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Estonian to English: Court petition (excerpt) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Estonian […]
Asjassepuutuvas [sisus] on avaldaja kohta avaldatud mitmeid ebakohaseid väärtushinnanguid ja sellega tekitatud avaldajale õigusvastaselt mittevaralist kahju. Avaldaja selgitab seda alljärgnevalt.
Vastavalt VÕS § X lõikele X võib kannatanu ebaõigete andmete avaldamise korral andmete avaldamise eest vastutavalt isikult nõuda andmete ümberlükkamist või paranduse avaldamist avaldaja kulul, sõltumata sellest, kas andmete avaldamine oli õigusvastane.
Eeltoodust tulenevalt vastutab kostja avaldaja suhtes ebaõigete väärtushinnangute avaldamise eest ning avaldajal on õigus nõuda kostjalt ebaõigete väärtushinnangute ümberlükkamist. Samuti vastutab kostja avaldaja ees mittevaralise kahju hüvitamise eest, kuivõrd kostja on ebakohaste väärtushinnangutega teotanud avaldaja au ja head nime.
TsMS § X lg X alusel kinnitab allakirjutanu, et on avaldaja lepinguline esindaja [kohtus] antud avalduse esitamisel ja menetlemisel.
Translation - English […]
The [content] in question includes several inappropriate value judgements about the Petitioner, which have caused the Petitioner unlawful non-proprietary damage. The Petitioner explains this as follows.
According to subsection X (X) of the Estonian Law of Obligations Act, in the case of the disclosure of incorrect information, the victim may request that the person who disclosed such information refute the information or publish a correction at the person's expense regardless of whether the disclosure of the information was unlawful or not.
It follows that the Defendant is liable for disclosing inaccurate value judgements about the Petitioner and that the Petitioner has the right to request the Defendant to refute the incorrect value judgements. In addition, the Defendant is liable for the compensation of non-proprietary damage inflicted on the Petitioner insofar as the Defendant has damaged the honour and good name of the Petitioner with inappropriate value judgements.
On the basis of subsection X (X) of the Estonian Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that they are the contractual representative of the Petitioner in the submission and processing of the petition in [the court].
English to Estonian: Excerpts from The Economist article 'Has the ideas machine broken down?' General field: Other Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - English Boom times are back in Silicon Valley. Office parks along Highway 101 are once again adorned with the insignia of hopeful start-ups. Rents are soaring, as is the demand for fancy vacation homes in resort towns like Lake Tahoe, a sign of fortunes being amassed. The Bay Area was the birthplace of the semiconductor industry and the computer and internet companies that have grown up in its wake. Its wizards provided many of the marvels that make the world feel futuristic, from touch-screen phones to the instantaneous searching of great libraries to the power to pilot a drone thousands of miles away. The revival in its business activity since 2010 suggests progress is motoring on.
So it may come as a surprise that some in Silicon Valley think the place is stagnant, and that the rate of innovation has been slackening for decades. Peter Thiel, a founder of PayPal, and the first outside investor in Facebook, says that innovation in America is “somewhere between dire straits and dead”. Engineers in all sorts of areas share similar feelings of disappointment. And a small but growing group of economists reckon the economic impact of the innovations of today may pale in comparison with those of the past.
[ … ]
Across the board, innovations fueled by cheap processing power are taking off. Computers are beginning to understand natural language. People are controlling video games through body movement alone—a technology that may soon find application in much of the business world. Three-dimensional printing is capable of churning out an increasingly complex array of objects, and may soon move on to human tissues and other organic material.
An innovation pessimist could dismiss this as “jam tomorrow”. But the idea that technology-led growth must either continue unabated or steadily decline, rather than ebbing and flowing, is at odds with history. Chad Syverson of the University of Chicago points out that productivity growth during the age of electrification was lumpy. Growth was slow during a period of important electrical innovations in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; then it surged.
Translation - Estonian Räniorg õitseb taas. Piki California 101. maanteed asuvaid kontorilinnakuid kaunistavad jälle lootusrikaste idufirmade logod. Sarnaselt üürihindadega on taevasse kerkinud ka nõudlus uhkete puhkemajade järele kuurortlinnades nagu Lake Tahoe, mis on selge märk kokkukuhjatud varandustest. San Francisco lahe piirkond on pooljuhitööstuse ning selle kannul kasvanud arvuti- ja internetiettevõtete sünnipaik. Sealsete teerajajate töö on meile andnud palju imeasju, mis maailmale futuristliku meki annavad, alates puutetundlike ekraanidega telefonidest ja võimalusest teostada suurtes raamatukogudes otsinguid hetkega kuni võimeni juhtida tuhandete kilomeetrite kaugusel asuvat drooni. Piirkonna 2010. aastast elavnenud äritegevus viitab sellele, et areng jätkub.
