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Budapest conference 2007 - Deja Vu X training sessions
Thread poster: Csaba Ban
Wolfgang Jörissen
Wolfgang Jörissen  Identity Verified
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Advanced Feb 14, 2007

At last - a DVX training session. Advanced for me, please. I second Constantino for SQL.

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
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DVX sessions Feb 14, 2007

After the initial enthusiasm of Atril, now their presence at the conference seems uncertain. Whenever they confirm their presence, I will post it immediately.


Fredrik Vrang
Fredrik Vrang  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
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Disappointed!!! Feb 15, 2007

The DVX training was going to be the decisive factor as to my attendance in Budapest. It has therefore been very frustrating not getting a clear answer from Atril regarding the course. Not knowing what could possibly go on behind the scenes (considering we rarely see DVX in Proz' Group Buys for example), I still find this behaviour from Atril odd. I mean - it's not like they give courses all over Europe each and every week ...

Sorry guys, I'll see you some other time!

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
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don't give up Feb 16, 2007

Don't give up - I certainly won't.

As it looks like now, Atril will not be present at the conference.

I'm still trying to enlist a professional and certified DVX trainer, so stay tuned.


Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
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DVX certified trainer Feb 16, 2007

I just received a positive reply from a DVX certified trainer.

We need to work out the details, hopefully within a week.

Watch this space for developments and updates.


Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
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DVX sessions confirmed Feb 21, 2007

Copied from the main conference page:


Deja Vu X training sessions will be held in English by Ms Judy Ann Schön, a certified DVX trainer for a separate fee. An advanced course will be offered on April 28th and a special workshop on May 1st. Both sessions are planned for a whole day and would cost EUR 120 / USD 155 that includes lunch and coffee breaks. Additional details will be posted within 24 hours in the Deja Vu Training
... See more
Copied from the main conference page:


Deja Vu X training sessions will be held in English by Ms Judy Ann Schön, a certified DVX trainer for a separate fee. An advanced course will be offered on April 28th and a special workshop on May 1st. Both sessions are planned for a whole day and would cost EUR 120 / USD 155 that includes lunch and coffee breaks. Additional details will be posted within 24 hours in the Deja Vu Training Session Forum. Registration will open in a few days' time.


Judy will prepare an outline for each session soon, so hopefully I will be able to make it public by 22/02.

Based on discussion in this forum, we agreed that there's a definite demand for an advanced level course and a special workshop.

The advance level course will be held on Saturday, April 28th, in the same hotel. The contents of this course will be published soon.

A special workshop will be held on Tuesday, May 1st on more advanced subjects, such as terminology databases and/or SQL programming.

Please indicate in this forum if you would be interested in one or both of these sessions. Will you have time to attend a full-day course on Tuesday? We have to decide if the Tuesday session will be a full day session (until 5 or 6 pm) or only half a day.
(Or even more flexibly: a morning session on databases and an afternoon session on SQL, for example).

Judy seems to be a very flexible person, and she likes to know before each training session what the requirements and expectations are, so that she can tailor the course content to best suit participants' needs.

Beginners course: if there is a sufficient number of people interested in a beginners course, we can offer that on Friday (April 27), for a full day (same price). A sufficient number means at least 10 people. In practical terms this means that if you are interested in a beginners course on Friday, please indicate your intention here in this forum as soon as possible, preferably by March 15th.

All full-day sessions will be priced at EUR 120 / USD 155 until March 31st. If you register after April 1st, the price will be EUR 140 / USD 180.

Once again, course contents will be published most likely on Feb 22nd, and registration will be open soon after that.

eirinn  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:28
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May 1st Feb 21, 2007

Hi Csaba,

I booked my plane months ago when the dates of the conference were announced, and I am returning on May 1st. So I won't be able to attend anything scheduled for May 1st. But I'll be happy to attend on April 28th.


Hervé du Verle
Hervé du Verle  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:28
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advanced and SQL Feb 24, 2007

We (two of us) remain very interested in the advanced session, and an SQL session
However, as a number of other participants, we already planned our journey and attending a full day on May 1st might be difficult, unless ending early in the afternoon.
Using DVX everyday, we did not plan to attend a beginner's session in the morning, considering perhaps to take the ATA exam.
Please give us further clarification as soon as possible.

Thank you again Csaba for your grea
... See more
We (two of us) remain very interested in the advanced session, and an SQL session
However, as a number of other participants, we already planned our journey and attending a full day on May 1st might be difficult, unless ending early in the afternoon.
Using DVX everyday, we did not plan to attend a beginner's session in the morning, considering perhaps to take the ATA exam.
Please give us further clarification as soon as possible.

