How to remove highlighting from text
Thread poster: Jennifer Forbes
Jennifer Forbes
Jennifer Forbes  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:47
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Apr 18, 2007

I've been sent a Word file with the parts to be translated highlighted in a revolting shade of mauve that makes it difficult to read. I've tried to remove the highlighting, but failed. Can anyone please tell me how to do this? It must be possible? I'm using Word 2000 Version 2. Thanks in advance.

Michał Szcześniewski
Michał Szcześniewski  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:47
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Have you tried Apr 18, 2007

the "Clear formatting" feature? It's in the style box.


Angeliki Papadopoulou
Angeliki Papadopoulou  Identity Verified
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I think the highlight button works as a toggle button Apr 18, 2007

Hi Jenny,

It's been a while since I've worked in word 2000, but I think I remember selecting the whole highlighted bit and clicking on the same colour - is that what you tried to do and didn't work?

Alternatively, select highlighted text and select "white" highlight, which you can't see on the white surface of the "paper"


Henrik Pipoyan
Henrik Pipoyan  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:47
Member (2004)
English to Armenian
Hi Jenny Apr 18, 2007

The “Highlight” button is on the “Formatting” toolbar, usually it's the second button from the right end of the toolbar, next to the “Font Color” button. Select the whole text (Cntrl+A) and, like Angeliki said above, change highlighting to white or select the same color as highlighted text.

Jennifer Forbes
Jennifer Forbes  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:47
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Thank you, Michal, Angeliki and Henrik Apr 18, 2007

Jenny Forbes wrote:

I've been sent a Word file with the parts to be translated highlighted in a revolting shade of mauve that makes it difficult to read. I've tried to remove the highlighting, but failed. Can anyone please tell me how to do this? It must be possible? I'm using Word 2000 Version 2. Thanks in advance.

Thank you all for your help. I've tried your suggestions, but they don't work. I think a software problem must have developed, as the table for adding/changing highlighting doesn't open, it's "dead", and I can't find a "remove highlighting" box in the Style options. I guess it's time I upgraded to a more recent version of Word, or reinstalled my existing one, but I haven't time now as the job is urgent, comme d'habitude, so I'll just have to put up with the vile mauveness of things.
Thank you again,
Kind regards,

Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:47
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How to remove highlighting from text Apr 18, 2007

Jenny Forbes wrote:

I've been sent a Word file with the parts to be translated highlighted in a revolting shade of mauve that makes it difficult to read. I've tried to remove the highlighting, but failed. Can anyone please tell me how to do this? It must be possible? I'm using Word 2000 Version 2. Thanks in advance.


I also encountered this problem recently. I know where the highlighting function is in Word (I have XP) but it was greyed out and couldn't be changed.

The problem occurred because the Word text had been converted from (The highlighting had originally been inserted by Trados.) Short of removing the highlighting in, I wasn't able to find a solution. If this is also the cause in your case, switching to a more recent version of Word may not be the solution.

If you do find a solution, I'd be interested to hear it.


Henrik Pipoyan
Henrik Pipoyan  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:47
Member (2004)
English to Armenian
Have you checked document protection? Apr 18, 2007

Maybe the document is protected? Check in Tools manu.

Luca Ruella
Luca Ruella  Identity Verified
United States
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Saving as TXT? Apr 18, 2007

Jenny Forbes wrote:

I've been sent a Word file with the parts to be translated highlighted in a revolting shade of mauve that makes it difficult to read. I've tried to remove the highlighting, but failed. Can anyone please tell me how to do this? It must be possible? I'm using Word 2000 Version 2. Thanks in advance.

Select Save As and save the document as .TXT
This will remove all formatting information including highlighting.

PAS  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:47
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Options Apr 18, 2007

[Rant] That's why I'm wary of OO - never know what you're gonna get...

1. Highlight the highlighted text (in any colour) and then try removing the highlighting - maybe the imported highlight will go away.

