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Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay Proziano charrúa destacado CongraZ Ah, había visto el titular en la prensa pero no
habñia 'realizado' que era
Carlos. Felicitaciones!!!
Walter Landesman Mar 9, 2014
Scams spam from translators Very few.... [quote]Andres & Leticia Enjuto wrote: At first, I
was also cautious not to judge too fast. But this
has been going on for a year or so now. And we
are not talking about one mass e-mail.
Walter Landesman Feb 11, 2014
Scams spam from translators NOT SURE YET. [quote]Andres & Leticia Enjuto wrote: Walter,
we usually receive 5-10 e-mails a day like these.
They all come from gmail addresses, almost all of
them begin with "Dear Sir/Madam" and t
Walter Landesman Feb 11, 2014
Scams spam from translators Translators I often receive this kind of emails too. I take
them as young translators looking for a job,
offering their services to senior translators.
Why consider they spam? <

[Edited at
Walter Landesman Feb 11, 2014
Scams how is it possible to have information about an agency or an outsourcer BB Check the Blue Board. That's exactly what it is
Walter Landesman Feb 3, 2014
Spanish ¿Castellano o Español? Otro [quote]jldomingo wrote: O a guardias y
guardios, soldados y soldadas, toros y toras,
vacos y vacas, etc. Hubo alguno/a que llegó a
decir en público y ante la prensa "jóvenes y
Walter Landesman Jan 31, 2014
Spanish ¿Castellano o Español? De acuerdo [quote]Javier Wasserzug wrote: [div]
r_700.jpg [/div] [/quote] Totalmente de
acuerdo, Javier.
Walter Landesman Jan 30, 2014
Spanish ¿Castellano o Español? haiga Javier: Ese es un muy mal ejemplo. HAIGA solo
se lo puede oir en sectores de muy bajo nivel
cultural y suma ignorancia, como forma incorrecta
del verbo haber equivalente de la correcta<
Walter Landesman Jan 30, 2014
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay MENSAJE DE NAVIDAD Moi aussi Gracias Mónica por este hilo. Los mejores
deseos para ti y los demás colegas.
Walter Landesman Dec 24, 2013
Scams Scam ? SCAM Smells fishy to me. Walter Landesman Nov 5, 2013
Business issues Strange email received Deletion I agree with Marie-Helene and I would just delete
that email.
Walter Landesman Sep 5, 2013
Spanish Ayuda: una frase con la palabra "coping" reglas kudoz [quote]Javier Wasserzug wrote: La razón por la
que no la puse como pregunta es que esta vez leí
las reglas y me pareció que era una frase
demasiado larga para esa categoría. Otras
Walter Landesman Aug 31, 2013
Spanish Ayuda: una frase con la palabra "coping" Kudoz ¿Y porqué lo publicas aquí y no en kudoz? Es
una típica (y buena) pregunta para Kudoz.
Walter Landesman Aug 31, 2013
Business issues "Spamarrest" when replying to a request sent via Legit I also got it 2-3 times. Nothing odd about it.
Just copy some Captcha text to "confirm you are

[Edited at 2013-08-25 12:11 GMT]
Walter Landesman Aug 25, 2013
Business issues Phone call about a translation job Contact details Thank you for the tip, Natalie. :) I just
realized my phone info was posted there too for
the whole world to see. I just edited and deleted
both my phone numbers. New clients, unkonwn o
Walter Landesman Aug 22, 2013
Business issues Phone call about a translation job No rule about that [quote]Josephine Cassar wrote: Is there a
limit to how many times I can post in this thread,
as I have a note to tell me I have posted 5 times
already? [/quote] I don't think so, Jo
Walter Landesman Aug 22, 2013
Business issues Phone call about a translation job Glitch? I see. Well, then maybe the is a glitch in your
profile. I suggest you write Proz Support about it
and ask them to check.
Walter Landesman Aug 22, 2013
Business issues Phone call about a translation job Mobile number Why do you think she got your number from Proz?
Maybe it was in another portal, your email
signature, some online post....
