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Search results: (177 matches)
Trados support Is it possible to set penalties for TM matches created by different users in Trados? Hm... Hi Benjamin, Thanks for your reply. I hadn't
thought of this because I was hoping there would
be an easier (or more reversible...) solution.
The filter/penalty approach is available
Claudia Digel May 30, 2008
Trados support Is it possible to set penalties for TM matches created by different users in Trados? Hi all, I'm currently facing a problem that I
hope somebody can help me with. (SDL Trados I'm working with a big TM. About 1/3
of the segments in this TM are from my previ
Claudia Digel May 30, 2008
Business issues Cancellation fees No cancellation fee [quote]Marie-Hélène Hayles wrote: - simply
because I don't consider the job booked until it
actually lands in my in-box. Until then, it's just
an enquiry of potential availability. I<
Claudia Digel May 30, 2008
Trados support SDLX: error when exporting file list to Trados Original file format? Hello Fiona, I have never used this function
myself but according to the SDL Knowledge Base it
is limited to "ITDs originally produced from RTF,
HTML, XML, SGML and MIF files". Could
Claudia Digel May 21, 2008
Trados support Help needed with Trados license SDL Solution Finder Hello Francisco, Have you tried to contact SDL
staff through the SDL Solution Finder on Apparently, this is the
only way to get help in your situation if you<
Claudia Digel May 13, 2008
Trados support Making one big TM in sdlx (combine .mdb-files) Use Maintain Hi Magnus, You can do this in the Maintain
module of SDLX. Select Maintain from the
Switchboard, create a new TM or open one of your
already existing ones, and select TM > Import >
Claudia Digel Apr 17, 2008
Trados support Import .txt or .tmx file into SDLX memory Use the Maintain module Hi Wendy, You need to do this in Maintain.
Start Maintain from the SDLX Switchboard,
create a new TM or open an existing one, and
select TM > Import and the format that you want to<
Claudia Digel Apr 16, 2008
Business issues Reduction based on mistakes: is it fair? Agree with Vladimir [quote]Vladimir Pochinov wrote: [b]You
shouldn't have accepted the job if you felt the
rate was too low.[/b] [/quote] I fully agree
with Vladimir. If you accept a job at a given
Claudia Digel Apr 9, 2008 Translator Coop The new WWA page and FAQs have been released Further spelling/grammar issue Hi Enrique, I have decided not to display WWA
in my profile, and on the My WWA entries/requests
tab I can see the following string: Your WWA is
hidden the profile. Click here to show
Claudia Digel Apr 8, 2008
Trados support No Trados macro's in Word 2007 Freelance or Professional? Hi Marijke, [quote]Marijke Mayer wrote: My
god, I am looking at the page and after all I have
paid Trados these years, it looks like there is
nothing less than a whopping 695 Euros f
Claudia Digel Apr 3, 2008
Business issues Is it reasonable for agencies to ask for references from freelancers? Agree with José [quote]Once I tried giving three loyal direct
clients of mine as references to three agencies
whose online application forms would not upload
unless they were given. In a matter of minut
Claudia Digel Apr 2, 2008
Trados support Is there any way to change the font color in TagEditor? I have tried several ini files Hi Katalin, I am using a tag settings file
provided by the client. However, I have also tried
other .ini files (among them Predefined HTML file)
but the font color doesn't change, no ma
Claudia Digel Apr 1, 2008
Trados support Is there any way to change the font color in TagEditor? Seems to be an issue with the tags in the files Hi Katalin, Thanks for your
input. [quote]Are you getting an HTML file, and
that file itself is saved with black background
and white font? If that's the case, when you open
it w
Claudia Digel Mar 31, 2008
Trados support Is there any way to change the font color in TagEditor? Hi all, I have a problem which has been bugging
me for a while and, unfortunately, I haven't been
able to find a solution for this. Can anybody tell
me if it's possible at all to change
Claudia Digel Mar 31, 2008
Trados support SDL format painting -- how to do it You can display tags instead of format painting Hi Samual, It seems you have already worked out
