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English to Chinese: Translated half of the New Yorker news feature "Thirty-two Rats from Casablanca" General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - English The source text is published on the New Yorker Website:
I do not own the source text. I translated for academic purpose.
紐約最大的老鼠窟藏在海旁一帶的殘舊建築物,尤其是廉價公寓、活家禽市場、農產品批發市場、屠房、倉庫、馬房及車房。除此以外,老鼠還會出現在更多意想不到的地方──美國衛生部曾在某些城中名餐廳的地庫裡,發現老鼠爪和尾巴的痕跡;數週前,有滅鼠隊在三晚內一共捕獲了236隻老鼠,地點是紐約東第40街範圍內一家歷史悠久的酒店的兩層地庫。老鼠也會在L線地鐵站的屋頂築窩,同時棲身在站內不同罅隙。清晨的列車班次比較疏落,牠們便趁機爬上寧靜的月台,在零食包裝紙和花生殼中覓食。此外,至少兩個渡輪棚的長凳下都有老鼠留下的足跡。到了春天和夏天,大批褐鼠住在空地和公園下的洞穴,內有許多蜿蜒曲折的隧道及密室。中央公園的褐鼠數量十分龐大,紐約公園局專員摩西(Robert Moses)的批評者格里斯蒂德太太(Mrs. Zorah White Gristede)上週在中央公園第85街的遊樂場給報館攝影師指出的品種,也是褐鼠。經歷首次寒流後,褐鼠家族開始遷居,成群結隊在秋天晚上竄過第五大道,找溫暖的地庫過冬。10月和11月整整兩個月,滅鼠公司一天到晚電話接個不停,都是中央公園附近舊樓的管理員驚慌失措地求助;大部分較新的大廈興建時已有防鼠構造。幾乎每天清晨四時半左右,老鼠便會兩、三隻一組,在紐約劇院區的橫街窄巷出動。龐大的方形平底貨車也於此時到場,它收集全曼克頓的餐廳、夜總會或酒吧的廚餘,再送到新澤西州錫考克斯的豬場。一眾老鼠靜待貨車完成工作,不見任何動靜的話,便會竄出來,尋找掉落在街頭的廚餘填肚。牠們就這麼出其不意,𣊬間在空中冒出來。
Hi, this is Pearl, freelance translator since 2022. I have been a six-year multitasker in the Hong Kong cultural sector, including the marketer of the local university publisher, the feature reporter in local newspaper and the coordinator of a training programme in local museum, with a skill set of digital marketing (particularly content creation and campaign planning), event management, translation and administration.
I have completed the Postragraduate Diploma in Translation from HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education and currently working as a freelance translator, mostly in marketing, arts and culture, game and business. I am looking for all kinds of translation opportunities of the language pair of English to Chinese or vice versa.
Keywords: Chinese, English, arts, culture, humanities, subtitling, journalism, Hong Kong,