Powwow Report for United Kingdom - Cambridge (Sep 21 2013)

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Report from  Nikki Graham
Since only three of us could make this powwow I organised rather at the last minute, and we had never met before, we spent the time getting to know one another. We talked about how we had become translators and come to specialise in the subjects we usually translate, and the CAT tools we use and their advantages and drawbacks. We discussed the merits of attending conferences and powwows and joining other translation organisations, especially UK-based ones. The recession also inevitably came up, and we talked about its effects on the type of translations we do and our work flow.

As the organiser of the powwow, I was delighted to meet some fellow translators in the flesh and swap ideas and info without having to type anything!

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Nikki Graham
Russell Jones
Angie Taylor

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Oct 8 '13  Nikki Graham: Next powwow
Marwa, I hope you are fully recovered now.

Just wanted to let you all know that I have set up another powwow for when I am next in Cambridge. The details are here: http://www.proz.com/powwow/4903

Hope to see you there!
Oct 3 '13  Bridget Jean: Thanks for your nice messages
I am really sorry not to have been able to attend and I thank you very much for your kind messages of recovery.
It lasted a while and I then had a very bad conjunctivitis...
I only came back to work on Monday!
Sep 22 '13  Bridget Jean: I am so sorry :(
I am very sorry not to have been here yesterday but I woke up with fever and a very bad cold and stayed in bed all day :(
I was really looking forward to meeting some people as I don\'t know anybody around here.
I hope you\'ll soon be back in Cambridge and be better to make it this time.