2. Find text that is not highlighted and use the format painter feature (the paintbrush next to copy/cut/paste - in Word 2003) to paint over the highlighted text.
The drawback is that if there are different format features (bold, italic, whatever), you will lose
... See more
[Rant] That's why I'm wary of OO - never know what you're gonna get...

1. Highlight the highlighted text (in any colour) and then try removing the highlighting - maybe the imported highlight will go away.

2. Find text that is not highlighted and use the format painter feature (the paintbrush next to copy/cut/paste - in Word 2003) to paint over the highlighted text.
The drawback is that if there are different format features (bold, italic, whatever), you will lose those.
This is less invasive, however, than "remove formatting", which reverts the text to Times New Roman size 12 justified left.

3. place the cursor on the highlighted text and press Shift + F1 (the function button next to the "Esc" button). This will display the style of the text. Maybe somewhere there you will find a hint what made the text the way it is and remove that feature.

Pawel Skalinski

[Edited at 2007-04-18 13:05]

Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
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Select "none" in highlighting options Apr 18, 2007

In Word 2000, the formatting toolbar includes a highlighting button with a menu of colours which can be used for highlighting, and another option called "None". Select this and then run the highlighting cursor over the highlit text to unhighlight it.

Mary Lalevee
Mary Lalevee  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 00:47
French to English
If all else fails... Apr 18, 2007

This has happened to me and I found the only way to get rid of it was to highlight the offending area, press Ctrl + C to copy it, then erase the text in question, then paste it into the text in the same place using Edit, Paste Special, no formatting, and voilà!

Good luck!


Marina Aleyeva
Marina Aleyeva  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
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Shading? Apr 18, 2007

What looks like highlighting may actually be shading which is controlled by a different Word tool. Select your highlighted bit and open Format -> Borders and Shading dialog. Once there, select "No shading" and see if this restores the normal colour of your highlighted bit.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
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Three steps required, I'm afraid Apr 19, 2007

Jenny Forbes wrote:
I've been sent a Word file with the parts to be translated highlighted in a revolting shade of mauve that makes it difficult to read. I've tried to remove the highlighting...

Three steps:

Open the Find/Replace box and click the "More" button.

Step 1:

Put your cursor in the Find box, then click Formatting - Font - Highlight

Put your cursor in the Replace box, then click Formatting - Font - Text Effects - Marching Red Ants

Do a "replace all".

Step 2:

Put your cursor in the Replace box, the click "No Formatting", then click "Highlight", then click "Highlight again (hopefully it will now read "No highlighting underneath the Replace box).

Do a "replace all".

Step 3:

Change the highlight colour in the Word toolbar to something more legible like yellow. I assume (perhaps wrongly) that no untranslatable text in the document is highlighted in yellow.

Put your cursor in the Find box, click "No formatting", then click Formatting - Font - Text Effects - Marching Red Ants.

Put your cursor in the Replace box, click "No formatting", then click Formatting - Highlight.

Do a "replace all".

Jennifer Forbes
Jennifer Forbes  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:47
French to English
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In memoriam
Thank you again, everyone Apr 19, 2007

Jenny Forbes wrote:

I've been sent a Word file with the parts to be translated highlighted in a revolting shade of mauve that makes it difficult to read. I've tried to remove the highlighting, but failed. Can anyone please tell me how to do this? It must be possible? I'm using Word 2000 Version 2. Thanks in advance.

Thank you, everyone, for your prompt and helpful suggestions. I tried them all - indeed, I had tried several before I posted this question, including the "borders and shading" option, but they didn't work.
Now I'm convinced that a software problem must have occurred because when I open the "paint" box, it's "dead" - all greyed-out - and can't be used. I need to find out how to reinstate it, perhaps by re-installing Word, or getting a more recent version of it, but I've been too busy coping with the ghastly mauve job, now completed, thank goodness.
I suppose I should post a new question about the greyed-out "paint" box, but I won't trouble you all now about that!
On to the next job - no shading, hooray!
Thanks again,


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How to remove highlighting from text

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