una serie de aplicaciones siempre envueltas en polémica. Por ejemplo, en el papel de las impresoras térmicas del que hemos hablado hace poco. Hay que volver a recordar que, en ese uso, el Bisfenol A se emplea en estado puro. También se emplea en fabricar el plástico conocido como policarbonato. Ahí, el Bisfenol A es un reactivo que va desapareciendo a medida que el plástico se genera aunque, al final, pueden quedar cantidades muy pequeñas de él atrapadas en el plástico, algo que los fabricantes de éste se cuidan de minimizar al máximo. Además de en otras aplicaciones (cascos de motos y polis, casquillos de intermitentes en coches, CDs y DVDs, láminas de seguridad en bancos), el policarbonato se empleó hace años en fabricar biberones resistentes al choque, ideal para que no se rompieran cuando se cayeran al suelo, de las manos de un dormido padre que trataba de administrar a su retoño la dosis sustitutiva de la divina teta.
Pero se argumentó que el Bisfenol A, aún en las cantidades realmente pequeñas presentes en el plástico, podía pasar del biberón a la leche y de ahí al infante. Y como, posteriormente, otros estudios mostraron que esa sustancia podía simular el comportamiento de ciertas hormonas (un disruptor endocrino, en jerga técnica), aún en dosis muy pequeñas, ello podría ser el origen de múltiples problemas sobre todo en un organismo tan sensible como el de un recién nacido (¡odio lo de bebé!). Los fabricantes de biberones reaccionaron enseguida y hoy se venden fabricados en otros materiales plásticos que no necesitan Bisfenol A para su síntesis. Son los llamados biberones sin Bisfenol A (o BPA free), aunque si aún os preocupa el que el biberón esté hecho de plástico, no tenéis más que usar los clásicos de vidrio. Aunque si luego os cortáis con los cristales cuando se rompan, este Búho no es culpable.
El Bisfenol A se sigue usando en la fabricación de otro polímero, las llamadas resinas epoxi que, entre otros usos, permiten recubrir con una fina lámina los interiores de las latas empleadas para envasar alimentos y bebidas. El papel de esa lámina es evitar oxidaciones de los metales empleados en las latas y permitir el almacenamiento de sus contenidos durante tiempos largos. De nuevo, el problema aducido es que esas resinas pueden contener, como el policarbonato de los biberones, restos del Bisfenol A empleado para prepararlas, éste puede pasar al alimento o la bebida y de ahí al consumidor, con idénticos problemas a los de los biberones.
Resolver este problema no ha resultado tan fácil como el de los biberones. Las latas suelen ser de acero (para envasar alimentos de todo tipo como espárragos, pimientos, tomate o incluso carne) mientras que para envasar bebidas como las carbonatadas, la cerveza u otras, se emplean latas de aluminio. En el caso de las primeras, hace tiempo ya que los fabricantes encontraron como posible solución emplear polímeros alternativos de tipo acrílico o de la familia de los poliésteres. Dice el artículo del CEN que hoy se estima que solo el 10% de las latas de acero que se venden como envases de alimentos están recubiertas de resina epoxi a base de Bisfenol A. Pero en el caso del aluminio, esos materiales alternativos parecen no haber resultado adecuados a los intereses de las empresas que envasan bebidas.
Desde el año 2008, una empresa llamada Valspar, integrada en el grupo de la multinacional de pinturas y recubrimientos Sherwin-Williams, ha empleado mucho tiempo y dinero en buscar otra resina epoxi fabricada a base un Bisfenol que no tuviera actividad hormonal como producto puro y que, al mismo tiempo, fuera capaz de dar lugar a una resina adecuada para tapizar el interior de las latas de forma tan eficiente como la que se ha venido usando tradicionalmente y de la que tan encantado está el sector.
