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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
Maltese to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR per word / 30 - 36 EUR per hour English to Maltese - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR per word / 30 - 36 EUR per hour Italian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR per word / 30 - 36 EUR per hour Italian to Maltese - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR per word / 30 - 36 EUR per hour
Source text - English You will take part in the study only if you want to. It is important that you have the information about this study that you need in order to decide if you want to participate. A member of the staff will talk to you about the study, and answer your questions. You may also talk to family and friends about your decision. Please take your time making your decision.
All studies must be approved by an ethics committee before any subjects can take part. The ethics committee helps protect subjects in research studies.
Translation - Maltese Int tieħu sehem f’dan l-istudju jekk trid int biss. Huwa importanti li int ikollok it-tagħrif kollu li teħtieġ dwar dan l-istudju biex tkun tista’ tasal għal deċiżjoni jekk għandekx tieħu sehem. Persuna li tagħmel parti mill-personel se tkellmek dwar l-istudju u twieġeb il-mistoqsijiet tiegħek. Inti għandek mnejn tkun trid titkellem ukoll ma' tal-familja u l-ħbieb dwar id-deċiżjoni tiegħek. Jekk jogħġbok ħu l-ħin kollu li teħtieġ biex tasal għad deċiżjoni tiegħek.
L-istudji kollha jeħtieġu li jiġu approvati minn kumitat tal-etika qabel il parteċipanti jkunu jistgħu jieħdu sehem. Il-kumitat tal-etika jgħin sabiex iħares 'il dawk il-persuni li jieħdu sehem fi studji ta’ riċerka.
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Graduated as a Medical Laboratory Scientist and later awarded a UNESCO fellowship which eventually led to a Post-graduate Diploma in Forensic Science from the University of Strathclyde (UK). Providing Consultancy services to the Courts, Media, and the Biotechnology industry.
I have over twelve years experience in translations, having been contracted by the Ministry of Justice and the Law-Drafting Unit within the Ministry of Justice for work connected with legal documentation on European legislation.
As my background is in the scientific and medical disciplines my main thrust is in providing specialist translation, editing and proofreading services in the scientific, medical, technical, veterinary, foodstuffs, and cosmetics fields eg. Summary of Product Characteristics. Declarations of Conformity, MSDS etc.
I also use CAT software tools (SDLX TRADOS Studio 2019, Wordfast) to eliminate any inconsistencies in my text and ensure that all the text is translated.
Linguistic screening and checking is also carried out. Performed translations also for the Law Courts in Malta. I have been outsourced work from the major European, American, Australian and Asian agencies with regards to translations of manuals, regulations, websites and medical documentation.
I have also vast experience in EU texts regarding draft legislation, regulations and directives in various fields e.g. environment, technical regulations, scientific equipment etc.
In politics I am currently an elected member of the Local Administrative Council (2010)
Editing, Revisions and proofreading are carried out scrupulously and professionally according to the clients' specifications and with due consideration of the target audience. Text is studied for typos, clarity and inconsistencies.
Language combinations: English < > Maltese, Italian > Maltese and Italian < > English, Sworn Official Translator by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Malta.
Confidentiality is maintained at all times.
I also taught English as a foreign language.
My objective is to establish long-term business relationships through quality work and a professional approach.
Prices are negotiable where volumes are involved.
Quality professional Maltese translations with the right attitude.
Keywords: #Maltese, #translation, freelance, traduzzjoni, #pharma, translate, edit, insurance, #EU, UE. See more.#Maltese, #translation, freelance, traduzzjoni, #pharma, translate, edit, insurance, #EU, UE, translations, health, #checking, #revisions, environmental, #localization, #English Maltese, #translator, glossaries, MSDS, DNA, forensic, French Maltese, Maltese English, #medical, #Malta, Italian English, Italian Maltese, #Maltese translations, Ċ, editing, English, Italian, sworn, Ġ, French, CE, Ħ, EU texts, locale, veterinary, security, safety, #linguistic screening, linguistic checking, trials, studies, ġ, pharmaceutical, science, technical, medicine, ċ, chemical, Taljan, Malti, Ż, Maltin, agriculture, farmaci, medicina, mediċina, Malte, veterinary, foodstuffs, cosmetics, ż, #linguistic branding, forensic, official, biochemistry, Ħ, Malta, environment, localization, revision, checking, #proof-reading, proof-read, #proofreading, proofread, terminology, thoroughness review, italiano, drugs, devices, equipment, patient histories, safety data sheets, patents, ħ, summary of product characteristics, SPC, teaching English as a Foreign Language, Declaration of Conformity, TEFL, back translation, . See less.
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