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I am native Hindi translator from Hindi belt with huge experience specially in Video subtitling, patents, legal matters and medical healthcare.
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3 projects entered 3 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 20000 words Completed: Jun 2007 Languages: English to Hindi
Translation of a technical book
Electronics / Elect Eng
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 30000 words Completed: Mar 2006 Languages: English to Hindi
Translation of a technical book
Construction / Civil Engineering
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 35000 words Completed: Nov 2004 Languages: English to Hindi
Translation of a technical book
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Sample translations submitted: 5
English to Hindi: 7th Translation Contest - Entry #5935
Source text - English Winters used to be cold in England. We, my parents especially, spent them watching the wrestling. The wrestling they watched on their black-and-white television sets on Saturday afternoons represented a brief intrusion of life and colour in their otherwise monochrome lives. Their work overalls were faded, the sofa cover—unchanged for years—was faded, their memories of the people they had been before coming to England were fading too. My parents, their whole generation, treadmilled away the best years of their lives toiling in factories for shoddy paypackets. A life of drudgery, of deformed spines, of chronic arthritis, of severed hands. They bit their lips and put up with the pain. They had no option but to. In their minds they tried to switch off—to ignore the slights of co-workers, not to bridle against the glib cackling of foremen, and, in the case of Indian women, not to fret when they were slapped about by their husbands. Put up with the pain, they told themselves, deal with the pain—the shooting pains up the arms, the corroded hip joints, the back seizures from leaning over sewing machines for too many years, the callused knuckles from handwashing clothes, the rheumy knees from scrubbing the kitchen floor with their husbands' used underpants.
When my parents sat down to watch the wrestling on Saturday afternoons, milky cardamon tea in hand, they wanted to be entertained, they wanted a laugh. But they also wanted the good guy, just for once, to triumph over the bad guy. They wanted the swaggering, braying bully to get his come-uppance. They prayed for the nice guy, lying there on the canvas, trapped in a double-finger interlock or clutching his kidneys in agony, not to submit. If only he could hold out just a bit longer, bear the pain, last the course. If only he did these things, chances were, wrestling being what it was, that he would triumph. It was only a qualified victory, however. You'd see the winner, exhausted, barely able to wave to the crowd. The triumph was mainly one of survival.
Translation - Hindi इग्लैंड की सर्दियाँ ठिठुराने वाली होती हैं। हमने, खासतौर पर मेरे माता-पिता ने ये सर्दियाँ कुश्तियां देखते हुए गुजारीं। शनिवार की शामों को अपने ब्लैक एंड व्हाइट टेलीविजन पर कुश्तियां देखने से उनकी नीरस जिंदगियों मे जैसे रौनक आ गईं और रंग भर गए। काम के दौरान पहने जाने वाले उनके लबादे बदरंग हो गए थे, वर्षों से न बदले गए सोफे के कवर धुँधला गए थे, इग्लैंड आने से पहले जिन लोगों के साथ उन्होंने वक्त गुजारा था, उनकी स्मृतियां भी अब धुँधलाने लगीं थीं। मेरे माता-पिता और उनकी पूरी पीढ़ी ने अपने जीवन के सर्वोत्तम साल घटिया-से वेतन के लिए कारखानों में काम करते हुए खपा दिए थे। बदले में मिला क्या- झुकी कमर, असाध्य गठिया और कटे-फटे हाथों वाली नीरस जिंदगी। अपने होंठों को चबाते हुए वे चुपचाप दर्द बर्दाश्त करते रहे। उनके पास इसके अलावा और कोई चारा भी नहीं था। अपनी तरफ से उन्होंने अपने साथी कामगारों की हालत की अनदेखी करने, फोरमैन की कपट भरी बकबक के खिलाफ अपना संयम बनाए रखने और भारतीय महिलाओं के मामले में, उनके पतियों द्वारा उनकी पिटाई करने पर होने वाली चिड़चिड़ाहट से बचने की भरसक कोशिश की। चुपचाप दर्द सहते हुए उन्होंने खुद से कहा-दर्द से निपटना सीखो-चाहे वह हाथों में बढ़ती हुई तकलीफ हो, कूल्हे के कमजोर होते जोड़ हों, सालों साल मशीन पर झुके रहने के कारण कमर की ऐंठन हो, हाथ से कपड़े धोने से हाथों के फटे पोर हों या फिर अपने शौहरों द्वारा इस्तेमाल की गई निक्कर चढ़ाकर रसोई का फर्श रगड़कर साफ करते-करते गठिया गए घुटनों का दर्द हो।