Y buscando, buscando, con todo tipo de herramientas (incluidas las computacionales), dieron con un Bisfenol, el ya mencionado Tetrametil Bisfenol F (TMBPF), biológicamente inerte pero suficientemente reactivo para dar lugar a una resina epoxi. El siguiente problema, y no menor, fue encontrar a alguien que fabricara suficiente cantidad de TMBPF como para obtener cantidades adecuadas de resina para realizar los múltiples ensayos de propiedades requeridos, así como para poder suministrar muestras de la misma a los industriales interesados. Finalmente dieron con una industria india que se ha convertido en el principal proveedor de este material de partida.
Pero la gente de Valstar fue más lejos en su intento de prevenir sustos posteriores. En colaboración con Ana M. Soto de la Medicine School de la Universidad de Tufts, una Universidad privada radicada cerca de Boston, realizaron un completo estudio sobre la actividad estrogénica del TMBPF, así como de los fenómenos de migración de posibles restos de ese material de partida o de otros que pudieran haberse generado en la resina durante el proceso de la obtención de la misma. Los resultados fueron publicados hace ya dos años [Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51 (3), pp 1718–1726] y sus conclusiones proclaman "la evidencia de la ausencia de actividad estrogénica del TMBPF", una frase que puede resultar un poco rebuscada pero que, en el fondo, ilustra que demostrar que una sustancia tiene actividad estrogénica se resuelve con ensayos relativamente sencillos, pero demostrar que no la tiene es algo mucho más complejo. Los ensayos del grupo de Tufts también demuestran que, probablemente por la estructura más compleja del TMBPF, éste tiene muchas mas dificultades para migrar desde la resina al producto envasado que las que encontraba el Bisfenol A. Y, como resultado, la migración del TMBPF estaba en el límite de su posible detección por parte de las técnicas analíticas empleadas.
Para cerrar el bucle de posibles problemas futuros, Valstar entró en contacto con una organización muy activa en contra del uso del Bisfenol A, que ha estado encima de todo el proceso y parece haber quedado satisfecha con lo que ha visto. La resina de TMBPF ya ha sido empleada como recubrimiento en 15 billones (americanos) de latas de bebidas, comercializadas especialmente en California, un estado particularmente sensible a estas cosas y que ha obligado a que las latas con revestimiento de Bisfenol A (el primo peligroso) lleven una etiqueta que alerte de los posibles riesgos del mismo. La empresa anda ahora buscando la aprobación de la Unión Europea para introducir sus resinas en este mercado.
Ver venir, que decía mi abuela paterna.. Pero no me digáis que no os pongo al día.
Publicado por Yanko Iruin a las 20:57
Etiquetas: Polímeros
Translation - English If I type Bisphenol A at seeker that there is located on top and left side of the page that is shown when open the blog, are displayed the trifle of 16 plug outs in what, in a such way or another, has taken to stage that chemical compound. So, I am afraid that my readers, as soon they see the word Bisphenol on title of this new entry, they will send me to hell. Although, if their curiosity stay alive, they shouldn’t take that decision, so that the main protagonist is not the Bisphenol A that so much delight to grenadine Teacher Olea and myself, but a cousin of him, the Tetrameter Bisphenol F that, if everything not going wrong, can solve one of the intrinsic problems to his detested relative. The news is still warm and will be published next Monday at number 10 of volume 97 of Chemical Engineering News (CEN), in an article due to, other times mentioned here, Melody M Baumgardner.
Such as I have commented before, the Bisphenol A (A not F) is a substance used in a few of applications always plenty of controversy. For instance, in termal printers paper, which we have discussed recently, It is necessary to recall, that in such use, the Bisphenol A is used in pure state. Also is used for producing a plastic better known as polycarbonate. There, Bisphenol A is a reactive that is disappearing when plastic is generated though, at the end can remain small quantities trapped in plastic, something that manufactures take care so much of this, minimizing at the most. Furthermore in other applications ( motobikers and policemen helmets, flasher sockets in automoviles, CDs and DVDs, laminated safety in Banks), polycarbonate was used long time ago to manufacture baby bottles resistant to shock, ideal for not broken when they fall onto floor, of a slept father hands who was trying to administrate to his baby the substitute dose of divine tit.
