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English to Spanish: Eurocentrism: more than just an academic problem. General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - English The notion of Eurocentrism elludes to the tendency to take European traditions and values as universal standards. This propensity leads us to consider that the culture, societal and political system of Europe are superior to those of the rest of the world.
Furthermore, as the term itself indicates, Eurocentrism implies placing Europe at the center. From that preponderance, it is argued that Europe is destined to lead the world. In ancient times, in fact, Eurocentrism was reflected in the campaigns of conquest. In addition, Eurocentrism was born from a cultural hegemony and by it, it pre disposes a distortion of the social and cultural reality of other regions and is constituted as a prejudice.
Henceforth, it can be stated that Eurocentrism has spilled its concept to other aspects than just academic to the ones believing that Europe is indeed the source of all knowledge, but in reality the reality is something else. Thus, it is important to note that, from the 20th century on, Eurocentrism began to be put aside in the academic sphere. In an attempt to understand reality in all its diversity, many historians began to develop other types of studies, thus even demonstrating that certain advances considered as European inventions had been implemented before in China, for example.
Notwithstanding, in Latin America it is to take into consideration that Eurocentrism has been a rather epistemological obstacle to the analysis, explanation and interpretation of social, cultural and political transformations. Thus, two possibilities and perspectives in theoretical analysis open up in this context: the first on being the contemporary crisis may be the great historical opportunity for the political emergence of differences, that has been long repressed. Secondly, the platitudinous representation of colonialism, which has repressed differences as a historical configuration of power, is in crisis. However, this does not mean that there is a weakening of the world structure where this device worked: this structure has changed shape within the context of economic globalization.
In conclusion, it is crucial to dispute those that defend Eurocentrism, which believe themselves to be bearers of the truth and turn the great figures of European philosophy into paradigms with claims of universal validity, they have forgotten that the emergence of new theoretical paradigms that, far from being dogmas, have rooted in the will of millions of human beings who today organize themselves in social movements capable of giving life a chance and that day by day, in addition they remind us that another world is not only possible, but also urgent and necessary. Eurocentrism is usually reduced to the discussion of a collection of fixed dogmatic theses that, once found, only have to be learned by heart. The process of knowing itself is meaningless without an absolute commitment to the truth and towards the definitive improvement of capitalist society.
Translation - Spanish La noción del eurocentrismo elude a la tendencia de adoptar las tradiciones y valores europeos como normas universales. Esta inclinación hace considerar que la cultura, sistema social y el sistema político europeo son superiores al resto del mundo.
Además, como el propio término indica, el eurocentrismo implica situar a Europa en el centro. A partir de esa primacía, se argumenta que Europa está destinada a liderar el mundo. Antiguamente, de hecho, el eurocentrismo se reflejaba claramente en misiones de conquista. Además de ello, el eurocentrismo nació de una hegemonía cultural y, por ello, predispone a la distorsión de la realidad social y cultural de otras regiones y se constituye como un prejuicio.
En este sentido, se puede afirmar que el eurocentrismo ha extendido su concepto a otros ámbitos, no sólo académicos, y a los que creen que Europa es la fuente de todo el conocimiento, sin embargo la realidad es otra. Sin embargo, es importante destacar que, a partir del siglo XX, el eurocentrismo comenzó a desbancarse en el ámbito académico. Buscando comprender la realidad en toda su diversidad, muchos historiadores comenzaron a desarrollar estudios, llegando incluso a demostrar que ciertos avances considerados como inventos europeos habían sido implementados ya en China.
No obstante, en América Latina hay que tener en cuenta que el eurocentrismo ha sido un obstáculo más epistemológico para el análisis, explicación e interpretación de las transformaciones socioculturales y políticas. En este contexto, se abren dos posibilidades y perspectivas de análisis teórico: la primera, que la crisis contemporánea puede ser una oportunidad histórica para la eclosión política de diferencias que han sido reprimidas durante mucho tiempo. En segundo lugar, la crisis en la representación trivial del colonialismo, que ha reprimido sus diferencias desde el punto de vista de la constitución histórica del poder. Sin embargo, esto no significa que haya un debilitamiento de la estructura mundial en la que funcionaba este dispositivo: esta estructura se ha modificado en el contexto de la globalización económica.
En conclusión, es crucial cuestionar a aquellos que defienden el eurocentrismo, para quienes creen ser portadores de la verdad y convierten a las grandes figuras de la filosofía europea en paradigmas con pretensiones de validez universal. Han olvidado que el surgimiento de nuevos paradigmas teóricos que, lejos de ser dogmas, han echado raíces en la voluntad de millones de seres humanos que hoy se organizan en movimientos sociales capaces de dar una oportunidad a la vida y que día a día, además, nos recuerdan que otro mundo no sólo es posible, sino también urgente y necesario. El eurocentrismo queda reducido en discuciones de una recopilación de tesis dogmáticas fijas que, una vez encontradas, sólo hay que aprendérselas de memoria. El proceso del conocimiento en sí mismo es en vano sin un compromiso absoluto a la verdad y hacia la mejora definitiva de la sociedad capitalista.
Years of experience: 3. Registered at Apr 2023.
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I have had the opportunity to live in many countries, with that it has always encouraged me to openness and interest in learning different languages. I have to some extent a talent for languages and the deep understanding that it has into people's mentality and culture.
As a polyglot I find myself always trying to read, watch and listen to most sources in their original languages to the best of my ability. I have a passion for translation beyond the word to word. I believe that a deep knowledge into how cultures perceive information through the spoken and written word is also essential to a good translation. As the saying goes: words get lost in translation.
Additionally, I have gained experience translating for people trusting my skills in my private life as well as academic and somewhat professional. During my undergraduate a wide range of sources I could needed translation played a big. For the most part, my assignments and projects were focused in topics on the South American region thus, most of my sources were in Spanish and Portuguese. In various apprenticeship I have also been the all rounder for translations needed.
Although, I lack some professional experience. I will prove that my skills are more than apt for any request you can have!
Keywords: spanish, portuguese, german, english, french