Walter Landesman Aug 22, 2013
Scams A new scammer The right post in the right place [quote]Alain Alameddine wrote: Hi
everyone, Today I received an email via my
TranslatorsCafé profile, worded as follows:
[/quote] And if you received this email via
Walter Landesman May 3, 2013
Business issues Two agencies, same job Disregard it Something smells a rat there. I wouldn't even
think about it. Just forget it!
Walter Landesman Apr 12, 2013
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay LA PLATA Lluvias e inundaciones en La Plata. Lo mismo digo. Solo agrego que sé que Enrique y
Haydée están bien pues así lo anunciaron en
Facebook. Apoyo solidario y abrazo a los colegas
de Buenos Aires y La Plata.
Walter Landesman Apr 5, 2013 job systems Improvements to be made to directory, profiles, job postings Why? [quote]Anahit Simonyan wrote: It would be very
useful to be able to search the directory of
freelance translators also on the basis of their
rates information, among other specification
Walter Landesman Mar 25, 2013
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay Payoneer Transferencias bancarias [quote]Mónica Algazi wrote: Hola, sufridos
colegas paypaleros, Les cuento que, a raíz de
una consulta que hice hace unos días, recibí un
mensaje de John McCabe, vicepresidente d
Walter Landesman Mar 7, 2013
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay Payoneer Agregan el 3 % Rossana: Me has iluminado. Recién me
"realizo" de dónde sale esa diferencia. 500 menos
5 son 495, más 3 %: USD 509,85. En mi estado
de cuenta solo dice Origen: 495; Dólares: 509
Walter Landesman Mar 7, 2013
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay Payoneer A Rossana [quote]Rossana Triaca wrote: ¡Qué lejos que
estamos en servicios financieros respecto a otros
países! Sigh... [/quote] No veo el problema,
Rossana. También puedes cobrar con cheq
Walter Landesman Mar 7, 2013
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay Payoneer A Lucía [quote]Lucia Colombino wrote: Una cosa que a
veces hago es traer de a 500 dólares a la tarjeta
Visa del Santander, Paypal me cobra 5 (llegan
495). Y creo que cuando no gasto de inm
Walter Landesman Mar 7, 2013
KudoZ Should the KudoZ points system be abolished? The answer is NO. Should the KudoZ points system be abolished?
NO. Tomas and Samuel have said it all. I
coudn`t have said it better. Besides, Kudoz and
the glossaries are some of the most important and
Walter Landesman Feb 8, 2013
Software applications scanned PDF files converted to Word files Nop No, I don't think so. Walter Landesman Feb 2, 2013
Scams Likely scam: [email protected] Not enough info to label it. [quote]Enrique Cavalitto wrote: I would advise
to delete this message. If you are interested to
investigate this as a possible client, the next
step should be to ask for verifiable cont
Walter Landesman Dec 22, 2012
Scams Likely scam: [email protected] Libelling is not fair and may be illegal Kay, It is up to you to reply or not to this
client's proposal. What is not up to you is to
libel or calumniate somebody you are not sure
about. This is a public forum, besides rule
Walter Landesman Dec 22, 2012
Scams Likely scam: [email protected] Why? I don't see why you consider this a scam. To mee
it only looks as a potential clients asking for a
rate. There is nothing in that text implying
Walter Landesman Dec 22, 2012
Scams Suspected scam, card reported stolen, two different correspondents (title edited by staff) It looks like scam to me This whole thing, the stolen card story, the poor
Enlgish, etc., smells a rat to me. Also,
nowadays, when you are away, you may check your
email at any place, even using your own
Walter Landesman Dec 10, 2012 Translator Coop Announcing improvements to the term search OK now. It is OK now, Maria. But I couldn't see that 2
hours ago. What was it?
Walter Landesman Dec 7, 2012 Translator Coop Announcing improvements to the term search Still wrong Alejandro: I posted a question 2 days ago, I
already closed it, but you can't find that term
using the new search. Old search does come up with
the kudoz question and the Glossary,
Walter Landesman Dec 7, 2012 Translator Coop Announcing improvements to the term search incomplete Alejandro, We are seeing the same: only one
shadowbox entry under my name, kudoz. If you
use the old term search, you will see two more
entries: my personal glossary and the KOG, wh
Walter Landesman Nov 30, 2012 Translator Coop Announcing improvements to the term search New system glitch There seems to be glitch in the new system. My own
Kudoz questions didn't show up in a search until
after 24 hours of posting and after I closed them.
