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• A. den Doolaard, BUJTINA ME POTKUA (De herberg met het hoefijzer), novel, Dutch - Albanian, Flaka e Vëllazerimit, Skopje, 1993. 2nd edition by: Skanderbeg books, Tirana, 2005.
• PËRDORIMI I ALKOOLIT, DUHANIT, DROGAVE DHE ILAÇEVE NË HOLANDË (Het gebruik van alcohol, tabak, drugs en medicijnen in Nederland), leaflet, Dutch - Albanian, 2001, by order of the Dutch Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NIGZ).
• A. den Doolaard, ORIENT-EXPRESS(Oriënt-Express), novel, Dutch - Macedonian. Coming soon.
• Teki Dervishi DE OORSPRONG VAN ERUDITIE ( Origjina e dijes ), essay, Dutch - Albanian, 1999, by order of AIDA INTERNATIONAL, Amsterdam, 1999.
• Kim Mehmeti, DE DROMEN EN HET GAT (Ëndërrat dhe gropa), essay, Dutch - Albanian, 1999, by order of AIDA INTERNATIONAL, Amsterdam, 1999.
• Naime Beqiraj, DE INTELLECTUEEL TUSSEN AARZELEN EN HANDELEN ( Intelektuali në mes mëdyshjes dhe veprimit ), essay, Dutch - Albanian, 1999, by order of AIDA INTERNATIONAL, Amsterdam, 1999.
• Sulejman Rushiti, DE DOOD VAN DE INTELLECTUEEL ( Vdekja e intelektualit ), essay, Dutch - Albanian, 1999, by order of AIDA INTERNATIONAL, Amsterdam, 1999.
• Michel van de Ghelderode, DIELLI PERENDON (Le soleil se couche), play, French - Albanian, for the Theatre of the Albanian Nationality in Skopje, 1988, performed in 1993.
• Justo Jorge Padrón, KREMTJA E FJALËS (Celebración de la palabra) selected poems, Spanish - Albanian, Rilindja, Prishtina, 1990.
• Maurice Joly, DIALOG NE MES MAKIAVELIT DHE MONTESKIES NE FERR ( Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu ), play, French - Albanian, for the Theatre of the Albanian Nationality in Skopje, 1989.
• Luigi Pirandello, MENDOHU MIRE XHAKOMINO (Pensaci, Giacomino), play, Italian - Albanian, for the Theatre of the Albanian Nationality in Skopje, 1984.
• Carlo Goldoni, IMPREZARI NGA IZMIRI (l’Impresario delle Smirne), play, Italian - Albanian, for the Theatre of the Albanian Nationality in Skopje, 1983.
• Eduardo de Filippo, BOZIK VO KUKATA NA KUPIELOVCI (Natale in casa Cupiello), play, Italian - Macedonian, Makedonska Revija, Skopje, 1980.
• Carlo Goldoni, RIBARSKI KARANICI (Le baruffe Chiozzote), play, Italian - Macedonian, performed since 1979 by Dramski teatar, Skopje for more than 400 times.
• Antonio Gramsci, ODBRANI TEKSTOVI (selected texts), Italian - Macedonian, Makedonska Kniga, Skopje, 1978.