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Search results: (42 matches)
CAT Tools Technical Help Is there a need for multiple CAT tools? 100% agree with nordiste Only you can answer this question for yourself.
I completely understand why many translators
prefer to use multiple CAT tools. It makes you
more versatile and gives more opportunities to
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Oct 6, 2017
Dutch Anglicismen an sich steeds meer bon ton Ergert u zich aan het wijdverbreide gebruik van
Engelse leenwoorden? Dan is dit hilarische artikel
uit de Speld iets voor
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Aug 29, 2013
Money matters Declaring American clients to the European authorities You don't. Not for VAT declarations anyway. There is no VAT
treaty between the US and the EU, so you cannot
charge VAT to US clients. And so there is no
question of VAT declarations for US clients.
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Mar 28, 2013
Translation news Swedish Language Council drops 'ungoogleable' from new word list after legal pressure from Google They are too late... [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: The danger to Google
here is that "to google" becomes a synonym for
"using a search engine" instead of "using
Google". [/quote] My Dutch dictionary define
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Mar 28, 2013
Money matters Fuzzy repetitions? I beg your pardon? Words in segments [quote]Roy Williams wrote: I'm often confused
about exactly what is meant by fuzzy matches and
repetitions. Are we talking about individual words
here or entire translation units? So
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jun 13, 2012
Money matters Fuzzy repetitions? I beg your pardon? "Ownership" of the translation unit? [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Why on earth would
you agree to a discount for fuzzy matches that
contain translations by other translators (that
you have no control over and whose quality
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jun 13, 2012
Money matters Fuzzy repetitions? I beg your pardon? Yesterday I encountered what I think is a new tool
for agencies to cut costs. A PM asked me to offer
a discount on "fuzzy repetitions". I hadn't heard
of this phenomenon before, but the PM
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jun 13, 2012
Dutch Verschillen in veiligheidsinformatiebladen voor Nederland en België? Beste collega's, Weet iemand in hoeverre
Nederlandstalige veiligheidsinformatiebladen voor
Nederland en België van elkaar verschillen? Zijn
er verschillende normen? En zo ja, waar zou
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Mar 7, 2012
Dutch Klinkerbosting in NL chemische namen: trema versus koppelteken Terechte vragen [quote]Jonna Meeuwissen wrote: Tja, wordt iets
op een bepaalde manier gevoeld omdat het (op basis
van verouderde spellingsregels) de praktijk is of
is iets de praktijk omdat het op een
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Mar 4, 2012
Dutch Klinkerbosting in NL chemische namen: trema versus koppelteken Het probleem met experts in het vakgebied... [quote]SBL_UK wrote: De oplossing die dan
gevonden wordt, is het liefst deze die voorgesteld
wordt door de taalkundigen. Ik controleer echter
wel telkens of die oplossing ook daadwerkel
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Mar 4, 2012
Dutch Klinkerbosting in NL chemische namen: trema versus koppelteken @ Jonna Goed punt! En wat een merkwaardig geval.
Cyclooctaan (zonder trema en zonder koppelteken)
komt vaker voor dan met koppelteken. Hetzelfde
geldt trouwens voor "diethylether",
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Mar 1, 2012
Dutch Klinkerbosting in NL chemische namen: trema versus koppelteken Discrepantie Dat klinkt heel aannemelijk. Ik herinner me
inderdaad ook zo'n spellingswijziging. Maar dan
blijft het vreemd dat de verhouding
trema:koppelteken bij mono-ester en cyclo-octaan
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Mar 1, 2012
Dutch Klinkerbosting in NL chemische namen: trema versus koppelteken Vanuit mijn specialisatie doe ik veel chemische
vertalingen. En de laatste tijd vraag ik mij
steeds vaker af of ik het wel bij het rechte eind
heb als het gaat om het vermijden van
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Mar 1, 2012
Fun with images Found mistranslated signs (April 25, 2011) For the fans: Check for loads and loads
more...! Enjoy. I just noticed that Daniela
recommended the same site! I guess it shows how
funny it is (and how I should read previou
Michiel Leeuwenburgh May 3, 2011
Wordfast support WF Classic refuses to use one particular glossary entry! Solved! I added the term a third time and now the problem
looks to be solved. Strange how those things
work... Thanks for your suggestion,
Gerard! Cheers, Michiel
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Aug 13, 2010
Wordfast support WF Classic refuses to use one particular glossary entry! Has anyone ever encountered this problem with WF
Classic 5.53q? No matter how many times I enter
one particular term into the glossary, it never
gets highlighted in the source segment, i.e
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Aug 13, 2010
Dutch Algemene Voorwaarden: relatiebeding Dit is niet ongebruikelijk. Ik heb dit ook een aantal keer meegemaakt. Het is
een manier voor vertaalbureaus om hun eigen
zaakjes te beschermen. Dat kun je ze mijns inziens
niet kwalijk nemen. Je kunt wel je vraagtek
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jul 19, 2010
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Official name for The Netherlands / Netherlands? Holland vs. The Netherlands @ Sheila You are right, Sheila. Holland is only part of The
Netherlands (the most populated part, hence the
generalization). Many, if not most people from
other parts of the country (for instance
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jun 8, 2010
Business issues Question from a narrator about CAT tools If you are not sure about using a CAT, then I would definitely recommend trying the free
trial version of Wordfast Classic. It is light,
easy to work with and it's a lot cheaper than
Trados (should you decide to buy
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Feb 26, 2010
Off topic An interesting article: money is just an illusion Granted, gold has more qualities than paper money, but The symbolic value of gold greatly outweighs its
practical value. My point is that banks all over
the world are sitting on a symbol. And as you
rightly pointed out, Tomás, its value is
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Feb 22, 2010
Off topic An interesting article: money is just an illusion But isn't the value of gold equally illusory? To put it into Onion context: it is just a pretty
shiny metal, you cannot eat it or use it for
building houses (not practically anyway). In other
words, its value is just as symbolic as pa
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Feb 22, 2010
Off topic An interesting article: money is just an illusion Speaking of reality vs. fiction: My wife, who is a personal coach, recently made a
deal with a hairdresser: she now gets her (and our
daughter's) hair done in exchange for a coaching
session. I can only applaud these
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Feb 22, 2010
Off topic An interesting article: money is just an illusion So true Who knows one day we might return to the good old
days of barter trade...? Thanks a lot for
sharing, Lesley! Long live the Onion and long may
they continue to put the finger on the sillin
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Feb 21, 2010
Dutch Verdachte offerte uit Amerika Geen achternamen Wat me ook opviel aan de mailtjes was dat er
alleen een voornaam van de afzenders, de "project
managers", werd gebruikt. Wat mij betreft ook
genoeg reden om een scam te vermoeden.