how to do the format painting. I just wanted to
mention one thing though: You can display tags
instead of format painting. Users who a
Claudia Digel Mar 27, 2008
Trados support SDLX - how to use a word translation Use the Align tool of SDLX Hi Flavie, SDLX has its own alignment tool
which is rather straight-forward and user-friendly
(definitely a lot easier to use than
WinAlign). Just select Align in the Switchboard
Claudia Digel Mar 26, 2008
Trados support New Trados user - installation issues Download everything again Hi Georgina, [quote]the two Trados icons on my
desktop are just white squares with a blue strip
on top. When I click on them, they are clearly not
taking me anywhere. [/quote] This s
Claudia Digel Mar 20, 2008
Trados support How can I make a tdb file for SDLX? A translation memory is not the right tool for managing terminology Hi Nurzhan, [quote]Sure, I am aware of this
difference but really don't understand why SDLX
can't use the same translation memory to check
terminology consistency.[/quote] Well, this
Claudia Digel Mar 20, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice How much to charge for proofreading? Run away as fast as you can Hi Mike, I agree with what others have said,
you should charge at least your translation rate
if not more for this kind of work. However, if
the client really thinks that they can sa
Claudia Digel Mar 19, 2008
Trados support New Trados user - installation issues installation issues [quote]I did try to check the requirements for the
program, but I was unaware of the Word version
condition (which appeared after I'd paid and
attempted downloading - sorry, not sure where
Claudia Digel Mar 14, 2008
Trados support New Trados user - installation issues It might work Hi Georgina, [quote]Now, having paid for the
software, I get to see what conditions Trados
requires to work with my computer. Too
late![/quote] Of course, it's always a good
Claudia Digel Mar 14, 2008 Translation Contests Why I can´t vote in the running contest? Shouldn't this be limited to participating members? Hi Romina, While I understand that a measure
needs to be implemented to prevent participants
from disqualifying contributions from other
participants and thus creating an advantage for<
Claudia Digel Mar 13, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Applicants MUST purchase Trados/be Trados certified? I'm with Nadejda ... Hi Marius, I think it is perfectly ok for them
to ask for translators who have Trados 2007 or are
willing to buy it. If they want a project done in
Trados 2007 that's their decision, an
Claudia Digel Mar 3, 2008
Trados support Exclude columns from an Excel file Hide the columns Hi Wolfgang, Try to hide the columns that you
do not want to translate in Excel before importing
the file into TagEditor. I'm not sure if this
works with Trados 6.5 - it does with S
Claudia Digel Feb 13, 2008
Trados support Why? : Why do match counts change when files are analyzed together vs. separately? Your theory is correct Hi Lauren, Your theory is correct. If you
analyze all files in one batch, a re-occurring
fuzzy match will be counted as a fuzzy match just
once, all other occurences will be counted as<
Claudia Digel Feb 4, 2008
Trados support SDLX part of TRADOS 2006 Freelance? Might refer only to the parts of the Professional version Hi Suzanne, Does the message you receive say
something like 'The trial functionality of this
software will expire on xxx'? If it does, this
might refer only to those parts of SDLX that
Claudia Digel Feb 1, 2008
Trados support SDLX part of TRADOS 2006 Freelance? Separate installation Hi Suzanne, As far as I remember, in SDL Trados
2006 you needed to install SDLX and Trados
separately (in SDL Trados 2007 both are installed
at the same time). There was just one dow
Claudia Digel Jan 28, 2008
Trados support Does SDLX require a separate license activation from Trados? Only available in the Professional version [quote]Lorena Alcaraz wrote: Hi Nora, I
believe that, depending of which version of SDL
Trados you use, you cannot perform analysis.
[/quote] Hi Nora, Lorena is correct, the
Claudia Digel Jan 28, 2008
Trados support SDL Edit 2007 (Build 7025), is it posssible to see only the green/blue segments? Yes, but... [quote]Stefan Keller wrote: You can't make 100%
matches disappear from your screen, unfortunately.