But it was argumented that Bisphenol A, even in a very small quantities present in plastic, they could pass from baby bottle to the milk and from there to infant. And afterwadrs, other studies shown that such substance can simulate the certain hormones behavior (endocrine disruptor, in a technical jargon), even in minimal doses, this can be the origin of multiples problems, mainly in an so much sensitive body of a recently born (I hate everything about baby!). Baby bottles manufacturers immediately react and today are manufactured and sold in other plastic materials that do not need Bisphenol A for its synthesis. They are called baby bottles without Bisphenol A (or BPA free), though if it worry to us that baby bottle is built of plastic, you do have to use the glass classics. Eventhough if you get cut hurt when crystals broken up; this boy is not guilty.
Bisphenol A is currently using in other polymer manufacturing, the ones called epoxy resins which among other uses, allows to re-coating with a fine sheet of metal, the interior of cans used for packing foods and beverages. The role of this sheet of metal is to avoid oxidations of metals used in cans and allow storage for long periods of time. Once again, the problem argued is that, those resins can contain , such as baby bottles polycarbonate, remains of Bisphenol A used to prepare them, this can pass to food or beverage and from there to consumer.
To solve this problem has not been easy as baby bottles. Cans use to be of steel (for packing food of any variety such as asparagus, peppers, tomatoes and meat too) meanwhile for packaging beverages as carbonated ones, brewery and others which are used of aluminum cans. In such case of food, manufacturers already have found as possible solution, to use alternative polymers of acrylic type or of the polyesters family. CEN article says that it is estimated that only 10% of steel cans that are sold out as food packaging are coated of epoxy resin based on Bisphenol A. But in such case of aluminum, those alternative materials seem to be not resulted appropriated to the corporate interest that pack beverages.
Since 2008 year, a company called Valspar, incorporated to the coatings ad paints Sherwin Williams group, has invested a lot of time and money seeking other epoxy resin built based on a Bisphenol that had not hormonal activity as pure product which at the same time, was able to provide an appropriated resin to coat the can interior in such way so efficient as the one used traditionaly and of which sector is glad to use it.
And seeking and seeking, with all tool types (including computerized) succeeded in one Bisphenol, above mentioned Tetramer Bisfenol F (TMBPF), inert biologically but enough active to give rise to a epoxy resin. The following problem, and not minor, was to find someone who manufacture enough amount of TMBPF as to achieve appropriated quantities of resin to carry out the multiple trials of requested properties in order to be able to supply samples of it, to interested industrials boards. Finally found an India Corporate who has became in the main supplier of this material as of initial.
But Valspar crew went beyond of his trial in order to prevent subsequent scares. Ana M. Soto of Medicine School of Tufts University, a private University located near Boston, she collaborated in the Project, and performed a complete studious over the estrogen activity of TMBPF, as well of phenomena of migration of possible remains of this material of initial or the others that could have generated on resin during the process of achieving the same resin. Results were published two years ago [Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51 (3), pp 1718–1726] and conclusions announce “…the evidence of estrogen activity absence of TMBPF”, a phrase can result a little be contrived, but in depth, shows that demonstrate that a substance has estrogen activity can be solved with simple fairly trials, but to demonstrate that it does not contain it, it is more complex. The Tufts team trials also demonstrate that, likely as structure more complex of TMBPF, this has more difficulties to migrate from the resin to the packet product on which was found Bisphenol A. And as result, migration of TMBPF was in the limit of its possible detection due to used analytical techniques.
In order to closing the loop of possible future problems, Valspar got in touch with an organization very active against the use of Bisphenol A, which has been on top of the entire process and seems to be satisfied with what they have seem. TMBPF resin has been used as coating in 15 billions (Americans) of beverage cans, traded specially in California, a particular sensitive state for such things and that has obliged that cans with Bisphenol A coating (the dangerous cousin) contain a label that alert of possible risks of itself. Corporate is now looking for approval of European Union to introduce its resins in this market.
Look at this, as my grandfather always said, Don’t tell me that I am not updating.