And entries in the KOG or Persona
Walter Landesman Nov 30, 2012
Business issues Requests by clients to edit/delete a BB entry should be banned You did right. What you did was the right thing to do. Stick to
it! I wish everybody did the same when in
similar situation.
Walter Landesman Oct 25, 2012
Spanish Significado de una "palabra" en chino (3 caracteres) diccionario ¿No la encontraste en ningún diccionario?
¿Hiciste una búsqueda en internet? ¿Buscaste en
KOG? Si no la encuentras de ninguna de esas
formas, puedes publicar la pregunta en Kudoz.
Walter Landesman Oct 25, 2012
Spanish La RAE acepta el término "estadounidismo" para referirse al español hablado en los EE. UU. Siempre sostuve que no existe un "español de los
EE UU", que en los EE UU pueden hablar spanglish y
mezclar formas y términos de ambos idiomas, pero
que eso no da la patente de "dialect
Walter Landesman Oct 2, 2012
Scams What on earth is this?? (STAFF: Scammers ask for permission to use your CV) Me too Hi Nicole, I received the same email twice
today, from two different but similar gmail
addresses. Funny, I was just looking info about
it in this forum. I was sure I had read about t
Walter Landesman Sep 17, 2012
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay Payoneer VISA No, Rossana, hace años que hago eso, no es error.
Yo paso los 495 desde Paypal y en el estado
aparecen directamente USD 509. Si pasas cifras
menores, es la misma proporción. Por eso
Walter Landesman Sep 11, 2012
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay Payoneer VISA [quote]Rossana Triaca wrote: ¿Qué VISA
mágica tienes tú que te reintegra algo?   :)
[/quote] Hola Rossana: Pensé que todas las
VISAS eran iguales. Yo tengo
Walter Landesman Sep 11, 2012
Translation in Uruguay / La traducción en Uruguay Payoneer Mastercad /Visa Hola Mónica: Paypal no efectúa pagos a
Mastercard por ahora. No sé si los hace a esta
Payoneer MC como una excepción. Si los hiciere,
deberías pagar a Paypal las comisiones de esos
Walter Landesman Sep 11, 2012 Translator Coop Announcing improvements to the term search Cánula [quote]Ambrose Li wrote: I tried the search and
got 83 results. Restrict to Spanish->English and I
got 18. Turn on all options and I got 23. I did
not get 73 results, nor did I get 3
Walter Landesman Sep 5, 2012 Translator Coop Announcing improvements to the term search cánula José, I just did the same seach - cánula -
and got 73 matches.-
Walter Landesman Sep 4, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Montevideo - Uruguay fecha ah, yo habia anotado viernes 28. ¿Me equivoqué o
se cambió? Me viene mejor esta
fecha. Gracias.<

[Edited at 2012-08-21
21:44 GMT]
Walter Landesman Aug 21, 2012
Business issues Congrats, you’re qualified to take our tests... Been there I had a similar situation. In my case, I
replied the agency that I would gladly sign the
NDA and fill out all those forms when there is an
actual job. They understood, ok, thank
Walter Landesman Aug 9, 2012 job systems Blue Board Blackmail Disagree [quote]Natalie wrote: "I will remove/edit my
entry immediately upon the receipt of the
payment". Natalia [/quote] I strongly
disagree. That would be accepting blackmailing as
Walter Landesman Jul 25, 2012 job systems Blue Board Blackmail Blackmailing is forbidden I think you should tell staff about it, maybe
write a support ticket, and see how they handle
this situation at the time they manage your
payment. If you delete your post in the BB, the
Walter Landesman Jul 25, 2012 suggestions Should non-paying non-verified members forum posts be vetted? Exactly. [quote]Natalie wrote: [quote]Ty Kendall
wrote: But not everyone wants endless emails
like that [/quote] But in this case people
shouldn't complain that they haven't seen posts
Walter Landesman Jul 13, 2012

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