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    • English
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            • redemption fee
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            • A sales charge or commission paid when an individual sells an investment, such as a mutual fund or an annuity. Intended to discourage withdrawals. Rafferty Capital Markets, LLC
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Unlike a back-end load, which profits the fund company, redemption fees go back into the fund itself and thus do not represent a net cost to shareholders. - by
            • In order to process a short-term redemption fee, shares of mutual funds that carry such a fee must be tracked, or aged, beginning at the time of purchase. Then, at the time of sale, shares must be examined to determine if they are subject to a redemption fee. - Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company by
            • A redemption fee is another type of fee that some funds charge their shareholders when the shareholders redeem their shares. Although a redemption fee is deducted from redemption proceeds just like a deferred sales load, it is not considered to be a sales load. - US Securities and Exchange Commission by
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    • Romanian
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            • Comision de răscumpărare
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            • Comisionul de rascumparare este comisionul pe care fiecare investitor in parte il datoreaza fondului in momentul rascumpararii de unitati de fond, este calculat de societatea de administrare si retinut in conturile Fondului la data platii efective a rascumpararii FONDUL DESCHIS DE INVESTITII TRANSILVANI - by George C.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Comisionul de rascumparare este stabilit de societatea de administrare a investitiilor si comunicat in rapoartele periodice si materialele informative. Comisionul de rascumparare se calculeaza astfel: a) 0,5% din valoarea unitatii de fond, daca rascumpararea acesteia este solicitata intr-un termen mai mic sau egal cu 90 de zile de la achizitionarea acesteia, numaratoarea celor 90 de zile incepe de la t+1, unde t este data efectuarii subscrierii ; b) 0% daca rascumpararea este solicitata intr-un termen mai mare de 90 de zile de la data achizitionarii acesteia, numaratoarea celor 90 de zile incepe de la t+1, unde t este data efectuarii subscrierii ; - BCR Asset Management by George C.
            • Comisia Naţională a Valorilor Mobiliare a autorizat prin deciziile nr. 970 şi nr. 971 din data de 18 iunie 2009 modificarea comisioanelor de răscumpărare la fondurile administrate de SAI Carpatica Asset Management, în sensul reducerii acestora. Modificările vor intra în vigoare începând cu data de 03 iulie 2009. - Smartbank by George C.
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    • Albanian
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            • gjoba për shlyerjen (ose tërheqejen) e parakohshme
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            • Gjoba për shlyerjen e parakohshme të një huaje (ose tërheqjen e parakohshme të fondeve të investuara) është një shumë parash të cilën detyrohet të paguajë huamarrësi (ose investitori) në rast se shlyen huanë (tërheq fondet e investuara) përpara periudhës së maturimit. Për shkak të shlyrjes së parakohshme të huasë (ose tërheqjes së parakohshme të fondeve të investuara) banka do të humbasë interesin (e llogaritur nga momenti i hyrjes në fuqi të huasë/investimit e deri në momentin e maturimit). Për të kompensuar këto humbje si dhe për të nxitur huamarrësit/investitorët të mos kryejnë shlyrje/tërheqje të parakohshme të paparashikuar (pra, përveç rasteve kur diçka e tillë është parashikuar në kushtet e huamarrjes/investimit), bankat kanë vendosur si "ndëshkim" këtë gjobë. Own research - by Albana Dhimitri
