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Apr 24, 2024 (posted Just finished a translation of a social network post for a local cultural society, Spanish to Croatian. Time to refresh my knowledge about Slovenia for a guided excursion is Spanish tomorrow. :)...more, + 1 other entry »
9 projects entered 3 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Interpreting Volume: 1 hours Completed: Jun 2022 Languages: Spanish to Croatian
Consecutive Interpreting at a Lecture
Folklore, History, Music
No comment.
Translation Volume: 0 days Languages: Spanish to Croatian
Translation and proofreading of social media posts
Ongoing project
Tourism & Travel
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 2 hours Completed: Mar 2022 Languages: Spanish to Croatian
Consecutive Interpreting at a Conference
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Media / Multimedia, Journalism
positive Josipa Šiklić: Samanta did a great job with managing a very demanding conference environment during her translation (round table discussion, multiple participants/speakers, no breaks between topics/speakers) and the organizer was very satisfied with the service.
Interpreting Volume: 1 hours Completed: Mar 2022 Languages: Spanish to Croatian
Consecutive Interpreting at a Lecture
Tourism & Travel, Geography, Folklore
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 1 hours Completed: Mar 2022 Languages: Spanish to Croatian
Consecutive Interpreting at a Lecture
Tourism & Travel, Geography, Folklore
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 1 hours Completed: Jan 2022 Languages: Spanish to Croatian
Consecutive Interpreting at a Lecture
Tourism & Travel, Geography, Folklore
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 28 pages Completed: Oct 2021 Languages: Spanish to Croatian
Final proofreading/editing of a monograph in Croatian and Spanish
Final editing/proofreading of 20th anniversary monograph of the Hrvatsko-hispansko društvo (Sociedad Hispano-Croata) in Zagreb, written both in Croatian and Spanish
International Org/Dev/Coop
positive Hrvatsko-hispansko društvo: No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 133 pages Languages: English to Croatian
First reading/editing/proofreading of a novel in English
A first reading, editing and proofreading of a novel in English language. Ongoing project.
Poetry & Literature
positive Mirka Roguljic: Great collaboration! Samanta delivered results in a timely manner and was professional and very helpful.
Spanish to Croatian: "Pasado, presente y futuro de los videojuegos" by Isidro Ros General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - Spanish "Pasado, presente y futuro de los videojuegos" by Isidro Ros
Desde sus inicios los videojuegos han estado limitados a dos grandes claves: el potencial que ofrecía el hardware de cada época y las capacidades de los desarrolladores para sortear sus limitaciones y aprovecharlo al máximo. Esto permitió la llegada de juegos sorprendentes en momentos en los que a nivel técnico parecían algo imposible, y también ha facilitado una evolución sostenida que nos ha llevado a un momento en el que el fotorrealismo se ha empezado a poner «a tiro de piedra».
En este sentido también han jugado un papel clave las consolas de videojuegos. Sé que a muchos nos gusta más jugar en PC, pero las consolas han sido el gran motor de la industria, tanto que hoy por hoy su peso es tan grande que han acabado monopolizando los ciclos de desarrollo. Atrás quedaron aquellos años en los que se creaban juegos exclusivos para PC que aprovechaban de verdad el hardware de la plataforma, hoy todo se centra en las consolas estrella de cada generación, y esto tiene consecuencias muy claras.
Las consolas han tenido efectos muy positivos para el mundo de los videojuegos, pero también han tenido efectos negativos. Los ciclos de vida se han ido alargando de forma considerable, algo que, unido a los desarrollos exclusivos centrados en ellas, ha acabado lastrando el aprovechamiento del hardware de última generación en PC y han ralentizado la evolución de los videojuegos en sentido amplio.
Translation - Croatian “Prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost videoigara”, Isidro Ros
Od svojih početaka, razvoj videoigara bio je ograničen dvjema ključnim točkama: mogućnostima dostupnog hardvera u danom trenutku i sposobnošću programera da prepoznaju njegova ograničenja te da ga iskoriste na najbolji mogući način. To je omogućilo pojavu nevjerojatnih igara, u vrijeme kada se smatralo da su tehnički neizvedive, te je olakšalo neprekidnu evoluciju koja je dovela do široke dostupnosti fotorealizma.
