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German to English: Hintergrundrecherchen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Bienensterben und Neonicotinoiden General field: Science Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - German Hintergrundrecherchen zum Zusammenhang
zwischen Bienensterben und Neonicotinoiden
Version: 12. 12. 2012
Gutachten verfasst im Auftrag von Greenpeace Schweiz
1. Überblick über die Neonicotinoide 2
1.1 Nicotin, Nicotinoide und Neonicotinoide 2
1.2 Die wichtigsten Neonicotinoide 2
1.3 Key players 3
2. Einsatz von Neonicotinoiden in der Schweiz 3
2.1 In der Schweiz bewilligte Pflanzenschutzmittel auf der Basis von Neonicotinoiden 3
2.2 In der Schweiz bewilligte Anwendungen von Neonicotinoiden für den
Pflanzenschutz 3
2.3 In der Schweiz bewilligte Biozide und deren Anwendungen 6
3. Rapsanbau in der Schweiz 7
3.1 Relevante Schädlinge, Schädlingsdruck 7
3.2 Bekämpfung der Rapsschädlinge 7
3.3 Anbau von Bioraps in der Schweiz 11
4. Literatur, Quellenangaben 12
Anhang 1: Bewilligte Pflanzenschutzmittel auf der Basis von Neonicotinoiden 13
Anhang 2: Bewilligte Biozide auf der Basis von Neonicotinoiden 16
1. Überblick über die Neonicotinoide
1.1 Nicotin, Nicotinoide und Neonicotinoide
Schon lange ist bekannt, dass Nicotin nicht nur für Menschen, sondern auch für Insekten giftig ist; allerdings ist es für Menschen giftiger als für Insekten. Die Industrie begann deshalb
eine Suche nach verwandten Substanzen mit erhöhter Toxizität für Insekten, den sogenannten Nicotinoiden. Das erste kommerzialisierte Nicotinoid war Nithiazin (Markteinführung
in den USA 1955). Da es nicht photostabil war (d.h., dass es sich im Feld unter Lichteinfluss schnell abbaute), war es kein kommerzieller Erfolg. Aus dieser Erkenntnis heraus
wurden neue, photostabile Substanzen entwickelt, welche Neonicotinoide genannt werden.
Deren Entwicklung begann in den 1980er Jahren bei Shell und ab den 1990er Jahren bei Bayer. Vor der Markteinführung der Neonicotinoide wurden als Insektizide hauptsächlich
Pyrethroide, Organophosphate und Carbamate eingesetzt.
Der Erfolg der Neonicotinoide beruht hauptsächlich auf ihrem breiten Wirkungsspektrum und ihrer systemischen1 und translaminaren2 Wirkung. Neonicotinoide sind insbesondere
gegen saugende Insekten wirksam, aber auch gegen einige beissende Insekten. Da die Neonicotinoide einen anderen Wirkungsmechanismus als alle übrigen Insektizide haben,
eignen sie sich zudem gut für das Resistenzmanagement. Resistenz gegen Neonicotinoide wurde schon bei einigen Schädlingsarten beobachtet (Jeschke et al., 2010).
Die Neonicotinoide sind die Insektizidklasse mit dem höchsten Wachstum (Jeschke et al., 2010), und Imidacloprid ist derzeit das meistverkaufte Insektizid weltweit (AgroPages,
2012). Bei den Saatgutbeizmitteln haben Neonicotinoide einen grossen Wachstumsschub ausgelöst (Jeschke et al., 2010). Da die Patentfristen für viele Neonicotinoide kürzlich ausgelaufen sind oder bald auslaufen werden, wird mit dem Markteintritt von Generika gerechnet.
Es wird ein Preiszerfall erwartet, und dadurch eine weitere Zunahme der eingesetzten
Mengen (Jeschke et al., 2010).
Neonicotinoide sind bekannt für ihre Nebenwirkungen auf nicht-Zielorganismen und insbesondere für ihre Giftigkeit gegenüber Bienen und Hummeln (Gill et al., 2012; Henry et al.,
2012; Whitehorn et al., 2012). Schneider et al. (2012) konnten zeigen, dass Neonicotinoide das Futtersuchverhalten der Honigbiene verändern. Allerdings trat dieser Effekt bei Konzentrationen, wie sie im Feld vorkommen, nicht auf. Das Thema Neonicotinoide wurde bereits von diversen Umweltorganisationen aufgearbeitet. Diese Recherche versteht sich als Ergänzung zu diesen Arbeiten und deckt hauptsächlich die für die Schweiz und für den Schweizer Rapsanbau relevanten Aspekte ab.
