Preston Decker wrote:
I switched to Wix as well this year, and I'm quite satisfied overall. My biggest complaint is that I don't think (though I would try calling them before subscribing to confirm this/try to haggle with them) that they provide free business email services, and I wound up re-upping with my former web hosting service as well just to maintain my business email for another year. But then again, if you're a bit more web saavy than I, I bet you could find a way around this.
Also be sure that you check their billing terms, as I seem to remember paying more than I expected because of the need to pay for their domain hosting services.
With those caveats, my site looks MUCH better than it did on my old site, so I'll continue to use Wix for the foreseeable future.
There are a couple of things that you can do to get around that. Personally, I have my hosting through another company (Hostgator) and all of my email accounts are free - which is great because I have like 15 of them. I think that you can set email up for free through something gmail or thunderbird, but I would have to double check.