Published by Yanko Iruin at 20:57
Labels: Polymers
English to Spanish: Engineering, Automotive and management General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Engineering (general)
Source text - English Microsoft word, PDF, Powerpoint
Translation - Spanish Microsoft word, PDF and Powerpoint
English to Spanish: Test Medical EN>ES General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Open label, rising single dose evaluation of the tolerance and pharmacokinetics of orally administrated SP-303. The first group of subjects randomized to receive SP-303 will receive 3.0 mg/kg.Subsequent doses (higher or lower; up to a maximum of 10.0 mg/kg) will be based on the response to prior doses. Each subsequent doses group of SP-303 will proceed only after evaluation of the safety information (specially transaminase levels) form the prior dosesand comparison to the results from the previous study. The size of dose escalation will be determined by the investigator, in consultation with the sponsor and monitor. If a 3-fold increase above the upper limit of normal in either SGOT or SGPT is observed in any dose of the eight subjects in a SP-303 dose group, no further dose increases will be made. In that instance, a dose of reduction of 50% would be utilized for the next group. A maximum of four dose levels and a minimum of two dose levels will be used.
Translation - Spanish Abra la etiqueta, aumente la dosis simple de la evaluación de la tolerancia y farmacocinética de la SP-303 administrada oralmente. El primer grupo
de sujetos seleccionados aleatoriamente para recibir el SP-303 recibirá 3.0 mg/kg. Las dosis subsequentes (más alto o más bajo; de cero a un máximo de 10 mg/kg) estarán basadas en las respuestas de las dosis anteriores.Cada dosis subsequente del grupo de SP-303 procederá solamente después de la evaluación de la información de seguridad (especialmente los niveles de la reacción de transaminase) desde las dosis previas y comparándolas con los resultados del estudio previo. El tamaño de la escalación de dosis, será determinado por el investigador consultándolo con mentor y monitor. Ninguna dosis se podrá incrementar, si se observa un incremento triple por encima del límite normal ya sea SGOT o SGPT en cualquiera de los ocho sujetos en un grupo de dosis SP-303. En ese caso, se utilizará una reducción a la dosis del 50 % para el siguiente grupo. Y se utilizará un máximo de cuatro niveles de dosis y un mínimo de dos nivele de dosis
English to Spanish: Medicine types General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Tipos de medicamentos
Los medicamentos para el reflujo gastroesofágico funcionan de diferentes maneras. Según la gravedad de sus síntomas, puede que le indiquen tomar uno o más de los siguientes:
• Antiácidos. Ayudan a neutralizar el ácido del estómago. Funcionan rápidamente, pero solo sirven para el reflujo leve.
• Bloqueadores H2. Pueden hacer que el estómago produzca menos ácido.
• Inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP). También hacen que el estómago produzca menos ácido, pero son más fuertes que los bloqueadores H2.
• Proquinéticos. Fortalecen la acción exprimidora del esófago y tensan el esfínter esofágico inferior. Con frecuencia, se usan junto con los bloqueadores H2. Algunos de estos medicamentos también hacen que el estómago se vacíe más rápido.
Pruebas y análisis que se realizan antes de la cirugíairugía
Si otros tipos de tratamiento no logran aliviar los síntomas, puede que
le recomienden una cirugía. Su médico le comentará los beneficios
y los riesgos de la cirugía. Le dirán cómo debe prepararse para la
cirugía. Siga todas las instrucciones atentamente.
Para comprobar cómo está su salud antes de la cirugía, puede que su
médico le indique hacerse ciertas pruebas. Por ejemplo, análisis de sangre,
un electrocardiograma (ECG) y una radiografía del pecho para ver cómo
están su corazón y sus pulmones. También puede que le indiquen hacerse
una prueba llamada manometría esofágica. Esta prueba se usa para medir
el tono muscular del esfínter esofágico inferior y para adaptar la cirugía a sus
necesidades. Esta prueba también muestra qué tan bien el esófago logra pasar la comida.
Translation - Spanish The medication for the gastroesophageal reflux performs on differet ways.
Up to gravity of symptoms can be prescribed to take one or more of following:
. Antiacids. They help to neutralize the stomach acid. They performs rapidly but they only are used for low leve lof reflux.