U tom su smislu ključnu ulogu imale i igrače konzole. Znam da većina nas daje prednost igri na računalu, ali igrače konzole postale su važni pokretači industrije, do te mjere da su monopolizirale proizvodne cikluse. Prošle su godine u kojima su se proizvodile igre isključivo za računala, a koje su u potpunosti iskorištavale mogućnosti hardvera te platforme. Danas se svi napori usmjeravaju prema najpopularnijim konzolama u svakoj generaciji, što ima vrlo jasne posljedice.
Konzole su imale vrlo pozitivan utjecan na svijet videoigara, ali, u isto vrijeme, i negativan. Životni ciklusi znatno su se produžili što je, zajedno s proizvodnjom koncentriranom isključivo na njih, dovelo do nepotpunog iskorištavanja mogućnosti hardvera najnovije generacije računala i usporavanja evolucije videoigara općenito.
English to Croatian: "Two histories of Myst" by John-Gabriel Adkins General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English "Two histories of Myst" by John-Gabriel Adkins
Computer games were, at one time, unified. We didn’t even have the term “casual game” in 1993, let alone the idea that a first-person shooter (then an unnamed genre) could be considered a “hardcore title.” There were people who played computer games, and people who didn’t. People who got way into golf or Harpoon or hearts or text adventures — those were the “hardcore” players, in that they played their chosen field obsessively.
When Myst and the CD-ROM finally broached the mass market, this ecosystem was disrupted. Myst had, Robyn Miller makes clear, been designed to appeal to non-gamers. It sold to them. Enthusiast magazines like Computer Gaming World couldn’t set the taste for the industry anymore: there were millions buying games who didn’t read these magazines. An entirely new breed of player. In this situation, what could be more natural than concocting an us-and-them formula? In a very real way, it was already true.
The great narrative of Myst is that the “hardcore” game press and playerbase lambasted it when it launched. Disowned it. A slideshow, they called it. Abstruse, idiotic puzzles; pretty graphics and not much depth. “Critics and hardcore game players universally panned it as a slide-show that had little actual gameplay interaction”, claimed PC Gamer’s Michael Wolf in 2001.That same year, a columnist for Maximum PC recalled Myst as a “tedious code-breaking and switch-throwing mess”, and saw its then-new remake realMYST as “a pointed reminder of why the press dumped on the original so heavily when it came out.”
Translation - Croatian “Dvije povijesti Mysta”, John-Gabriel Adkins
„Računalne igre“ je pojam koji se nekada odnosio na sve igre na računalu. Pojam “casual igre” nije postojao 1993. godine, a još manje ideja da bi pucačina, tada žanr bez službenog imena, mogla biti smatrana igrom koju igraju samo hardcore igrači. Postojali su ljudi koji su igrali računalne igre i oni koji nisu. Ljudi koji su bili zaluđeni golfom, Harpoonom, Srcima ili tekstualnim avanturama – to su bili hardcore igrači, u smislu da su opsesivno igrali žanr koji su odabrali.
Kad su Myst i CD-ROM konačno postali dostupni na masovnom tržištu, poremetio se postojeći ekosustav. Myst je, prema riječima Robyna Millera, bila dizajnirana kako bi privukla negamere i oni su bili ti koji su je najviše kupovali. Gamerski časopisi, poput Computer Gaming Worlda, više nisu mogli odrediti u kojem smjeru ide industrija; milijuni osoba koji nisu pratili te časopise, kupovali su igre. Nastala je posve nova vrsta igrača. U takvoj situaciji, najprirodnije rješenje bilo je razviti formulu „mi i oni“, što se već, nažalost, pretvorilo u stvarnost.
