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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Source text - English This document provides descriptions of the Porting Processes, messages, timer definitions, system interfaces and data for The Number Portability Clearinghouse (NPC) that will be available to all Participants (Participants are Service Providers/Operators of fixed and mobile phone services who are recognized by the NPC and can be involved as Recipients of ported numbers, as Donors of ported numbers, or as Other Participants who receive information about ported numbers from NPC.)
NPC provides the capability to define different porting processes for different types of portability. The Porting Processes that are described in this document include processes between a Donor and a Recipient to initiate and activate number porting, cancel a number porting or reverse a port. The processes also include Return of numbers to the assignee provider or to the commission i.e. Number Deletion from Administrative database (ABD) and Addition of specific Non-Geographic messages to telecommunication provider.
Translation - Spanish Este documento brinda descripciones de los Procesos de Portación, mensajes, definiciones de temporizadores, interfaces de sistemas y datos para la BDA de Portabilidad Numérica (NPC) que estará disponible para todos los Participantes (Participantes son los Proveedores de Servicios/Operadores de servicios telefónicos fijos y móviles reconocidos por la BDA de Portabilidad Numérica y que pueden participar como Receptores de números portados, como Donadores de números portados o como Otros Participantes que reciben información acerca de números portados desde la BDA de Portabilidad Numérica).
La BDA de Portabilidad Numérica brinda la capacidad de definir diferentes procesos de portación para diferentes tipos de portabilidad. Los Procesos de Portación descritos en este documento incluyen procesos entre un Donador y un Receptor para iniciar y activar la portación numérica, cancelar la portación de un número o revertir una portación. Los procesos también incluyen la Devolución de números al proveedor cesionario o a la comisión, es decir, Eliminación del Número de la base de datos Administrativa (ABD) y Agregado de mensajes No Geográficos específicos al proveedor de telecomunicaciones.
Spanish to English: Servidor de informes
Source text - Spanish El RepServer o Servidor de listados y reportes se encarga de procesar los reportes de las aplicaciones sin generar demoras a los usuarios, quienes pueden seguir operando mientras el servidor los procesa. De esta manera, no tienen la necesidad de esperar que las aplicaciones resuelvan los reportes en sus máquinas.
Es una aplicación que ejecuta reportes de los usuarios en forma asincrónica, en el orden en que los van enviando. Además del RepServer propiamente dicho; cuenta con un Monitor de Reportes, un administrador de usuarios e impresoras y un programador de reportes.
Algunas de las ventajas de su utilización para la impresión de reportes son:
- El usuario que envía un reporte a imprimir no debe esperar a que el mismo se procese íntegramente en su estación de trabajo. Puede seguir operando mientras se ejecuta el reporte en el servidor.
- La generación de múltiples reportes simultáneos puede sobrecargar a los servidores de aplicaciones e interrumpir a todos los usuarios. La utilización del RepServer administra la ejecución de los mismos.
- Configurando adecuadamente el servidor de reportes, se puede controlar la concurrencia de ejecuciones en el servidor dedicado, logrando una gran estabilidad.
- Es una solución para generar archivos PDF.
- Reduce la cantidad de licencias necesarias de Adobe Acrobat Writer.
- No influye si la PC que envía el reporte es lenta o posee poca memoria, ya que el procesamiento del reporte lo hace el servidor, y no depende del tiempo de ejecución de la estación de trabajo que lo genera.
- Facilita la configuración de impresoras: Ya no es necesario configurar las impresoras en cada PC al centralizar las impresiones en el Servidor de Aplicaciones.
Translation - English The RepServer or List and report server processes the application reports without taking the users too long. These may still continue working while the server processes the reports. Thus, they do not have to wait for the applications to create the reports in their machines.
It is an application that runs user reports asynchronously; in the order they are sent. Besides the RepServer itself, you will find a Report Monitor, a user and printer manager and a report scheduler.
Some of the advantages of using it to print reports are:
- The user sending a report to be printed does not need to wait for it to be processed completely in its workstation. It may go on working while the report is run in the server.
- Multiple, simultaneous reporting may overload the application servers and interrupt all users.
The RepServer manages their execution.
- By properly configuring the report server, the concurrence of executions in the dedicated server can be controlled, thus achieving great stability.
- It is a solution to generate PDF files.
- It reduces the number of required Adobe Acrobat Writer licenses.
- A slow or low memory PC is not a problem, since the reporting process is performed by the server, and it does not depend on the execution time of the workstation generating the report.
- It facilitates the configuration of printers –these are not longer required to be setup up in each PC, because the printing process is centralized in the Application Server.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Universidad del Salvador
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Jan 2003. Became a member: May 2008.
English to Spanish (Universidad del Salvador, Facultad de Filosofía, Historia y Letras, verified) Spanish to English (Universidad del Salvador, Facultad de Filosofía, Historia y Letras, verified) Portuguese to Spanish (Estudio Lucille Barnes, verified) Spanish to Portuguese (Estudio Lucille Barnes, verified)
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My career as a freelance linguist began in 2003 when I got my degree as a BA in Conference Interpreting (EN>ES). The services I offer on a daily basis include: translation, localization, proofreading, and quality assessment services, but I also have offered other language-related services, such as creating glossaries, style guides, cultural awareness for brands. For the last years, I've also worked in the Natural Language Processing/Understanding creating queries for a voice recognition software.
My fields of expertise in translation are IT, Software & Apps, Telecommunications.
Some of my most important translation projects include:
- Apps for the insurace/banking market,
- IT (data management systems, ERP systems, business intelligence),
- Software Localization,
- Telecom material (Wired, wireless, mobile communications, VOIP, porting processes),
- Web sites,
- Company documentation,
- Press Releases,
- Marketing brochures,
- Quick reference guides,
- Technical specifications in RFPs.
- E-learning courses.
For the last 10 years, I've worked as a Language Specialist in the quality assessment area, this includes tasks such as:
- General quality assessment in Spanish language,
- Review of new translators tests,
- Review of translations (an extensive variety of fields),
- Creation of glossaries and style guides.
The CATs I use include Trados Studio 2021, Phrase, MemoQ, Smartling, SmartCat, and Wordbee.
For the last 4 years, I've also volunteered for Women in Localization (a community for the advancement of women in the localization industry), where I served in different roles, such as event organizer, social media manager, mentor, and currently as a Marketing-Partnership liaison.
Other memberships that I'm part of are: AATI, ATA, as well as the Proz Pro Network.
Contact me at any time, so we can discuss your project in detail and how my skills can help you reach your communication goals.