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Romanian to English: . General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - Romanian De comun acord cu asiguratorul, domeniul rafturilor supraetajate va fi supravegheat printr-un numar sporit de senzori. Supravegherea acestor zone se va face in functie de doi senzori.
Instalatia de semnalizare a incendiilor va fi cuplata la sistemul de avertizare al departamentului local de pompieri.
Centrala de averizarea la incendiu va monitoriza si pozitiile vanelor de la ACS si starea presostatului si a senzorului de curgere de pe circuitele sprinklerelor.
Pentru ca in orice moment sa poate fi cunoscuta presiunea, se recomanda montarea unui manometru pe coloana hidrantilor. Hidrantii interiori se pot monta aparent sau ingropat, marcandu-se conform STAS 297-1.
Hidrantii interiori vor fi prevazuti cu furtune semirigide si tevi de refulare universale care sa permita urmotoarele pozitii de reglare: inchidere si jet pulverizat si/sau jet compact.
Teava de refulare universala trebuie robinet de prevazuta cu inchidere a alimentarii cu apa. Robinetul de inchidere trebuie sa fie cu supapa sau alt tip de deschidere lenta.
Cutiile hidrantilor interiori trebuie prevazute cu usa. Usile cutiilor trebuie sa se deschida cu minim 170° pentru a permite furtunului sa fie miscat liber in toate directiile.
Hidrantii interiori vor fi marcati cu iluminat de siguranta tip 3.
Translation - English As agreed with the insurer, the domain of the bunk shelves will be surveilled with an increased number of sensors. The surveillance of these areas will be done depending on two sensors.
The outfit of fire warning will be coupled to the warning system of the fire brigade`s local department.
The fire alarm system will monitor also the positions of the valves from the automated controllers and alarms and the status of the pressure cut-outs and of the flow sensor from the sprinklers`circuits.
For the pressure to be known at any moment, installing a pressure gauge on the hydrant cast iron is recommended. The internal hydrants can be installed on the surface or underground, marking them according to State Standard 297-1.
The internal hydrants will be equipped with semi-rigid tubing and universal discharge lines which allow the following adjustment positions: closure and spray stream and/ or solid stream.
The universal discharge line must be equipped with water supply shut off valve. The shut off valve must be with a valve or another type with slow opening.
The covers of the internal hydrants must be equipped with a door. The doors of the covers must open by a minimum 170° to allow the tubing to be freely moved in all directions.
The internal hydrants will be marked with safety lighting type 3.
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Oct 2008. Became a member: Feb 2011.
English to Romanian (University of Bucharest, verified) English to Romanian (Ministry of Justice, Romania, verified) Romanian to English (University of Bucharest, verified) Romanian to English (Ministry of Justice, Romania, verified) Romanian to English (National College "Mihai Viteazul" , Romania, verified)
English to Romanian (National College "Mihai Viteazul", Romania, verified) Dutch to English (Sagenn School, Eindhoven, Netherlands) French to Romanian (National College Mihai Viteazul, Ploiesti, Romania) French to English (National College Mihai Viteazul, Ploiesti, Romania)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
I am a certified freelance translator/proofreader/editor with more than 14 years experience.
Translation portfolio:
- more than 1000 service contracts (more than 1 million words),
- more than 1000 EU tenders and also other documents regarding the EU,
- technical documentation (approvals, test and measurement procedures, configuration manuals, equipment descriptions, installation manuals, safety documentation, trouble tickets, feasibility studies, terms of references, development documentation, etc.)
- financial documentation (Ad hoc disclosures, annual and quarterly reports, due diligence reports, investor relations, compliance documentation, stock exchange filings, etc)
- marketing research documentation
- accounting documentation
- diploma`s, certificates, etc.
- telecommunication documents: On-line help content, service and troubleshooting manuals, installation manuals, management system user manuals, call center procedures and scripts, etc.
- games.
My skills include excellent concentration and discipline, needed for extended hours of translation work. With each project I undertake, I guarantee high quality work delivered on or before deadline and prompt response to the client`s emails.
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