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Source text - Spanish Déjame hablarte de un lugar donde el tiempo se sigue sentando a la sombra de un castaño... donde los árboles de fronda le hacen túneles a los ríos... donde el milagro de Noé se hace tapete de cepas y surco de pámpanos.
Porque fue en este mismo lugar donde alguien sembró una vez un sueño que hoy se puede palpar con los ojos.
Esta es una tierra generosa de ubres y huertas que brinca de contenta cuando la pisa el hombre que la tiene fe, que le pone ganas, que la quiere hasta esposarse y que se esposa hasta la muerte a estos surcos y a todos los horizontes que hasta aquí se extienden. Entonces, viendo al hombre que la mima, esta tierra se derrama en viñas y en cerezos, en manzanos y primores, en coquetería hortelana y robledal... porque esta tierra está prometida a quien la ama y la trabaja.
Translation - English Allow me to tell you about a place where time stands still in the shade of a chestnut tree…where the foliage creates tunnels out of the rivers…where the miracle of Noah is brought out through the vines and furrow of the shoots.
Because it was in this same place where someone once planted a dream that today can be felt with your eyes.
This is a generous land of udders and gardens which jumps for joy when it is stepped upon by the man who has faith in it, who works it heartily, who loves it as if it were his wife, and who weds these furrows and all of the surrounding horizons until death. Upon seeing the man that pampers it, this land spills over in vines and cherry trees, in apple trees and exquisiteness, in orchard coquetry and oak…because this land is engaged to the one who loves and works it.
Spanish to English: Contract
Source text - Spanish El Asegurador se compromete a notificar a (Nombre del Comitente) cualquier omisión en que incurriere
(Nombre del Contratista/Subcontratista), con una anticipación mínima de 15 (quince) días corridos respecto a
la fecha en que dicha omisión pudiera determinar la pérdida o caducidad de la vigencia de la póliza, en forma
total o parcial; quedando en claro que no se producirá la caducidad o pérdida de vigencia de la misma en
forma total o parcial cuando el Asegurador omitiera cumplir con la obligación previamente descripta, y hasta
tanto transcurra el plazo fijado a partir de la fecha de la notificación a (Nombre del Comitente).
El presente certificado se extiende a pedido del Asegurado, en Buenos Aires al ____, para ser
presentado ante quien corresponda.
Translation - English The Insurer agrees to notify (Name of Principal) of any omission incurred by
(Name of Contractor/Subcontractor), within a minimum of 15 (fifteen) calendar days prior to
the date on which said omission could determine the termination or expiration of the validity period of the policy in a
total or partial way; remaining clear that said expiration or termination of the validity period shall not be produced in a
total or partial way if the Insurer were to not comply with the obligation previously described, and until
the fixed period were to elapse from the date of notification to (Name of the Principal).
The present certificate is issued at the request of the Insured, in Buenos Aires on the____, to be
presented before whomever it may concern.
Spanish to English: International/Social Services
Source text - Spanish La mayoría de las personas que han participado en la F.O. han vivido situaciones de desempleo antes de iniciar la acción formativa (más de ocho de cada diez alumnos/as), siendo más frecuente entre las mujeres que entre los hombres.
Constituyen también mayoría quienes han estado en el paro durante un período dilatado de su vida, siendo el tiempo medio de duración del desempleo superior a los cinco años. Únicamente 1 de cada 10 ha permanecido en el desempleo menos de 6 meses; y 2 de cada 10 han estado desempleados un año.
A este respecto, las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres son significativas, duplicando el tiempo medio de desempleo de las mujeres al de los hombres (casi 7 años frente a 3,5). Si entre los hombres el 9,5% ha estado desempleado diez o más años, entre las mujeres este porcentaje se eleva hasta casi tres de cada diez.
Por otra parte, el tiempo medio de estancia en el empleo de los beneficiarios/as se sitúa en torno a los 11 años. En este caso, más de seis de cada diez hombres ha estado empleado más de 10 años, proporción que se reduce al 33% en el caso de las mujeres.
Cantabria. Nueve de cada diez alumnos/as había sufrido el desempleo antes de participar en la formación ocupacional, siendo esta situación algo más habitual entre las mujeres.
La situación refleja una incidencia algo inferior del desempleo de larga duración, particularmente entre los hombres (media de 2 años de desempleo, uno de cada cuatro menos de 6 meses).
El tiempo medio de estancia en el empleo en esta Comunidad se sitúa en torno a los ocho años y medio, registrándose una divergencia inferior entre hombres y mujeres.
Translation - English The majority of the people who participated in Vocational Training were unemployed before beginning the training initiative (more than eight out of ten students), this trend more frequently observed among women than men.
Those who have been unemployed for an extensive period at some time during their life constitute the majority as well, given that more than five years was the average length of time unemployed. Only 1 out of every 10 had been unemployed less than 6 months; and 2 out of every 10 had been unemployed for a year.
