Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 5 esl>eng recorrido comercial have any (sort of) sales run pro closed no
- Feb 17 eng>deu I feel GUILTY of your best moments Ich bekenne mich für Eure besten Momente schuldig pro closed no
- Sep 24 '23 deu>eng Textcomposing AI Copywriting pro closed no
- Aug 30 '23 ita>eng tiraggi drawdown pro just_closed no
- Mar 1 '23 eng>por An indulgent affair uma ligação apaixonada de amor pro closed ok
- Jan 7 '23 esl>eng exclusividad de giro exclusive dealing arrangement; (BrE) tie-in pro closed no
- Jul 22 '22 esl>eng artefinalizar to (galley-) proof the artwork pro closed ok
4 Jul 6 '22 deu>eng Strassenabstandsbereich within the range of the building (setback) line from the street pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '22 fra>eng Le savoir-faire artisanal au service de l’industrie cottage-industry craftsmanship harnessed to wider industry pro closed no
- Jul 22 '20 eng>deu hardcore Schwerpunktmäßigkeit pro closed no
- Jul 24 '19 esl>eng rescindir los plazos y compromisos pendiente countermand (undo) the time limits and undertakings outstanding pro closed no
- Jul 18 '19 ita>eng cerimoniale formal routine; official business pro closed ok
- Jun 24 '19 deu>eng Wo Erfolg auf Verstärkung trifft At the crossroads where success is backed up by workpower pro closed ok
- Apr 17 '19 ita>eng studio con sede in (nome di città) (architect's) office (AmE) headquartered (BrE) located in pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered