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    • English
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • back office
          • Definition(s)
            • the administrative staff of a company who do not have face-to-face contact with the company's customers.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ANZ India is set to transfer 400 back office jobs from Australia and New Zealand to India in the next eight to 10 months. - The Telegraph of Calcuta
            • Financial institutions all around the world are saving millions by successful transformation of their back office operations. Major European banks are doing everything possible to make their back office operations faster, cheaper, more secure and more effective. - Jacob Fleming Conferences
            • Back offices of traditional money mangers are now being faced with the tracking, accounting, reporting, analytics and performance measurement of these complex assets. Without this back office capability, it becomes more difficult to maintain the existing business, and even more difficult to grow total assets under management. - Thomsom White Paper
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    • Romanian
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          • Term
            • Back Office/personalul administrativ (care nu interactioneaza cu publicul) din birourile interioare
          • Definition(s)
            • Spre deosebire de Front Office unde personalul interacţionează direct cu clienţii, în Back Office se desfăşoară activităţile interne ale instituţiei sau întreprinderii, cu caracter administrativ: procesare de date, resurse umane, etc Definitie din Investopedia: A financial services company is logically broken up into three parts: the front office includes sales personnel and corporate finance, the middle office manages risk and IT resources, and the back office provides administrative and support services. A financial services company is logically broken up into three parts: the front office includes sales personnel and corporate finance, the middle office manages risk and IT resources, and the back office provides administrative and support services. Investopedia - by Nina Iordache
          • Example sentence(s)
            • În front office ajung documentele de la clientela si tot aici se lucreaza pe aceste documente. De exemplu, ordine de plata, cecuri, bilete la ordin etc. Noi, în back office, avizam ceea ce lucreaza colegii nostri din front office. - site "cariereonline" by Nina Iordache
            • Din backoffice se pot configura datele necesare functionarii: - ACI GROUP Romania by Nina Iordache
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    • Dutch
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          • Term
            • backoffice
          • Definition(s)
            • De backoffice van de bibliotheek stelt zich ten doel: het onderzoek naar nut en noodzaak van de ontwikkeling van projecten, activiteiten en (nieuwe) diensten op de basiswerkgebieden van de organisatie: (bijvoorbeeld) cultuur, onderwijs en maatschappij. Werken in de bibliotheek - by Henk Hofman (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • De backoffice van de bibliotheek stelt zich ten doel: het onderzoek naar nut en noodzaak van de ontwikkeling van projecten, activiteiten en (nieuwe) diensten op de basiswerkgebieden van de organisatie: (bijvoorbeeld) cultuur, onderwijs en maatschappij. - Werken in de bibliotheek by Henk Hofman (X)
            • De backoffice onderhoudt geen contacten met de klant, maar ondersteunt de frontoffice bij de levering van diensten en/of producten. - ZBC Consultants BV by Henk Hofman (X)
            • Back Office: De bedrijfonderdelen en -systemen die de kernactiviteiten van het bedrijf ondersteunen, en die de klant niet te zien krijgt. Zie ook Frontoffice. - by Henk Hofman (X)
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    • Chinese
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          • Term
            • 后勤部门;事务部门
          • Definition(s)
