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Spanish to English: Legal Resolution (Puerto Rico)
Source text - Spanish La Ley Número 170 del 12 de agosto de 1988, según enmendada por la Ley Número 247, aprobada en 25 de diciembre de 1995, titulada Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo Uniforme, establece que la parte adversamente afectada por esta determinación podrá presentar Moción de reconsideración de carácter discrecional o aducir, mediante auto de Revisión ante el Tribunal de Circuito de Apelaciones dentro del término de treinta (30) días, contado a partir del archivo en autos de copia, de la Notificación de la Orden o Resolución de la Agencia.
Translation - English Law Number 170 from August 12, 1988, following the amendment of Law Number 247, approved on December 25, 1995, titled The Uniform Administrative Procedure Law, establishes that the party adversely affected by this ruling will be able to present the Motion of reconsideration in a discretionary manner, or to come, through a judicial decree of Revision before the Circuit Appellate Court within the period of thirty (30) days, counting from the filing of the copies of judicial decrees, of the Notification of the Order or final Resolution of the Agency.
Spanish to English: Accounting Audit
Source text - Spanish Efectuamos nuestro examen de acuerdo con normas de auditoria generalmente aceptadas. Esas normas requieren que planifiquemos y ejecutemos la auditoria para obtener razonable seguridad respecto a sí los estados financieros están libres de presentaciones incorrectas significativas. Una auditoria incluye examinar, sobre una base de pruebas, evidencias que sustenten los importes y revelaciones en los estados financieros. También la evaluación de los principios de contabilidad utilizados y las estimaciones significativas hechas por la Administración, así como la presentación de los estados financieros en su conjunto. Consideramos que nuestro examen proporciona una base razonable para nuestra opinión.
Translation - English We conducted our examination in accordance with the generally accepted norms of auditing. These norms require that we plan and execute the audit in order to obtain a reasonable level of security with respect to whether or not the financial statements are free of the significant presentation of incorrect information. An audit includes examining, based on documents of proof, the evidence that supports the costs and revelations in the financial statements. The evaluation of the principles of accounting used and the significant estimations made by the Administration, as well as the presentation of the financial statements as a whole are also examined. We believe that our examination provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Spanish to English: Alternative Energy Sources
Source text - Spanish Se denomina energía alternativa, en primer lugar, a la energía que reemplaza a los combustibles fósiles que se utilizan actualmente como el petróleo o el carbón. Específicamente existen varios tipos de energías alternativas, como por ejemplo la energía solar, la energía eólica, hidroeléctrica, geotermal, biomasa que proviene de vegetales y los biocombustibles.
La energía alternativa, suele utilizarse en el mismo sentido que energía renovable, siendo los siguientes los proyectos potenciales que existen en el mudo de energía alternativa. Los gráficos que pueden ver a continuación han sido elaborados a partir de las estadísticas que se incluyen en el Pipeline XXX.
En el año 2007, existían 931 proyectos de energía alternativa, siendo el punto sorprendente, que este número es 25 veces mayor al número de proyectos existentes en el año 2004; siendo específicamente notable el incremento de proyectos de energía hidroeléctrica y eólica. Tenemos en el año 2007, 478 proyectos hidroeléctricos y 165 proyectos eólicos, 170 proyectos de biomasa.
Translation - English Alternative energy refers to, in the first place, energy that replaces fossil fuels that are currently used as gasoline or carbon.
There specifically exist various types of alternative energy, such as solar energy, wind turbine energy, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass which comes from vegetables and biofuels.
Alternative energy is usually used in the same sense as renewable energy, refering the next potential projects that exist in the world of alternative energy. The following graphics have been elaborated based on the statistics that are included in the XXX Pipeline.
In the year 2007, there were 931 alternative energy projects. The surprising part is that this number is 25 times larger than the number of projects in the year 2004; the increase in hydroelectric and wind turbine energy projects is of special notice. We have, in the year 2007, 478 hydroelectric projects, 165 wind turbine projects, and 170 biomass projects.