However, you can lock them and have these segments
greyed out. This prevents you from ac
Claudia Digel Jan 22, 2008
Trados support BIG letdown: SDL kills complimentary support! still available Hi Jan, Actually, the Support Knowledge Base is
still available, it has just been moved (and it is
indeed in a Beta Phase as Jerzy mentioned). You
can now access it via your Account
Claudia Digel Jan 17, 2008
Trados support Merging itd files. Not possible Hi Aleksander, I'm afraid it's not possible to
merge already existing itd files. The Merge
command you mention can only be used to glue back
together individual parts of a large itd fil
Claudia Digel Jan 4, 2008 membership Encouraged fields Why isn't opting out possible with other encouraged fields? [quote]Enrique wrote: You can go to your
profile updater and select the option "Decline to
upload your CV". [/quote] Hi Enrique, I
appreciate this option and decided to use it as<
Claudia Digel Dec 28, 2007 membership Encouraged fields Another agree [quote]I understand the need to filter out empty
profiles - we know there are many of those - or
profiles that are not providing required
information. [/quote] I must say that I was
Claudia Digel Dec 28, 2007
Trados support Create unclean RTF or DOC with SDL edit Clean Up Hi Dannah, [quote]dannahledwards wrote: Can I
also clean (remove the hidden text) this file
somehow in the Trados
environment? [/quote] Sure! ;-) To do so,
select Tools > Clean
Claudia Digel Dec 18, 2007
Trados support Create unclean RTF or DOC with SDL edit No experience with Wordfast Hi Dannah, I'm afraid I don't have any
experience with Wordfast and can't really tell you
whether it's possible to pre-translate the files
in Wordfast rather than in Trados. Anyway,
Claudia Digel Dec 18, 2007
Trados support Create unclean RTF or DOC with SDL edit You need to pre-translate the file with Trados Hi Dannah, If you want to create an unclean
file with SDLX, you also have to feed an unclean
file into SDLX before you start
translating. You need to segment the file with
the Tr
Claudia Digel Dec 17, 2007
German Einstieg in die Branche - Studium fast beendet - Übersetzungsbüros? Stimme Richard zu Hallo Forest, Richard spricht in seinem Posting
einige sehr wichtige Themen an. Was du zu
Beginn deiner Selbständigkeit brauchst, sind
Kontakte, Kontakte und noch mal Kontakte zu
Claudia Digel Dec 11, 2007 suggestions Separate Premium Jobs from Project Connect Same here I have received 14 of these messages today, all
coming from the same agency. This is turning into
a real nuisance. Claudia
Claudia Digel Nov 1, 2007
Trados support Multiple choice for segment in SDLX You'r using the wrong command Hi Aude, [quote]Why does my TM always reproduce
the same choise for a word which has more than one
translation. I open the TM, select the one I
want, but when I want to apply it, a pop
Claudia Digel Oct 22, 2007
Trados support MDB file That's the TM Hi Ode, The mdb file is the Translation
Memory. To open it from within SDL Edit click
Translation Memory > Open... and select the mdb
file. Hope this helps. Best
Claudia Digel Oct 19, 2007
General technical issues Links in emails not working with Firefox Try this bug fix Hi Ode, I had the same problem and it seems to
have disappeared, since I installed the bug fix
that you can find here. Apparently this works
for all versions of Firefox, even though
Claudia Digel Oct 17, 2007
Trados support Distinguishing Repetitions from Full Matches in Bilingual after Translation Pretranslate the file using a different colour for 100% matches Hi Achim, I assume you are talking about
Trados. The only way that I can think of to
distiguish 100% matches from repetitions is to
pre-translate the file using a different colour
Claudia Digel Oct 16, 2007
Trados support Concordance in SDLX Do you update your TM? Hi Laure, Actually, concordance search in SDLX
works like a charm. Could it be that you don't
update your TM and therefore can't find terms
through concordance search? Contrary to Tr
Claudia Digel Oct 1, 2007
German SDL Trados 2007 Professional - wie viele Lizenzen? Zwei Mal Professional Hallo Ansgar, eventuell kann es funktionieren,
eine Professional- und eine Freelance-Version
zusammen im Netzwerk zu verwenden, ganz sicher bin
ich mir da allerdings nicht. - Anscheinen
Claudia Digel Sep 25, 2007
Off topic Must-have for translators? It's really cool! I'd definitely like to have one of these
;-) Claudia
Claudia Digel Sep 4, 2007
Trados support Getting Startted Some Tips Hi Mohammad, You can display the spaces between
the words (the red dots) by selecting View > White
Space > Spaces. (There are a couple of other
things that you can display or hide, just
Claudia Digel Aug 31, 2007
Trados support Impossible to proceed analyse in SDLX Analyse only works in the Professional version of SDLX Hi Sylvain, You don't mention which version of
SDLX you have but I guess it's the Freelance
version. Analyse (and Apply) only work in the
Professional version you cannot use them in the
Claudia Digel Aug 9, 2007
Trados support Converting itd. file to excel file xls file needs to be in the same folder Hi Christiana, You can only convert an itd file
that was created from an xls file if the original
xls file is in the same folder as the itd file.
Also, the names of both files need to b
Claudia Digel Aug 7, 2007
Trados support Problem with SDLX: "languages not supported" Use Utilities Hi Maria, [quote] How can I change the
language properties in a SDLX *.itd
file? [/quote] You will need to use the
Utilities module to change languages. In the SDLX
Claudia Digel Jul 27, 2007
Trados support SDL lite 2005 (Build 5034) Autopropagate in various files Update your TM Hi Rufino, You need to update your TM with the
strings you translated. You can either do this
automatically (select Tools > Options > Automation
and check Automatic TM Update) or you
Claudia Digel Jul 23, 2007

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