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Trados support Is good old Trados 2007 compatible with Windows 8? 32-bits Hardier than 64? [quote]Dominique Pivard
wrote: [quote]Питер wrote: Any luck? You
can run a 32bit OS in VirtualBox. That should
solve your problem. [/quote] Trados Workbench
has no particula
OG Pete Nov 6, 2012
Trados support Is good old Trados 2007 compatible with Windows 8? There is Hope [quote]Valeprimiceri wrote: I bought it
Yesterday but I just checked and my OS is 64 bit
and no less. I'm trying to install workbench
anyway and see how it goes but I'm afraid this is<
OG Pete Nov 6, 2012
Trados support two Trados versions on one computer? I installed Trados 2007 together with 2009 on Windows 7 There were no problems. OG Pete Sep 15, 2012
Business issues Rant againt pompous proofers No Cause for Concern [QUOTE]it appeared to me the "proofer" was merely
trying to justify his time[/QUOTE] It's also
possible that the proofer's or editor's fee was
already budgeted in. Seeing as there were
OG Pete Sep 13, 2012 profile help Google has helpfully (mis)-translated my profile It works: google translate stopped on my profile through span tags Hi guys, I wrapped the first paragraph of the
"about me" section in my profile in span tags, it
blocked English>Russian google translate. (your
text here> (remove the asterisks (*))
OG Pete Oct 12, 2010 profile help Google has helpfully (mis)-translated my profile Add a "no translate" tag to your code Try this in the head section of the html
code. meta name="google"
content="notranslate" Hopefully that would
solve this. Reference:
OG Pete Oct 12, 2010

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