जब मेरे माता-पिता शनिवार की शामों को हाथों में इलायची वाली दूधिया चाय थामे कुश्ती देखने के लिए बैठते तो वे चाहते थे मनोरंजन, उनकी चाहत थी सिर्फ एक मुस्कान। लेकिन वे यह भी चाहते थे कि सिर्फ एक बार ही सही, मगर अच्छा आदमी खलनायक से जीते। वे चाहते थे कि किसी तरह पूरा जोर लगाकर, अपना दमखम दिखाकर वह हावी हो जाए। उन्होंने उस अच्छे व्यक्ति के लिए दुआएं कीं जो दोनों हाथों की अंगुलियां फँसा कर बनाए गए शिकंजे में फँसा हुआ या दर्द से अपने गुर्दों को पकड़े हुए पर आत्मसमर्पण न करने की मुद्रा में गद्दे पर पड़ा हुआ था। काश, वह बस थोड़ी और देर तक मुकाबला कर पाए, दर्द को बर्दाश्त कर ले, उस हालत में भी टिका रहे। काश, वह ये सब कर पाए तो उम्मीद थी कि वह जीत जाता, अरे कुश्ती इसी का तो नाम है। लेकिन यह सिर्फ एक हल्की-फुल्की जीत होती। आप जरा विजेता को देखिए, इतना थका-हारा होता है कि उसमें जनता की तरफ हाथ हिलाने भर का दम भी नहीं रह जाता। यह तो बस अस्तित्व बनाए रखने वाली जीत थी।
English to Hindi: Jainism
Source text - English Jains do not put their faith in an omnipotent supreme ruler. Rather they believe in cosmic principles and the perfect structure of nature. An important part of life’s journey is to realise their connection with the huge universe. Much of this has to do with karma. For every action there’s a reaction that will impact on the soul’s journey. Jains believe every single living thing – even plants – has a soul cased in its material body. And every soul is involved in its own cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Freedom from this cycle results in a state of permanent bliss.
Every Jain – from the naked aesthete to the prosperous merchant –lives by the rules of a strong ethical code. One of their most fundamental beliefs is one of non-violence. It was this aspect of Jainism that Mahatma Gandhi adopted as one of his platforms for political activism. As an extension of their non-violent philosophy, Jains adhere to a strictly vegetarian diet.
Translation - Hindi
जैन लोग सर्वशक्तिमान सर्वोच्च परमात्मा में विश्वास नहीं रखते। इसके बजाय, वे सृष्टि के सिध्दांतों और प्रकृति की संपूर्ण संरचना पर यकीन रखते हैं। जीवन की यात्रा का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा विशाल ब्रह्मांड से उनके संबंध को महसूस करना है। इसका एक बड़ा हिस्सा कर्म है। हर क्रिया की एक प्रतिक्रिया होती है जो आत्मा की यात्रा पर अपना असर डालेगी। जैनियों का विश्वास है कि हर जीवित वस्तु-यहां तक कि पौधों- के भौतिक शरीर में भी एक आत्मा होती है। और हर आत्मा का जन्म, मृत्यु और पुनर्जन्म का अपना चक्र होता है। इस चक्र से मुक्ति का परिणाम स्थायी परमानंद की प्राप्ति है।
नग्नता को ही सौंदर्य मानने वाले दिगंबरों से लेकर समृध्द सौदागर तक-हर जैन व्यक्ति आचारशास्त्र के कड़े नियमों का पालन करता है। उनका सबसे बुनियादी विश्वास अहिंसा है। जैन धर्म यही वह पहलू था जिसे महात्मा गांधी ने अपनी राजनीतिक सक्रियता के मंच के रूप में अपनाया। अपने अहिंसा दर्शन के ही बड़े रूप में, जैन लोग शाकाहारी आहार का कड़ाई से पालन करते हैं।
English to Hindi: Repo Rate (Banks)
Source text - English The Reserve Bank of India has increased the repo rate under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility(LAF) from 8.00 per cent to 8.50 per cent with immediate effect. The cash reserve ratio (CRR) of the scheduled commercial banks, regional rural banks, scheduled state co-operatative banks and scheduled primary (urban) co-operative banks is also being increased by 50 basis points to 8.75 per cent in two stages. It will be increased to 8.50 from current 8.25 from July 5. Later it will be further enhanced to 8.75 from July 19.