            • 后勤部门是指在企业或其他生产型组织中需要设立的用来支持生产活动的部门,如会计,行政等部门。又称事务部门。 Own research - by Adsion Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Back injuries 腰背伤...back office 后勤部门...Back order 延迟订单 ... 长期从事搬运货物的人,需注意这方面的安全,以免造成职业伤害。...backoffice 后勤部门. ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 当后勤部门的成本不断增加,服务质量却差强人意时,公司的对策通常是降低服务部门的经费。 ... When back-office costs spiral and services fail to deliver, ... - by Adsion Liu
            • n詞酷裡Back office的解釋:後勤部門負責會計與交割程式的部門. ... 本例句出自against; As it was getting dark, we soon turned back. 天漸漸黑了,我們趕快回來了 ... - by Adsion Liu
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    • Czech
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            • back office
          • Definition(s)
            • v bance jsme nepřekládali, často se používá anglický termín. Jsou to takové činnosti firmy/banky apod., při nichž nedochází ke kontaktu se zákazníkem. Own research - by Zuzana Sucha
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Konzultanti společnosti Logica nejprve zmapovali procesy všech back-office oddělení korporátního bankovnictví (administrace půjček, služby zákazníkům, platební styk apod.), vytvořili procesní mapy a zmapovali požadavky na podpůrnou IT infrastrukturu - by Zuzana Sucha
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    • Croatian
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            • pozadinski ured
          • Definition(s)
            • Pod pojmom Back office podrazumijevamo široku paletu funkcija koje svaka kompanija primjenjuje ovisno o svojim potrebama. Back office je dio kompanije koji je zadužen za njeno vođenje. Npr. ako se koristi u prodaji onda ispunjava narudžbe kupaca i obavlja poslove vezane za želje kupaca. Kako se razvijala ljudska civilizacija i tehnologija odn. djelatnosti kojima se ljudi bave tako se razvijala i primjena back office-a. Koristi se za poslove proizvodnje i razvoja proizvoda ili administracije koji se odvijaju “iza zatvorenih vrata. Prisutan je u skoro svim djelatnostima a posebno u onima novijeg datuma kao što je npr. e-prodaja. Own research - by Ivana Kahle
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Pozadinski ured Unos i obrada podataka iz dokumentacije Odrađivanje svih izmjena i promjena po postojećim korisnicima Slanje dokumentacije i prezentacijskog materijala Slanje personaliziranih pisanih, fax i e-mail poruka postojećim ili novim korisnicima Administracija podataka - Optima direct by Ivana Kahle
            • Pozadinski ured - (back office) nadzire i upravlja sustavom. Na raspolaganju je: pregled svih prispjelih dokumenata sa odabirom po traženim kriterijima odobravanje ili storniranje dokumenata izvještaji o svim aktivnostima naručitelja i komercijalista arhiva dokumenata i pretraživanje po traženim kriterijima ažuriranje cjenika ažuriranje obavijesti administracija sustava, aktiviranje korisnika prihvat i predaja podataka prema drugim programima - SPP by Ivana Kahle
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    • Korean
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            • 지원부서
          • Definition(s)
            • 실무부서(Front Office, 현업부서, 일선부서, 영업부서, 거래부서)의 업무를 지원하는 역할을 한다. 실무부서 및 지원부서(Back Office, 후선부서)는 평가부서(Middle Office, 중간부서)로부터 감사 및 평가를 받는다. Own research - by English2Korean
          • Example sentence(s)
            • --- 베어링스 파산의 주요 원인은 다음 3가지를 정리할 수 있을 것이다. 첫째, 경영진의 리스크관리에 대한 인식 부재 경영진은 파생상품에 내재한 리스크가 무엇이며 리슨이 어떻게 해서 수익을 내는지 그 과정에 대해서 무지했으며 알려고 하지도 않았다. 경영진은 단지 수익을 냈다는 결과만으로 만족해하였고 리슨에 대한 맹목적 신뢰로 인하여 파산까지는 면할 수 있었던 내부 감사의 경고까지도 심각하게 받아들이지 않았다. 두번째, 역할 분리 부재- 견제와 균형 원리 위배 리슨은 파생상품 담당 트레이더인 동시에 자신의 실적을 조작할 수 있는 계리담당자 역할까지 수행하였다. 대부분의 은행들은 매매실행이 이루어지는 거래부서(Front office)와 결제가 이루어지는 지원부서(Back office)를 분리하여 운영하였다. 그러나 베어링스는 거래부서업무와 지원부서업무를 분리하지 않고 리슨에게 독자적으로 모두를 처리할 수 있는 권한을 부여하였다. 마땅히 분리되어 있어야 할 역할이 한 사람에 의해 통제되고 있었던 것이다. ---- - FNTIMES by English2Korean
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Danish, German, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Finnish, French, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian

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