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jan 25, 2010
Dutch Verdachte offerte uit Amerika Yep, hier nog een. Ik heb dezelfde e-mails ontvangen. Niet via Proz,
maar eentje van een of ander .us-adres en een van
een gmail-adres. Mijn eerste scam-spams in bijna
vier jaar vertalerschap, terwijl ik no
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jan 25, 2010
Lighter side of trans/interp Misspelt Names Need I mention more... than my name? Not even the slow, meticulous
spelling of my name (especially my surname) over
the phone is a guarantee for correct spelling...
:-( Cheers, Michiel Leeuwenburgh
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Dec 18, 2009
Translator resources New IATE translation website That's strange... because I tried it just a minute ago, and it's
fine. Perhaps we're not visiting the same
site? This is the URL I
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Nov 25, 2009
Translator resources New IATE translation website I think the bug has been repaired... I know what you mean. I have seen it too and
couldn't imagine how someone could think this was
useful. But fortunately, it has been put right
somewhere in the last couple of days. IATE i
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Nov 25, 2009
Money matters Lower rates BECAUSE I use CAT tools???? @Eleftherios Of course I agree that translators need to make
money with their investment (as I mentioned in my
first post). It's a bit odd to even suggest the
opposite. And therefore I don't think that
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Nov 17, 2009
Money matters Lower rates BECAUSE I use CAT tools???? What do you charge for pressing a key? In my view, it is perfectly reasonable for clients
to demand a discount for repetitions. After all,
it wouldn't be reasonable to get paid full rate if
you can translate an entire sentence
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Nov 16, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp A few grammar rules for editors and proofreaders ;-) Great fun! Thanks a lot, Lydia and Jan Willem. "All
generalizations are bad" is actually one of my
life mottos. Cheers, Michiel
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Nov 6, 2009
Off topic blame the translator.... (bad language alert) Tourette? Is this what happens when a translator or
proofreader suffers from Tourette
syndrome? Cheers, Michiel
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Nov 6, 2009
Business issues "Quid pro quo, Clarice. ... Something like professional honor? Of course for some people this doesn't count for
much. But I tend to cling to the thought that
shoddiness and shadiness don't go a long way and
in the end A will take down B or vice versa.
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Nov 3, 2009
Dutch BTW in 2010 Wat de Belastingdienst mij heeft verteld... ... is dat de BTW niet op de factuur wordt
gespecificeerd, dus ook niet "VAT = 0,00".
Officieel luidt de verklaring dat je als
Nederlandse ingezetene geen uitspraak kunt doen
over de h
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Oct 30, 2009
Wordfast support New to Wordfast: Classic or Pro? Classic for me! My first experience with a CAT was with WF Classic
and I was immediately won over by its user
friendliness, its transparency and, as mentioned
by Magdalena, the sense of control you have o
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Oct 25, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice "Obama White House Calls for Machine Translation" Not in Obama's term, I should think! Highly accurate and real time machine translation?
I don't think we'll see that in our life time.
Sounds like someone is in for a major
deception... Cheers, Michiel
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Sep 30, 2009
Dutch Is het nou echt crisis? Zo kun je natuurlijk ook reageren...: Misschien (hopelijk?) reageren er veel collega's
op dergelijke offerteaanvragen door de volgende
link op te
sturen: Dez
e kwam ik in het internat
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Aug 19, 2009 suggestions Count KudoZ answer time from start of answer, not from submit Leave it up to the asker Is it really worthwhile to create such an
elaborate system in order to avoid duplicate
(replicated) answers? I think it's up to the
asker to decide which answer is the most helpful.
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jun 26, 2009 suggestions Count KudoZ answer time from start of answer, not from submit Does speed really count? A couple of weeks ago, there was a similar
question on the forum whether seconds, in addition
to minutes, should be noted in the KudoZ answer
time. Many colleagues agreed that speed was mu
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jun 26, 2009
KudoZ Show seconds (not just minutes) in answer times Agree, no need I agree, there is no need for excessive speed. In
all cases, a well documented answer, which often
is not the fastest, is more

[Bijgewerkt op 2009-06-10 06:59
Michiel Leeuwenburgh Jun 10, 2009
Translator resources Where can I get help with the translation of some technical terms? ALWAYS double check Of course, Kudoz is a prime source for specialist
terminology. I mentioned IATE as an alternative,
in case a certain term is not available on
Kudoz. And sure, IATE contains errors. But in
Michiel Leeuwenburgh May 29, 2009
Translator resources Where can I get help with the translation of some technical terms? IATE is a good resource Have you tried
IATE? Cheers, Michielr>
[Bijgewerkt op 2009-05-29 14:18 GMT]
Michiel Leeuwenburgh May 29, 2009

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