. Jammers H2. They can do that stomach produce less acid.
. Inhibitors of Proton Pump (IPP). They also make that stomach produce les acid, but they are stronger that Jammers H2.
. Prokinetics. They reinforce the squezzing action of esophagus amd stress the low esophagic
sphincter. They are used frequently together with Jammers H2. Some of these madication also can make that stomach drains more rapidly.
Tests and análisis to carry out prior the surgery.
If other types of treatment do not succeded in relief sympthoms, it is posible that recommend to you a surgery. Your physician let you know about benefits and risks on a surgery. He will tell you the right way to be prepared for the surgery. Follow closely all instructions.
In order to verify how is your health prior the surgery, it is posible that your physician request to you to carry out certain tests. For instance, blood analysis, an electrocardiogram (ECG) and a chest radiography to check it out your heart and lungs. Also can be requested to perform a test called esophageal manometry. This test is used to measure the muscle tone of Lower esophagic esphincter and to prepare the surgery according to your necessities. This test shows also, how well the stomach accomplishto passing the food.
Spanish to English: Pruebas y análisis que se realizan antes de la cirugíairugía General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Spanish Si otros tipos de tratamiento no logran aliviar los síntomas, puede que
le recomienden una cirugía. Su médico le comentará los beneficios
y los riesgos de la cirugía. Le dirán cómo debe prepararse para la
cirugía. Siga todas las instrucciones atentamente.
Para comprobar cómo está su salud antes de la cirugía, puede que su
médico le indique hacerse ciertas pruebas. Por ejemplo, análisis de sangre,
un electrocardiograma (ECG) y una radiografía del pecho para ver cómo
están su corazón y sus pulmones. También puede que le indiquen hacerse
una prueba llamada manometría esofágica. Esta prueba se usa para medir
el tono muscular del esfínter esofágico inferior y para adaptar la cirugía a sus
necesidades. Esta prueba también muestra qué tan bien el esófago logra pasar la comida.
Translation - English Tests and análisis to carry out prior the surgery.
If other types of treatment do not succeded in relief sympthoms, it is posible that recommend to you a surgery. Your physician let you know about benefits and risks on a surgery. He will tell you the right way to be prepared for the surgery. Follow closely all instructions.
In order to verify how is your health prior the surgery, it is posible that your physician request to you to carry out certain tests. For instance, blood analysis, an electrocardiogram (ECG) and a chest radiography to check it out your heart and lungs. Also can be requested to perform a test called esophageal manometry. This test is used to measure the muscle tone of Lower esophagic esphincter and to prepare the surgery according to your necessities. This test shows also, how well the stomach accomplishto passing the food.
Translation education
Master's degree - UNAM University of México/Engineering
Years of experience: 47. Registered at Jul 2018.
Adobe Acrobat, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ORACLE, Personal Translator, Powerpoint, Translation Center, Subtitle Edit, Trados Studio
- I use SDL TRADOS upon request, besides my own experience during more than 42 years.
- Sworn translations can be surrendered as a Certificate Of Accuracy, upon request.