Spanish to English: University Diploma
Source text - Spanish POR CUANTO: el señor XXX ha rendido con aprobación de Tribunal de exámenes las pruebas prescritas por el Plan de Estudios y Reglamentos de la Carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología.
A nombre de la Universidad y en ejercicio de la Autonomía Universitaria consagrada por la Constitución Política del Estado, otorga el presente DIPLOMA ACADEMICO de:
para que sea reconocido como tal y goce de las preeminencias correspondientes a los de su grado.
Translation - English LET IT BE KNOWN THAT: Mr. XXX has presented, with approval from the examining Board, the evidence prescribed by the Plan of Study and Regulations for the Degree of Electrical Engineering from the School of Science and Technology.
T H E R E F O R E:
In the name of this University, and exercising the Autonomy of Universities consecrated by the Constitution of the State, the following ACADEMIC DIPLOMA is presented: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
so that the recipient may be recognized as such and enjoy the privileges corresponding to those who hold this degree.
English to Spanish: Letter from the ECFMG
Source text - English Dear Dean,
The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), through a program of certification, assesses the readiness of international medical graduates to enter accredited programs of graduate medical education in the United States. Because of this responsibility, we must be assured of the authenticity of the medical education credentials of these graduates. To do so, ECFMG maintains an extensive reference library of medical diplomas, graduation certificates and other relevant documents issued by medical schools listed in the International Medical Educational Directory (IMED) and verify the authenticity of documents submitted by applicants directly with the medical school that issued the document.
ECFMG would like to thank you for your past assistance in verifying the authenticity of the medical education credentials of graduates of your medical school.
To ensure authenticity, it is ECFMG policy to accept only verification forms that are certified by an authorized medical school official whose name, title and signature is on record at ECFMG.
Translation - Spanish Estimado Decano,
La Comisión Educacional para Médicos Extranjeros Recién Egresados (CEMERE), atreves de un programa de certificación, analiza si los médicos internacionales recién egresados están listos para entrar programas acreditadas de educación postgrado de medicina en los Estados Unidos. Debido a esta responsabilidad, tenemos que asegurarnos de la autenticad de los credenciales de educación en medicina de estos recién egresados. Para poder hacer eso, CEMERE mantiene una biblioteca extensiva de referencia de títulos de medicina, certificados de graduación y otros documentos relevantes emitidos por las facultades de medicina que aparecen en el Directorio Internacional de Educación de Medicina (IMED) y verifica la autenticad de los documentos sometidos por postulantes directamente con la facultad de medicina que emitió el documento.
CEMERE quiere agradecerle por su ayuda anterior en la verificación de la autenticad de los credenciales de educación en medicina de los egresados de su facultad de medicina.
Para asegurar la autenticad, es la póliza de CEMERE solo aceptar formularios de verificación que son certificados por un oficial autorizado de la facultad de medicina de quien su nombre, titulo y firma estén archivados con la CEMERE.
Spanish to English (US State Department) English (University of Texas at Dallas)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace
I am fluent in both English and Spanish, having been raised speaking both languages (although English is my true mother tongue). Living in Bolivia for 11 years (2005-2016) gave me excellent opportunities every day to keep up my language skills and constantly learn new things.
I love language, and therefore I love translating and proofreading. I pay attention to detail in everything I do, so my work is always reviewed and improved at least twice. This work also makes me happy in part because I am - aside from working with language, my passion - continuing to put my English Literature degree to use.
I am proud to use SDL Trados 2011 and 2014, MemoQ, Translation Workspace and Transit. I am also certified by exam with the United States Embassy in Bolivia to have my translations from Spanish to English notarized by a US Notary Public.
I have a close network of Spanish to English translators located in Cochabamba, Bolivia that I outsource work to when a large project comes in. All translations go through a rigorous revision and QA process before being delivered to the client. We currently have a capacity of up to 12,000 words per day. Feel free to contact me for more information.
Please also see my website for more information about my business, AmeriTranslations: American Translations.
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