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    • Chinese
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            • 贖回費用
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            • 1. 賣出共同基金受益憑證時必須支付的費用。 資料來源:《電子新潛力股:高科技的新金融商機》 2. 有時稱為退出費(exit fee)或後收費用(back-end loads)。投資人將基金持份賣回給基金,收取後收費用的基金會從投資人的得款中扣取這項費用。基金收取贖回費用的方式很多,有的在一定期間內收取,像投資一年內贖回收1%,超過一年就不收;有的採取遞減式,像投資第一年贖回收6%,第二年5%,至第六年以後才免收。 《電子新潛力股:高科技的新� - by Fiona Yeung
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 為抑制短線炒作風潮、鼓勵長期投資,大陸證監會近日發布基金銷售的徵求意見稿,內文指出,以後申購基金不滿一周、一個月就要贖回的投資人,必須繳交更多的贖回費用。 - 聯合新聞網 by Fiona Yeung
            • 贖回費用=贖回份額×T日基金單位凈值×贖回費率。如投資者贖回8,000份基金單位,假設當日的基金單位資產凈值為1.1688元,其得到的贖回金額為:贖回費 用=1.1688×8,000×0.5%=46.75元。 - 東方網>> 財經頻道>>來源:證券� by Fiona Yeung
            • 意見稿指出,基金管理人可對持有基金不滿一周、一個月即贖回的投資人,分別加收1.5%和0.75%的贖回費,並將此類贖回費用全額計入基金財產。 - 經濟日報 by Fiona Yeung
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    • Hindi
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            • मोचन शुल्क
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            • यह एक प्रकार का विक्रय शुल्क है, जो किसी निवेश जैसे म्युचुअल फंड आदि को बेचते समय दिया जाता है। Own research - by Amar Nath
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 5. मोचन शुल्क: एक पुराने ऋण के लिए, आप इसे पूर्व भुगतान दंड के प्रश्न में एजेंसी को देने हैं. वे आम तौर पर 6 महीने के ब्याज, से अधिक बकाया पूंजी की 3% नहीं हैं. आप इन दंड देना अनिवार्य, भले ही वे हामीदारी क्रेडिट बातचीत के जरिए किया गया है. वास्तव में, अनुबंध अब भी ऋण की मुक्ति के मामले बाहर. - Abomag by Amar Nath
            • म्युचुअल फंड के साथ संबद्ध लागत पर नहीं संचालन व्यय में शामिल लोड और मोचन शुल्क, जो कि, यदि वे लागू होते हैं, सीधे कोष निवेशक द्वारा भुगतान किया जाता है. - student of markets by Amar Nath
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    • Arabic
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            • أتعاب الاسترداد المعجل
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            • أتعاب الاسترداد المعجل هى رسم أو عمولة تسدد عندما يقوم الفرد ببيع استثمار، مثل صناديق الأستثمار أو ريع سنوى. ومقصود به عدم تشجيع تلك الإستردادات Own research - by hassan zekry
          • Example sentence(s)
            • رسوم تفرض على حملة الأسهم من قبل بعض صناديق الأستثمار عند قيام المستثمرين بسحب أو استرداد (أو بيع) أسهم تلك الصناديق قبل الميعاد المحدد وبلوغ تاريخ الاستحقاق. - by hassan zekry
            • غرامة تفرض من قبل المرتهن (سواء كان بنك أو مقرض) فى حالة سداد الرهن (استهلاكه) قبل تاريخ استحقاقه، بغرض تعويض الخسارة الناتجة عن عدم الاستفادة من الفوائد. - by hassan zekry
            • غالبا ما تعانى صناديق الاستثمار من ضياع الوقت أو تكبد تكاليف عند قيام المستثمرون ببيع و شراء الأدوات المالية. ومن أجل القضاء على هذه التصرفات، تقوم العديد من صناديق الاستثمار بفرض أتعاب استراد معجل على المستثمرين القائمين ببيع الاستثمارات الخاصة بهم. - by hassan zekry
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    • Hebrew
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            • עמלת פדיון
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            • לועזית: redemption התהליך לפיו מחוסלת ההתחייבות באמצעות רכישה חוזרת של המסמך על־ידי החברה המנפיקה. לדוגמה: מכירת יחידות השתתפות מצד הציבור למנהל קרן הנאמנות. The process of commitment termination by reacquisition of the document by the issuing company. I.E: sale of participation units by the public to the fund manager. Own research - by Zmira Hajudge
          • Example sentence(s)
            • עמלה בגין תהליך לפיו מחוסלת ההתחייבות באמצעות רכישה חוזרת של המסמך על־ידי החברה המנפיקה. לדוגמה: מכירת יחידות השתתפות מצד הציבור למנהל קרן הנאמנות - Glossary by Zmira Hajudge
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