Thank you again Csaba for your great work,


PS. I just had a quick look at a preliminary program proposed by Ms Schön wwho is well known of the DVX list members. I see that the advanced program might begin in the morning. Similarly, concerning SQL - for which I do not understand a single command at present - could it be possible to have a morning vs afternoon programme?

[Edited at 2007-02-24 21:54]

Evelyn Spicer
Evelyn Spicer  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
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Interested, Advanced on 28th April Feb 28, 2007

Csaba Ban wrote:

If you are interested in these sessions, I would be glad if you could indicate your preliminary interest here.

If you are an advanced user of CAT tools, you even have the chance of attending both Deja Vu and Trados advance training sessions, as they are scheduled at two different times (DVX: Saturday afternoon, Trados: Tuesday)

Training sessions will be charged a separate fee, but at this moment I cannot give you an exact amount.


Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
Member (2002)
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Please sign up Feb 28, 2007

If you are interested in any of the DVX sessions on offer, please sign up under the Program tab to indicate interest.

These sessions will only be held if there will be at least 8 people on each day.

I'm hoping to get the sufficient number by mid-March so that I can book a flight for the trainer.

Hervé du Verle
Hervé du Verle  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:28
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hunting the tab(s) Feb 28, 2007

Csaba Ban wrote:

If you are interested in any of the DVX sessions on offer, please sign up under the Program tab to indicate interest.

These sessions will only be held if there will be at least 8 people on each day.

SQL training appears now all the more useful after today's announcement by Atril. Not speaking of the other uses of the language.

Csaba Ban
Csaba Ban  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
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what announcement? Feb 28, 2007

I cannot find anything new items on their website...

Can you tell us what do you mean?

Victor Dewsbery
Victor Dewsbery  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
German to English
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Atril announcement Mar 1, 2007

Csaba Ban wrote:
What announcement?
I cannot find anything new items on their website...
Can you tell us what do you mean?

Yesterday on the DV mailing list at YahooGroups, Daniel Benito himself announced that the release of version 7.5 is imminent.
A quote from Daniel's mail at Yahoogroups:

I'm sure all of you will be glad to know that we're about to release a new build of Déjà Vu X. In fact, there is so much new functionality in it that we're going from version 7.0 to 7.5. Among the new things you will find are:

- Full support for Windows Vista
- Support for the new Office 2007 XML formats
- Support for Adobe InDesign CS2 INX
- Support for OpenOffice 2.0 (OpenDocument)
- Support for SDLX ITD files (in projects)
- Support for RESX (.NET resources)
- Support for our new TM Server
- Importing MultiTerm termbases
- Importing SDLX translation memories

In addition to that, we have improved a number of existing features, especially Assemble and Propagate.

We are currently at build 7.5.295, which is being tested internally. A beta build will be released before the end of the week and will be made available to beta testers, and newer beta builds will be released as testing progresses. Version 7.5 will be released on March 30th.

In parallel, we are working on the release of our TM Server - a centralized, SQL-based translation memory and terminology server which will integrate seamlessly with Déjà Vu X 7.5 and provide robust sharing and storage capabilities to larger groups of translators, beyond what the current COM+ based
server can do. The scheduled release date for the TM Server is April 27th.

Hervé du Verle
Hervé du Verle  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:28
Member (2004)
English to French
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Atril 7.5 Mar 2, 2007

Victor Dewsbery wrote:

Yesterday on the DV mailing list at YahooGroups, Daniel Benito himself announced that the release of version 7.5 is imminent.

We are currently at build 7.5.295, which is being tested internally. A beta build will be released before the end of the week and will be made available to beta testers, and newer beta builds will be released as testing progresses. Version 7.5 will be released on March 30th.

And it is assumed that this new version will be free for current DVX users.
Only good news)

Judy Schoen
Judy Schoen  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
English to German
Time for SQL Training Mar 3, 2007

Considering that people will want to leave on the last day early, I have no problem starting the training early and keeping the breaks short.

For my training sessions near Munich we normally start rather late on the first day and early on the last day to give people more time for travelling.

I have no problem starting at 8 and finishing around 2: 30 to 3 pm.
(or even start at 7 or 7:30)

And even if you will miss the last hour of the trainig due to tr
... See more
Considering that people will want to leave on the last day early, I have no problem starting the training early and keeping the breaks short.

For my training sessions near Munich we normally start rather late on the first day and early on the last day to give people more time for travelling.

I have no problem starting at 8 and finishing around 2: 30 to 3 pm.
(or even start at 7 or 7:30)

And even if you will miss the last hour of the trainig due to travel arrangements, you still will learn quite a bit about sql

kind regards
Judy Ann

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Budapest conference 2007 - Deja Vu X training sessions

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