Translation - Hindi भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने रैपो रेट में बढ़ोत्तरी कर दी है। तरलता समायोजन सुविधा यानि एलएएफ के तहत रैपो दर को 8.00 से बढ़ाकर तत्काल प्रभाव से 8.50 फीसदी कर दिया गया है। अनुसूचित वाणिज्यिक बैंकों, क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बैंकों, अनुसूचित राज्य सहकारी बैंकों और अनुसूचित प्राथमिक शहरी बैंकों के लिए नकदी आरक्षी दर यानि सीआरआर में आधा फीसदी की बढ़ोत्तरी की गई है जो दो चरणों में बढ़ाकर 8.75 फीसदी की जाएगी। 5 जुलाई से इसे 8.25 से बढ़ाकर 8.50 फीसदी किया जाएगा। बाद में, 19 जुलाई से इसे एक बार फिर बढ़ाकर 8.75 फीसदी कर दिया जाएगा।
English to Hindi: Postscript File Format
Source text - English PostScript File Format
Nearly all printing services can work with PostScript files. There are two types of PostScript files: PostScript files (also known as “PostScript dumps”) and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files. Ask your printing service which format they want you to use:
EPS files An Encapsulated PostScript file is a graphic of a single page of your publication. It can be opened, modified, and printed in many graphic programs. Unlike a PostScript print file, an EPS file cannot be printed on most printers, including PostScript printers, unless it has been placed in another program. When you hand off your publication in the EPS file format, you must create a separate EPS file for each page in your publication.
Translation - Hindi पोस्टस्क्रिप्ट फाइल प्रारूप
करीब-करीब सभी प्रिटिंग सेवाएं पोस्टस्क्रिप्ट फाइलों के साथ काम कर सकती हैं। पोस्टस्क्रिप्ट फाइलें दो तरह की होती हैं- पोस्टस्क्रिप्ट फाइलें (जिन्हें ''पोस्टस्क्रिप्ट डम्प्स'' के रूप में भी जाना जाता है ) तथा बेहद महत्वपूर्ण किस्म की (एनकैप्सूलेटिड) पोस्टस्क्रिप्ट (ईपीएस) फाइलें। अपनी प्रिटिंग सेवा से पूछिए कि वे किस प्रारूप का प्रयोग करना चाहते हैं :
ईपीएस फाइलें - एक ईपीएस फाइल आपके प्रकाशन का एक पृष्ठ का लेखाचित्र (ग्राफिक) है। इसे अनेक ग्राफिक कार्यक्रमों में खोला, संशोधित और मुद्रित किया जा सकता है। पोस्टस्क्रिप्ट प्रिंट फाइल के विपरीत, ईपीएस फाइल का प्रिंट तब तक पोस्टस्क्रिप्ट प्रिंटरों समेत अधिकांश प्रिंटरों पर नहीं लिया जा सकता जब तक इसे किसी अन्य प्रोग्राम में न डाल दिया जाए। जब आप अपने प्रकाशन को ईपीएस फाइल प्रारूप में डालेंगे तो आपको अपने प्रकाशन के प्रत्येक पन्ने के लिए अलग ईपीएस फाइल बनानी होगी।
English to Hindi: Ultegra Personal
Source text - English Overview
Ultegra Personal is a single-user, object/relational database designed for mobile and distributed applications. Optimized for small-footprint devices, Ultegra Personal runs in under one megabyte of memory, and can be installed in as little as three megabytes of hard disk space.
