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What translation project are you working on right now?
Just translated the website for a famous global confectionery company.
Just translated some subtitles for a reality TV show.
Some more agricultural machinery manuals.
1 user1 user
Some more agricultural machinery manuals.
I edited a study on the role of women in demanding social rights in a peripheral neighbourhood in a Brazilian city.
Some more agricultural machinery manuals.
Some more agricultural machinery manuals.
J'ai traduit quelques textes courts.
Still translating some agricultural machinery manuals.
I've translated a few agricultural machinery manuals.
I've just reviewed a study of hospital records.
Just translated another harvester manual.
I've just translated a harvester manual.
1 user
(edited) Cotton harvester manual
Just translated a list of roles and responsibilities for the anesthesia team.
I've just translated a corn head manual.
I've just translated a sugar cane harvester manual.
(edited) I have just checked the translation from English to Spanish of information on a patient consent form containing over 1000 words.
I translated the subtitles for an hour of videos about gambling.
1 user
I've just evaluated some machine translations.
Just reviewed the sample translation of a ProZ.com Certified PRO Network applicant.
1 user
I've just translated extracts from a travel planning app
Just translated a report on a student who needs special education
I've just translated a study procedure on Alzheimer's disease.
1 user
Call for environmental conference
I've just translated data protection regulations and software configurations
(edited) I'm translating and editing MTs of various genres of text.
(edited) I'll be watching this livestream https://proz.com/tv/ITD2023 Je viens de traduire un article de journal
(edited) I have passed a series transcription test.
(edited) Just edited an article about innovation radar in small businesses
1 user
Just translated an abstract of a master's thesis on the psychic aftereffects of slavery in Brazil
1 user
Just proofread a master's thesis on the psychic after-effects of slavery in Brazil
(edited) Contracts for the provision of maintenance services for locomotives and wagons
(edited) Admission procedures for new railway carrier employees.
(edited) I transcribed 68 minutes of conversation from a focus group in the medical field.
1 user
gestion du travail
I just translated an article summary on urban geography
I just proofread an article on Freud and Lacan
Rapport d'accident ferroviaire avec dommages environnementaux
1 user
Manuels de transport ferroviaire de marchandises
matériel sur le transport ferroviaire de marchandises
(edited) Manuel de gestion du transport ferroviaire
(edited) I've translated a judgement from a civil case.
(edited) formulaires sur le transport ferroviaire de marchandises
(edited) Manuel du transport ferroviaire de marchandises
(edited) Je viens de traduire un manuel sur le transport de marchandises et la sécurité au travail.
(edited) Manuel technique pour les opérateurs de transport ferroviaire
(edited) Just translated a report on various distance learning experiences during the pandemic