Translation - English Background Research on the Relationship
Between Bee Mortality and Neonicotinoids
Version: 16. 1. 2013
Advisory opinion written on behalf of Greenpeace Switzerland
1. Summary about neonicotinoids 2
1.1 Nicotine, nicotinoids and neonicotinoids 2
1.2 The most important neonicotinoids 2
1.3 Key players 3
2. The use of neonicotinoids in Switzerland 3
2.1 Neonicotinoid-based pesticides that are approved in Switzerland 3
2.2 Approved uses of neonicotinoids as pesticides in Switzerland 3
2.3 Approved biocides and their uses in Switzerland 6
3. Rapeseed cultivation in Switzerland 7
3.1 Relevant pests, pest pressure 7
3.2 Combating rapeseed pests 7
3.3 Organic rapeseed farming in Switzerland 11
4. Literature, references 12
Appendix 1: Approved neonicotinoid-based pesticides 13
Appendix 2: Approved neonicotinoid-based biocides 16
1. Summary about Neonicotinoids
1.1 Nicotine, nicotinoids and neonicotinoids
It has long been known that nicotine is toxic not only for humans, but also for insects; however it is more toxic for humans than it is for insects. That is why the pesticide industry began searching for related substances that have a higher toxicity for insects, the so-called nicotinoids.
The first commercialized nicotinoid was nithiazine (this was introduced on the market in the U.S. in 1955). It was not a commercial success, because it was not photostable (i.e. it decomposed quickly in the sunlight on the fields). This realization led to the development of new, photostable substances, which were named neonicotinoids.
Shell began their development in the 1980s and Bayer joined the effort in the 1990s. Before neonicotinoids came on the market, pyrethroids, organophosphates and carbamates were the most important insecticides in use.
The success of neonicotinoids is primarily based on their broad spectrum of effectiveness and their systemic1 and translaminar2 effects. Neonicotinoids are particularly effective against sucking insects, but also against some biting insects. Since the
neonicotinoids have a different effect mechanism than all the other insecticides, they are also useful for resistance management. Resistance to neonicotinoids
has already been observed in some species of pests (Jeschke et al., 2010).
Neonicotinoids are the insecticide class showing the greatest growth (Jeschke et al., 2010), and imidacloprid is currently the world’s most frequently sold insecticide (AgroPages,
2012). Neonicotinoids have triggered a major surge in the growth of seed treatment product lines (Jeschke et al., 2010). Since the patent deadlines for many neonicotinoids recently expired or will expire soon, generic products are expected to start entering the market.
Therefore a drop in prices as well as a further increase in the applied amounts are also expected (Jeschke et al., 2010).
Neonicotinoids are known for their side-effects on non-target organisms and especially for their toxicity to bees and bumble bees (Gill et al., 2012; Henry et al., 2012; Whitehorn et al., 2012). Schneider et al. (2012) were able to demonstrate that neonicotinoids alter the foraging behavior of honey bees. However, this effect did not occur at field concentrations. The topic of neonicotinoids has been addressed by various environmental organizations. This research report is considered a supplement to these works and is chiefly devoted to the relevant aspects for Switzerland and for Swiss rapeseed cultivation.
Years of experience: 32. Registered at Aug 2000.
I am an American citizen living Salzburg Austria, singing for the Salzburg State Theater
(Landestheater) while amassing 30+ years of
freelance translating and
writing experience.
I am also a freelance editor, copywriter,
screenwriter… and hobby
oil painter.
I translate and edit translations for a number of international translation agencies.In 2020, I joined the staff of to proofread DE>EN
translations for journals published by the Max Planck Society.
In 2013, I qualified for the EU Parliament's pool of translators
(EUROSCRIPT) who assist the
EU Parliament and its affiliated companies.
It’s hard to encapsulate 30
years of translation experience. My translation emphasis is generally on business/marketing, advertising and tourism texts, but I also have extensive translating experience in other fields, like art, music, and alternative energy and environmental protection. I have also proudly produced pro bono translations of variousscientific studies
and reports for Greenpeace Austria/Switzerland.
I’ve also translated
numerous international websites, featuring content
ranging from medical testing equipment to restaurant homepages, and from hotel
& tourism association sites to selling art works online.
Please note: Due to my
singing engagement at the Salzburg Landestheater, my translator status is that
of a part time freelancer with non-standard office hours (and an email inbox
that can therefore be full to bursting).
For those reasons, and in
the interest of always delivering professional translations of high literary
quality, I don't accept "panic-button" deadlines. But my rehearsal
and performance schedules leave me a significant amount of free time, enabling
me to meet every reasonable deadline.
And thus I've never missed a deadline
in 30 years.
the use of a CAT tool is truly needed, but do not otherwise employ them, as the
range of topics I have translated over the years is far too broad for CAT tools to be useful.
I am an exacting,
experienced editor and my clients love the results, understanding that
well-crafted, English adaptations of their crucial business texts don’t happen
overnight, but that the extra time and cents/word they invest in the excellence
of their English translation pays big dividends for their company down the
line. My aim is
that of any good translator: Always deliver a
literary-quality, well-researched fourth draft, and always on time.
So if you, too, demand excellence as well as respect for this intellectual
writer's profession, then we'll be a good match!
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