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Korean to English: The Korean meal General field: Marketing Detailed field: Cooking / Culinary
Source text - Korean 한국인의 밥상에는 과거와 현재, 미래와 더불어 수천 년을 이어온 많은 이야기들이 담겨져 있습니다.
한국인의 밥상에는 늘 계절이 머물러 있습니다.
곡물로 지은 밥과 뜨겁게 끓인 국 그리고 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 계절마다 특색 있는 식재료로 만든 반찬과 음식이 더해지기 때문이죠.
한국인의 밥상에는 ‘기다림의 지혜’가 담겨 있습니다.
콩, 고추, 채소 등의 재료를 적절한 농도의 소금물에 담아 기다리는 것, 발효와 숙성이라는 시간이 만들어 낸 지혜이고, 맛입니다.
비록 세월이 흐르고 우리네 밥상에도 많은 변화가 생겼지만 자연, 시간, 사람이 더불어 살아가는 지혜로움만큼은 오늘도 변함없이 한국인의 밥상 위에 차려지고 있습니다.
Translation - English The Korean table weaves together stories throughout the past, present, and future, over thousands of years.
A Korean meal embodies all seasons.
Rice and a simmered bowl of soup make up the core of a Korean meal, with a complementing array of side dishes and unique ingredients that reflect the flavors of all four seasons.
A Korean meal embodies wisdom and patience.
Soybean, chili pepper, and vegetables come together in brine, with the most important ingredient, time, fermenting the dishes a distinct flavor that teaches us the wisdom of patience.
While our meals have significantly changed along with time, the wisdom of our ancestors has remained the same, and we still inherit the traditional wisdom of nature, time, and people with every meal.
Korean to English: Templestay General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Korean 템플스테이는 1,700년 한국불교의 역사와 문화가 살아 숨 쉬는 산사에서 수행자의 일상을 경험하는 전통문화체험 프로그램입니다. 나라와 민족, 문화적 차이와 벽을 넘어 전 세계인을 하나로 잇는 특별한 감동을 전합니다.
아름다운 자연, 역사, 문화가 살아있는 산사에서 한국의 진정한 아름다움을 발견하고 소통을 통해 관계를 회복하는 단 하나의 행복여행 - 템플스테이가 선물합니다.
*당일형 프로그램
템플스테이에 참가하고 싶지만 사찰에 하루 동안 머무는 것이 여의치 않거나 외국인들이 짧은 시간 틈을 내 한국의 불교문화를 체험할 수 있도록 구성된 프로그램입니다.
사찰 안내, 참선 체험, 다도 및 연등 만들기 체험을 선택하여 참가할 수 있습니다.
Translation - English Templestay is a hands-on traditional culture program that allows you to experience the Buddhist life at 'Sansa', mountain temples unique to Korea showcasing 1,700 years of Korean Buddhist history and culture.
The program unites and touches the hearts of people in a way that dissolves all national, ethnic, and cultural differences.
Templestay, with its historically and culturally rich Sansa, situated in pristine nature, is a glimpse into Korea's true beauty, an opportunity to reconnect with loved ones through better communication, and thus an unique journey that leads one to genuine happiness.
* Our one-day program is ideal for people who are interested in Templestay but have limited schedules or foreign travelers who wish to experience Korean Buddhism within a short period of time.
Participants may choose between guided tours around the temple ground, 'chamseon' meditations, tea ceremonies, and lantern-making programs.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Linguistics and Cognitive Science)
Years of experience: 6. Registered at Apr 2023.
Experienced Translator | Native Korean Speaker | Linguistics Enthusiast
Motivated translator pursuing advanced education in translation and interpretation at a top graduate school in Korea. Fluent in English and native in Korean, with a deep understanding of cross-cultural nuances acquired through a childhood spent abroad.
Possess a strong grasp of what constitutes a "good" translation and exceptional writing. Proficient in machine translation post-editing (MTPE) and human translation, providing valuable feedback to ensure high-quality translations. Experience as a teaching assistant in academic writing and English communication for undergraduates.
Hold a bachelor's degree in linguistics from a premier university, actively engaged in Natural Language Processing projects. Research assistant experience in NLP data processing projects, offering insights into the translation industry and machine translation.
Committed to continuous professional growth, consistently attending workshops to integrate technology into translation practices. Highly proficient in Trados, a leading CAT tool.
Passionate about language and dedicated to delivering exceptional translation results. Don't hesitate to contact me! :)