My experience is in the last 27 months: (Since July 2018)
ES > EN Total
Transcription 1
FIELDS: Marketing 13 TRANS + 5 PROOF Cinema Script 1 TRANS Gambling
Executive letters
6 TRANSL + 1 Proof
IT /Engineering
10 TRANS + 3 proof
+ 6 Proof
and Guideliness Sports and Climbing
6 TRANS + 5 Proof 1 JOB
Updated by November 18th, 2020 Amount of words translated, more than 357,072 words PLUS PROOFREADINGS
My experience so far, is a PROOFLISTENING JOB FOR A RUSSIAN COMPÁNY OF 1100 WORDS OF SPANISH BOOK READING, a PROOFREADING JOB OF A SOCIAL SCIENCES OF 876 WORDS for a Chinese company, is TWO PROOFREADING JOBs OF 950 words from En glish into Spanish for a CANADIAN Company, a translation of two jobs of Marketing from English into Spanish of 579 words for an IRELAND Company, a translation of four jobs of I-Gaming from English into Spanish of 208 words for a Philippines company, a TRANSLATION OF AN ENGINEERING JOB OF 3937 WORDS for an AUSTRALIAN Company, a translation of a Casino Job from English into Spanish Peruvian of 294 words for a Philippines Company, a PROOFREADING OF 1523 words from English into Spanish of a Marketing Job for a Canadian Company, a TRANSLATION OF 14,310 WORDS of an Engineering Job from English into Spanish for an AUSTRALIAN COMPANY, a translation of 414 words from English into Spanish Peruvian of a Casino Job for a Philippines Company, a translation of an I-Gaming job from English into Spanish of 281 words for a Philippines company, a translation of a Marketing Job of 460 words from English into Spanish for a Canadian Company, a Translation of 30 words from English into Spanish from English into Spanish for a Philippines company, a Translation of a Legal job of 476 words from English into Spanish for an USA company, a Translation of a Marketing Job of 7,212 words from English into Spanish for a USA company, a Translation of 6,328 words of a Marketing Job from English into Spanish for a USA company, a BIG TRANSLATION OF 17,441 WORDS of an Engineering Field from English into Spanish for an Australian Company, a translation of a Marketing job from English into Spanish of 1,462 words for a USA company, a translation of 300 words of a Legal Job from Spanish into English for a USA company,a translation of I-Gaming Casino of 13 words from English into Spanish for a Philippines company, a translation of a Slang List words from English into Spanish 212 words for a German Company. a translation of an Audio-Trasnscription from Spanish into Spanish of a couple of AudioBooks of 6,225 words for a Russian Federation company, a translation of a letter 0f 101 words from English into Spanish for a Chinese company, a translation of 362 words of a Legal Job from Spanish into English, a translation of an I-Gaming job of 314 words plus 490 words of Baccarat, plus 22 words of I gaming job, plus 37 words of I-Gaming job from English into Spanish for a Philippines company, a BIG TRANSLATION OF 28,000 WORDS of an Engineering Job for an Australian company from English into Spanish, a translation of three jobs of I-Gaming for a Philippines company from English into Spanish of 49, 13 and 250 words,a translation of a marketing job of 1036 words from English into Spanish for an Ireland Company, a translation of a few jobs for Philippines Company from English into Spanish of 15 words, 19 words, 217 words, 33 words, 165 words, 38 words, a translation of 2414 of legal content for an USA company, a translation of a marketing job from English into Spanish of 182 words for an Ireland Company, a translation of 1663 words from English into Spanish a USA_ Argentina company, a Translation of an I gaming test for a Cyprus Company of 497 words, a Translation of a Guidelines of 3350 words from English into Spanish for an IRELAND company, a Translation of an I-Gaming job of 16 words from English into Spanish for a Phiolippines company, a translation fo an I-Gaming job of 20 wors from English into Spanish for a Philippines company, a Translation from English into Spanish DTPE of 200 words of a Medical Newsletter for a Canadian Company, a Translation of an I-Gaming Job from English into Spanish of 151 words for a Philippines company, a Translation a Translation of an I- Gaming job of 13 words from English into Spanish for a Philippines company, a PROOFREADING of a Pharmaceutical job of 297 words from English into Spanish for a Philippines Company, a translation of an I-Gaming Job of 13 words from English into Spanish for a Philippines Company, a Translation of a translation of a COVID Medical job of 891 words from English into Spanish for a Canadian Company, a translation of an I-Gaming job