In this respect, the differences between men and women are significant, women doubling the average time unemployed of that of men (almost 7 years as opposed to 3.5). If 9.5% among the men had been unemployed for ten or more years, this percentage among women rises to almost three out of every ten.
On the other hand, the average time that the beneficiaries had been employed is around 11 years. In this case, more than six out of every ten men had been employed more than 10 years, lowering to 33% in the case of women.
Cantabria. Nine out of every ten students had been unemployed before participating in Vocational Training, this situation being a bit more common among women.
The situation reflects a slightly lower long-term unemployment incidence, particularly among men (average of 2 years unemployed, one out of four less than 6 months).
The average time unemployed in this Community is around eight and a half years, with a lower divergence having been recorded between men and women.
French to English: Contract
Source text - French Le service de maintenance fait l'objet d'une redevance annuelle dont le montant hors taxes est de Deux mille huit cent quatre vingt (2.880) francs. La redevance est payable d'avance, le premier jour de la période facturée qui debute le 1er Janvier et se termine le 31 décembre. Le paiement est effectué par chèque, à 30 jours, net et sans excompte, date de facture. La facturation de la première année est calculée au "prorata temporis" de la date de livraison jusqu'au 31 décembre de l'année en cours.
Translation - English The maintenance service is subject to an annual fee of which the total not including tax is two-thousand eight-hundred eighty-eight (2,880) francs. Said fee shall be payable in advance, on the first day of the billing period which commences on January 1st and ends on December 31st. Payment shall be made in full and with no discount by check, within 30 days of the date of the invoice. The calculation of the invoice for the first year is by “prorata temporis” from the date of delivery until December 31st of the same year.
French to English: International/Social Services Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - French 1 XXX, membre de l'Union nationale pour la démocratie et le progrès (UNDP), aurait reçu deux balles dans le pied gauche, tirées par des militaires depuis une voiture banalisée dans le quartier de Madagascar à Douala, lors des "opérations villes mortesu, le 27 juin 1991. Il aurait eu le tibia broyé et aurait dû recevoir des soins médicaux pendant plus de trois ans. 11 se serait adressé à toutes les autorités compétentes pour recevoir des moyens financiers destinés à ses soins médicaux, mais n'aurait jamais rien reçu. Au moment de l'interview (16 mai 19991, il continuait de souffrir et il était toujours question de l'amputer.
2 Des membres du Social Democratic Front (SDF) auraient été attaqués par un groupe de gendarmes et de policiers armés alors qu'ils revenaient d'une réunion politique il Bamenda, le 2 octobre 1991. Ces gendarmes et policiers, ainsi que d'autres militaires dans des hélicoptères, auraient tiré sur la foule et auraient lancé des gaz lacrymogènes et des grenades. Un certain nombre de personnes auraient été grièvement blessées et auraient dû être amputées : XXX aurait été amputé de la main droite, XXX, d'une jambe, XXX, de la main droite, XXX et XXX, des deux mains. Ils n'auraient jamais reçu aucune aide de l'État.
Translation - English 1 XXX, a member of the National Union for Democracy and Progress (UNDP), allegedly received two bullets to the left foot, shot by soldiers from an unmarked car in the Madagascar neighborhood of Douala during the “city mortesu operation” on June 27, 1991. He is reported to have had a crushed tibia and have received medical care for more than three years. According to the records, he contacted all competent authorities to receive financial aid for his medical care, but never received anything. At the time of the interview (May 16, 1991), he continued to suffer and there was still the possibility that he was going to have to have it amputated.
2 Members of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) were reportedly attacked by a group of gendarmes and police officers while they were returning from a political meeting in Bamenda on October 2, 1991. These gendarmes and police officers, as well as other soldiers in helicopters, apparently shot at the crowd and sprayed tear gas and threw grenades. Several people were severely wounded and had to undergo amputations: XXX reportedly had his right hand amputated, XXX had a leg amputated, XXX had his right hand amputated, XXX and XXX had their two hands amputated. They never received any assistance from the State.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat 5.0, Microsoft Excel, Front Page, Word, Access, Powerpoint, Wordfast
More than 886,000 words translated in the last year! B>
I am also a certified EFL/ESOL teacher. Therefore, I have excellent knowledge of education, grammar, writing skills and proofreading/editing.
One and a half years working full time in a financial/credit call center as a trilingual specialist.
Experience working in the tourism industry.
2 years' experience working full-time in the social services/international organization industry as a teacher and translator/interpreter.
Competitive rates! B>
7 years as a Spanish to English and French to English translator both as freelance and in-company in a variety of fields with special interests in education, tourism, and social issues.
Accurate, culturally-sensitive and reliable translations by an American English mother tongue translator who has lived, studied and worked in Spain and France for a total of over seven years.
General Business Translation:
Translation of company handbooks, documents, letters, marketing questionnaires, newsletters, articles for the press and websites. Semi-technical documents welcome.
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