Odmah po izlasku, hardcore gamerski časopisi i igrači žestoko su osudili Myst. Odrekli su je se i nazvali je plitkim slideshowom punim nejasnih i idiotskih slagalica te lijepe grafike. „Kritičari i hardcore gameri iz cijelog svijeta okarakterizirali su je kao slideshow s vrlo malo stvarne interakcije u igri“, tvrdio je 2001. godine Michael Wolf, novinar PC Gamera. Te iste godine, kolumnist Maximum PCa opisao je Myst kao „dosadni nered razbijanja šifri i prebacivanja prekidača“ te ocijenio tada novi remake realMyst kao „dobar podsjetnik zašto su mediji toliko oštro iskritizirali original kad je izašao.“
Spanish to Croatian: "Delfines en la niebla" by Ariel Zylberberg, published in El Gato y La Caja General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - Spanish La paradoja de la góndola (del supermercado, no de Venecia), que no existe y acabo de acuñar, establece que la frustración generada por el tiempo perdido eligiendo un producto es directamente proporcional a la irrelevancia de esa decisión para nuestras vidas. Dicho de otro modo, es lo que pasa cuando uno se queda mirando bidones de lavandina sin saber cuál llevarse. Poco puede variar entre una fórmula de hipoclorito de sodio y otra cuando lo que interesa es su poder de desinfección, y sin embargo ahí nos quedamos, mirando y comparando bidones como si fueran chocolates suizos.
Pero siglos antes de la existencia del supermercado como lo conocemos vivió Jean Buridan, filósofo francés que defendía la existencia del libre albedrío y afirmaba que es posible tomar cualquier decisión utilizando la razón. En respuesta, algunos críticos de su postura imaginaron la situación de un asno frente a dos montones de heno que, ante la duda infinita de cuál es el más apetitoso, no puede decidir y muere de hambre.
Se trata, según algunos, de una paradoja, ya que pudiendo comer no lo hace porque no puede decidir qué montón es más conveniente (ambos montones le parecen iguales). Pero lejos de hacerme pensar sobre el rol de la razón en la toma de decisiones, a mí esta historia me despierta una pregunta sobre el asno. Y lo que me pregunto no es qué hace o no el asno, sino qué sabe. Y, más específicamente, si sabe que no sabe cuál es la mejor decisión posible.
Translation - Croatian „Paradoks trgovačkih kolica“, pojam koji ne postoji i upravo sam ga izmislila, objašnjava da je frustracija koju osjećamo gubeći vrijeme na izbor proizvoda, proporcionalna nebitnosti donošenja te odluke za naš život. Drugim riječima, to je ono što nam se događa kada gledamo spremnike izbjeljivača i ne znamo koji uzeti. Nebitna je razlika između različitih formula Natrijevog hipoklorita kad nas isključivo zanima njegova sposobnost dezinfekcije. Usprkos tome, gledamo i uspoređujemo spremnike kao da se radi o švicarskoj čokoladi.
Međutim, stoljećima prije postojanja supermarketa u današnjem smislu riječi, živio je Jean Buridan, francuski filozof koji se zalagao za slobodu izbora i tvrdio da smo sposobni donijeti bilo koju odluku koristeći razum. Kritičari njegovog stajališta postavili su primjer magarca koji stoji ispred dvije hrpe sijena, koje mu izgledaju jednako ukusne, i koji, na kraju, umre od gladi jer ne može odlučiti.
Neki smatraju da se radi o paradoksu, budući da, iako može jesti, ne jede jer ne može odlučiti koja hrpa mu više odgovara (obje hrpe mu izgledaju iste). Međutim, mene ova priča ne potiče na razmišljanje o ulozi razuma u donošenju odluka, već na razmišljanje o magarcu. Ne pitam se što magarac radi li ne, već što zna. Točnije, je li svjestan da ne zna koja je odluka ispravna.
English to Croatian (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) Spanish to Croatian (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language) Spanish (Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language, verified) Spanish (ABC STRANI JEZICI, verified)
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Although a native Croatian, I grew up surrounded with English and Spanish languages and developed an interest for them early on in life, which kept on growing when I started learning them in primary school.
Besides languages, my interests involved history, art and culture, and I always wanted to connect all of them into one career. To be able to find more information on topics that interested me, I searched the internet, and since all the information was in English, I started translating it into Croatian.
Eventually, my professional path led me to obtainthe Master's Degree in Business Economics, with specialisation in Tourism, as well as the certification for the licensed tourist guide in my hometown, Zagreb. The latter has been my main business activity for the past 9 years and I have a wealth of experience in storytelling, direct conversation, interpreting and translating in English, Spanish and Croatian, sometimes all at the same time.
Besides my work in Tourism, for the past two years I have been actively translating and interpreting from English and Spanish into Croatian in Fashion and Cultural Cooperation.
I am focused on Tourism, History,
Culture, Literature and Arts (Music, Movies, and Dance). A list of my past
projects, as well as some feedback, can be seen on my profile.
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