from English into Spanish of 55 words for Philippines Company, an I-Gaming job from English into Spanish of 236 words for a Philippines Company, a translation of an I-Gaming job from English into Spanish of 10 words for a Philippines Company, a Translation of a COVID newsletter from a English into Spanish of 1251 words for a Canadian Company, a Translation of a Consent Legal from English into Spanish of 355 words for a Canadian Company, a translation of COVID data from English into Spanish of 3,347 words for a Canadian Company, a translation of an I-Gaming JOB of 44 words from English into Spanish for a Philippines Company, a translation of an IT Job of 471 words from English into Spanish for a Canadian Company, a Translation of a Legal Job from English into Spanish of 2648 words for an Arizona Company, a Translation of an I-Gaming Job of 163 words from English into Spanish S.A. for a Philippines Company, a Translation of an I-Gaming job of 143 words from English into Spanish for a Philippines Company, a Translation of a Translation of an I-Gaming job of 61 words from english to spanish for a Philippines Company, an I-Gaming Job for 371 words from English to Spanish for a Philippines Company, a Marketing Translation of approx. 1000 words from English to Spanish for a GERMAN Company, a Translation of a Medical Newsletter from English to Spanish of 444 words for a CANADIAN Company, a translation of a Translation of an I-Gaming job from EN > ES of 34 words for a Philippines Company, an I-Gaming Casino from EN > ES 0f 17 words for a Philippines Company, a Translation of 84 words from EN > ES of I-Gaming Casino for a Philippines Company, a PROOFREADING of a Marketing field of 434 words from Spanish to Mexican Spanish for a German Company, is an I-Gaming Gambling of 771 words from English into Spanish for a Philippines Company,a Translation of 418 words from English into Spanish of I-Gaming for a Philippines company,an EDITION of a Tech. ENG. File of 1500 words from English into Spanish for a Canadian Company., an EDITION of a Tech. ENG. File of 1500 words from English into Spanish for a Canadian Company., an EDITION of a Tech. ENG. File of 1528 words from English into Spanish for a Canadian Company., a Translation of an I-Gaming file of 22 words for a Philippines company,an EDITION of 1533 words of a Technical Manual from English into Spanish for a Canadian Company,an EDITION of a Technical Manual of 1508 words (tough writing) from English to Spanish for a Canadian Company, a Translation of a I-Gaming field of 99 words from English into Spanish for a Phillipiones company,a Translation of 39 words from English into Spanish for a Philippines company, a
PROOFREADING of 504 words of a Medical Newsletter from English into Spanish for a
Chinese company, a Translation
of 85 words from English to Spanish for a Philippines Company, a Law Translation of 85 words from English to Spanish for a Philippines Company, a Translation of 6366 words in TRADOS STUDIO from English into Spanish for a USA Company, a Translation from English into Spanish of 359 words for a Philippines company, a Technical issue from EN > ESL of 517 words for a Canadian Company, a PROOFREAD of a Marketing Flyer of 208 words from EN > ES MX, for a German company, a Short translation of 157 words of Gambling from EN > ES for a Philippines company, a Big translation job was translated from EN > ES of a SCHOOL HANDBOOK of 14,915 words for a USA Company, a Translation of Gambling for 62 words from English into Spanish for a Philippines Company, a PROOFREADING of a Medical Brochure from EN > ES of 1163 words for a Chinese Company, a Translation of a Gaming Casino from EN > ES for 96 words for a Philippines Company, a Translation of a MARRIAGE Certificates from Spanish to English, 400 words for a Philippines Company, a Translation of I-GAMING OF 60 WORDS FROM EN>ES FOR A PHILIPPINES COMPANY, a PROOFREADING of a MARKETING DOCUMENT of 341 words from EN > ES for a CANADIAN company,
a translation of an Unilateral Withdrawal of 706 words from SPANISH to ENGLISH for an USA company,
an Evaluation of Tests of 1600 words from EN > ES for a Philippines Company, a Civil Registration Certificate of Argentina of 140 words from ES > EN for a Philippines Company, a Legal Document from SPANISH INTO ENGLISH of 273 words for a Philippines Company, a Legal Translation of 1067 words from SPANISH INTO ENGLISH for a Deutschland Company, a GAMBLING translation of 279 words from EN > ES for a Phillipines Company, a Nationality Certificate and a nationality option Act translation from ES > EN of 456 words for a Phillipines Company, a Gambling translation of 236 words from EN > ES for a Phillipines Company, a GAMBLING Translation of 1564 words from EN > ES for a Phillipines Company, One translation of one contract of 1534 words from EN > ES for a Phillipines Company, one translation of a Gambling Dragon 255 words from EN > ES for a Phillipines Company, Two jobs of translation of Gambling from EN > ES of 221 plus 22 words for a Phillipines Company,