With its Ultegra 2000 Navigator interface, data replication functionality, Java support, and compatibility with Ultegra 2000 and popular development tools like DevStudio 2000, Visual Basic, Delphi, and PowerBuilder, Ultegra Personal offers a wide range of options for developing and implementing distributed solutions.
Translation - Hindi विहंगावलोकन
अल्टेग्रा पर्सनल एकल-प्रयोक्ता, विषय/तर्कसंगत डाटाबेस है जिसे मोबाइल तथा अन्य उपयोगों के लिए डिजाइन किया गया है। छोटी फुटप्रिंट विधियों के अनुकूल अल्टेग्रा पर्सनल एक मेगाबाइट मेमोरी से भी कम में काम करता है और इसे तीन मेगाबाइट वाले हार्डडिस्क जैसे छोटे स्पेस में स्थापित किया जा सकता है।
अल्टेग्रा 2000 नेवीगेटर अंतरापृष्ठ (इंटरफेस), डाटा प्रतिकृति कार्यप्रणाली, जावा सहयोग और अल्टेग्रा 2000 एवं डेवस्टूडियो 2000, विजुअल बेसिक, डेल्फी और पावरबिल्डर जैसे लोकप्रिय विकास उपकरणों के साथ इसकी अनुकूलता के कारण, अल्टेग्रा पर्सनल वियोजित समाधानों के विकास एवं उन्हें लागू करने हेतु व्यापक विकल्प पेश करता है।
Telephone No. : +91-9891358585 (India)+5.30 GMT [email protected] & [email protected] [email protected]
Language Pair for Translation-
English to Hindi and Hindi to English
SDL Trados 2014 and Wordfast Pro
** Post Graduation Degree in Economics, 1985 from University of Meerut, Uttar Pradesh (India)
** Post Graduation Degree in Hindi, 1989 from University of Delhi, Delhi (India)
Broadband internet connectivity
I am having 24 hours Broadband internet connectivity
Belongs to Hindi Belt
My mother tongue is Hindi. I am born and brought up in the heart of Hindi belt (Uttar Pradesh) and now residing in Delhi from past 25 years.
Some Important Technical Projects Undertaken
(Got blueboard entries for these books)
Apart from translation of so many documents, annual reports and technical papers etc., I have translated three most important technical books for TERI(Tata Energy Research Institute) University, New Delhi-
1. Handbook for franchise development in the rural electricity distribution sector
2. Solar Cooling Within The Shada Project-Glossary
3. Asia Urbs Project-Long Term Building Design
Experience in Translation
I have been doing translation for past 23 years as freelancer. While getting Master degree in Hindi from Delhi University, I passed a special paper of journalism and translation. More importantly, I have translation Diploma from Cenral Hindi Institute which most reputed and government approved Institution in imparting translation training and diploma etc.
• As Translator-Working as freelance translator since 1987.
• As Hindi News Editor-Also Worked as casual Hindi News Editor from 1995 to 1999 on AIR News Services.
• As Translator for reputed companies-Empanelled in some of the translation companies since at least 10 years. Also in the translator penal of Tata Energy Research Institute. Till now, I have done translation of at least 20 books of different fields.
• Doing Google jobs regularly for Lionbridge, Mumbai using Logoport Xliff Editor.
• Also doing translation jobs for reputed translation companies like Brahmam Net Solutions, Lingvopadea etc.-all Delhi based translation companies.
• Recently done subtitling job of more than 4 hours duration for Antarcticafilms, Bunes Ares for which got positive blueboard entry.