Niisiis võib olla üllatav see, et mõned Silicon Valley inimesed leiavad, et piirkond on stagneerunud ja uuenduslikkust on aastakümnetega aina vähemaks jäänud. Peter Thiel, kes on üks PayPali asutajatest ja Facebooki esimene välisinvestor, ütleb, et innovatsioon Ameerikas „vaagub elu ja surma vahel“. Sarnast pettumustunnet jagavad kõiksuguste valdkondade insenerid. Peale selle arvab väike, kuid kasvav rühm majandusteadlasi, et tänaste uuenduste majanduslik mõju võib minevikuga võrreldes kahvatuda.
[ … ]
Kõikjal on hoogu kogumas innovatsioonid, mis põhinevad odaval töötlemisvõimsusel. Arvutid on hakanud mõistma loomulikku keelekasutust. Inimesed juhivad videomänge ainult kehaliigutustega – see tehnoloogia võib peatselt leida rakendust suures osas ärimaailmas. Kolmemõõtmelise printimisega on võimalik toota järjest keerukamaid esemeid ning järgmine samm selles arengus on ehk seotud inimkudede ja muu orgaanilise materjaliga.
Innovatsioonipessimist võib selle kõige tembeldada tühjadeks lubadusteks. Kuid ettekujutus, et tehnoloogiapõhine kasv peab kas lakkamatult jätkuma või ühtelugu langema, selmet areneda tõusude ja mõõnadega, on vastuolus ajalooga. Chad Syverson Chicago Ülikoolist juhib tähelepanu sellele, et elektrifitseerimisajastul oli tootlikkuse kasv konarlik. 19. sajandi lõpu ja 20. sajandi alguse oluliste elektriuuenduste perioodil oli kasv aeglane, kuid sellele järgnes järsk kiirenemine.
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Apr 2019.
English (Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, verified) English to Estonian (Tallinn University , verified) French to Estonian (Tallinn University , verified) French (Tallinn University , verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Idiom, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartling, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM
Lead Linguist / Language Lead / Language Specialist for Estonian in a number of major projects
Linguistic profile
While a native Estonian speaker, I grew up immersed in English, which has equipped me with near-native proficiency. I have also spent 5 years living, studying, working and travelling in anglophone countries – primarily the UK – which has given me insight into the cultural and societal nuances of life in Britain. I work in both American and British English.
My third language is French, which I have learnt throughout primary, secondary and higher education, gaining a BA in French language and culture in 2009, followed by a year living in Biarritz. In 2019, I returned to live in France and set up my translation business here.
Professional background & specialisations
I began translating professionally in 2016, having found my way back to linguistics after pursuing other passions and interests, including:
environmental issues, nature and wildlife(MSc in Ecotourism + 2.5 years spent working in RSPB, one of Europe's largest nature conservation organisations + varied volunteering work);
research and academia (2 years as a coordinator of a major EU-financed international research project in the interdisciplinary field of educational sciences and digital technology);
art and art history(upper secondary school with a specialisation in art);
events and tourism (MSc in Ecotourism + 2.5 years as a major events coordinator + work in hotels).
In addition to the above, my other work and life experiences and, in particular, my personal interest in a wide variety of subjects coupled with excellent work ethic, research skills and attention to detail have enabled me to pursue translation work in many different fields, in particular:
IT (software descriptions, UI, help centre articles, etc.);
Keywords: lead linguist, language lead, community manager, estonian lead linguist, estonian language lead, estonian community manager, estonian to english translator, estonian to english translation, english to estonian translator, english to estonian translation. See more.lead linguist, language lead, community manager, estonian lead linguist, estonian language lead, estonian community manager, estonian to english translator, estonian to english translation, english to estonian translator, english to estonian translation, french to english translation, french to english translator, français anglais traduction, french to estonian translation, french to estonian translator, français estonien traduction, inglise eesti tõlk, inglise eesti tõlkija, inglise eesti tõlkimine, eesti inglise tõlk, eesti inglise tõlkija, eesti inglise tõlkimine. See less.