a Labor Contract of 626 words from ES > EN for aPhillipines Company,
a GAMBLING translation fo 911 words from EN > ES for a Philippines Company, a Legal Translation of 189 words from ES > EN for a Philippines Company, a Gambling translation of 145 words from EN > ES for a Philippines Company,
a translation of a Newsletter of 361 words from EN > ES for a Xiamen Chinese company, a translation of a Legal document of 234 words from ES > EN for a Philippines company, a translation of 200 words from EN > ES of an Advertisement for a Germany Company plus a PROOFREADING of 200 words from EN > ES for a Germany Company,a translation of a legal document of 152 words from ES > EN for philippines company, a Translation of Legal Documents for a Philippines Company from ES > EN of (1185 words), a translation from EN > ES of a Medical Advertisement for a Philippines company of (423 words), a double translation of an E-Commerce letter form EN > ES European and EN > ES South American (742 words) for a Philippines company,
a translation of a Custody documents for an USA company from ES > EN 2770 words, a translation of an Affidavit documentation including Apostille from ES > EN for a USA company 1,466 words , a Translation of a Tenancy Deed for a USA company from ES > EN of 500 words,
a E-commerce translation with 742 words from EN > ES for a USA company,
a Proofreading of a Technical Document from EN > ES of 5624 words for a Canadian Company,
a Gambling Translation from EN > ES of 286 words for a Philippines Co., a Gambling Translation of 22words from EN > ES for aPha Philippinesx Company, a Gambling document from EN > ES (44 words) for a Philippines Company,
a Proofreading of 5624 words from EN > ES for a Canadian Company, a Translation of two jobs of Translation of 110+287 words from EN > ES for a Philippines Company,
a Proofreading of 26 hours from ES > EN for a USA / MX Company, a Proofreading of 2681 words from ES > EN for a USA /MX Company, a Translation of (115 words ) from ES > EN for a Chinese Company, an IN DESIGN translation by TRADOS (640 words) for a Canadian Company,
a Proofreading of a Certificate from ES > EN (450words) for a Chinese Co. MARS,
a Proofreading from ES > EN for a USA company 15,741 words from ES > EN, an E-commerce Proofreading from EN > ES (1106 words for a Philippines Co., a GAMBLING Translation from EN > ES (429 words) for a Philippines Co.,
a law translation from ES > EN (1236 words) for a USA Co., a GAMBLING Translation from EN > ES (7019 words) for a Philippines Co.,
a Law Translation (487 words) from EN > ES for a Philippines Co., A Gambling translation from EN > ES (547 words) for a Philippines Co., a short translation of 52 words from EN > ES for a Philippines Co., a PROOF-LISTENING JOB (35 minutes) for a Russian Co., a translation of LAW Legal Identity from ES > EN for a Philippines Co. (580 words), a translation of Four documents of Code of Conduct 5811 words from EN > ES for A USA company, a translation of Language variants for a Belgium company 3001 words from EN > ES , a translation of a Booklet orientation 7019 words from EN > ES for A USA company, a translation of eight documents from EN > ES certificates (1240 words) for a USA company, a Gambling translation of 667 words for a Philippines Company from EN > ES, an Internal Procedures of a USA company for a chinese company 14,473 words from EN > ES, an Educational gramatical job for a BELGIUM company 25 hours on line (aprox. 10,000 words) from EN> ES,
Plus previous experience prior being freelancer:
QS 9000 survey binders (256) for qualification, job performed during seven months full time (approx. 588,000 words ) for a Mex/Germany company), Inspection Instruction Sheets and maintenance guidelines for a six months period to Sensata Technologies México (Texas Instruments)
One theater play was translated EN>ES The Woman in Black. complete (15,000 words). for a Mexican Company.
My Skype account: José Luis García / live:pepegarcia4311_1
I am a Mechanical Engineer from México with more than 42 years working for automotive, metalworking and management industry besides Translation.
Microsoft Office.(Word, Excel, Powerpoint
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