Medical and Healthcare Translation
I have experience of almost 15 years of the translation in the field of Medical, health and healthcare. I have doing such jobs for many reputed companies. I have done translation of a lot of clinical trial, Patient Information Leaflets and surveys. Semantics and Multilinguistics are some of the companies for whom I have been doing such work for numerous times.
Legal Translation
As I have worked in the courts of District and Additional Session Judges for three years as a regular employee, therefore I have good knowledge of legal proceedings as well as legal terminology. It enables me to translate any kind of legal document easily.
Active in Media
I am also active in the field of media specially news media for past 17 years where I have been doing news editing, translation and voice overs etc. The work still continues.
My Specialised Areas and Expertise
Though I cover all the subjects in my translation yet my most prefered areas of specialization are-
1. Medical, health and healthcar (specially clinical trials & Patient Information Leaflets)
2. Patents & IPO
3. Project works & Annual Reports
4. Tourism/Airlines, Inflight Announcements, Flight Manuals
5. Law (general)
6. Economic affairs, Government and Public Administration, defence
7. Astrology
8. News items, Press communiques, Public relations, Media related subjects & Journalism
9. Books or subjects relating to History & Philosophy
10. Children related subjects
Well Known Writer and Awards
I am a well known writer with more than 10 books published including stories, short stories, 3 novels, poem collections. I have been given awards for my stories and poems constantly 4 years by Hindi Academy, Delhi. Over the years, as a writer my stories, write-ups, satires and poems have been published in well known national journals and newspapers like Kadambini, Sarita, Madhumati, Hans, Nandan, Bal Bharti, Ajkal, Punjab Kesari, Navbharat Times, Vishwamitra etc. and I have recited my poems so many times on Doordarshan’s National Channel. For details kl. go through my resume.
I have edited two or three Hindi periodical and still working as Chief Editor of Divya Khadesar Dham (a quarterly spiritual journal ).
And therefore, I find myself excellently positioned for translations of literary novels, short stories, autobiographies, biographies, children's literature, essays, and books related to history, culture, religion, philosophy and the arts. Of late, in December, 2008 I have been awarded Rahul Sankrityayan Award on all India basis for writing a book on tourism (Travel memoirs actually) by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
Typing and Fonts
I am also capable of doing Hindi and English typing fluently in MS Word, so I can handle the situation easily and there would be no delay in translation jobs especially due to the availability of typist. I use particularly widely used Krutidev-10,16 and all other popular Hindi fonts and also undertake projects in MSUnicode.
Translation: 1500 – 2000 words per day maximum. (Depending on the complexity, style and subject of the text.)
Editing & Proofreading: 3000 words per day maximum. (Depending on the complexity, style and subject of the text.)
Bank transfer please
You can call me anytime on +91-9891358585.
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100% positive (3 entries)
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English to Hindi
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Electronics / Elect Eng
Construction / Civil Engineering
Keywords: Native Hindi Translator(New Delhi/India), Hindi belt, हिंदी अनुवाद, प्रूफरीडिंग, हिंदी अनुवादक, English-Hindi Translation, Freelance Translator, Hindi-English Translation, Back Translation, Legal. See more. Native Hindi Translator(New Delhi/India), Hindi belt, हिंदी अनुवाद,प्रूफरीडिंग,हिंदी अनुवादक, English-Hindi Translation,Freelance Translator, Hindi-English Translation,Back Translation, Legal,Video Subtitling,subtitles,Clinical Trials, Medical: Healthcare,Patient Information Leaflets/Advertising,Economic affairs, Websites Localisation,Multimedia, Media,Airlines,Inflight Announcements,Flight Manuals,Annual Reports, हिंदी अनुवाद/हिंदी अनुवादक,Patents,Engineering,Technical Translation,Building Construction, Transportation,Automotives,Reports,Art and Literature,Religion,Astrology,Psychology, Children books,Astrology,Journalism,Press communiques,Tourism and Travel, Construction,Computers,Manufacturing, Management,Science General,Unicode font,मंगल फॉंट,Professional Translator,Hindi translator,Proofreading,Editing,MS Word,Excel,Powerpoint,Pdf,. See less.
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