Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:


English translation:


    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2009-06-21 14:54:10 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Jun 18, 2009 02:32
15 yrs ago
22 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Marketing Advertising / Public Relations
I know that "testimonial" is a loanword from English that refers to a specific marketing technique, tantamount to endorsement ( However, the use here is as a noun and refers to people whose image will be used in advertising for a specific brand of clothing. These people will not be "spokesmodels", I don't think, since they won't be speaking, but will rather just be displayed as images. Ideas?

Here's some context from the source text:
"tutti i ragazzi di età superiore ai 18 anni avranno la possibilità di inviare una propria fotografia al fine di partecipare alla selezione di uno o più Testimonial"
"XXXX S.P.A. attraverso apposito Casting si prefigge lo scopo di trovare nuove testimonial che possano incarnare lo stile pratico e originale nonché elegante e moderno del marchio"


Proposed translations

4 hrs


see my explanation in my reference comment and also the Wikipedia page in ENglish:
In promotion and of advertising, a testimonial or endorsement consists of a written or spoken statement, sometimes from a person figure, sometimes from a private citizen, extolling the virtue of some product. The term "testimonial" most commonly applies to the sales-pitches attributed to ordinary citizens, whereas "endorsement" usually applies to pitches by celebrities.

Note added at 4 hrs (2009-06-18 06:49:20 GMT)

La chiave del concetto nel caso dei volti di gente comune e non di celebrità, come nel tuo caso, sta proprio in quel pezzo che ho riportato da wikipedia:
"Per il massimo di efficacia, la testimonianza della non-celebrità dovrebbe venire da qualcuno che abbia un profilo demoscopico quanto più possibile simile a quello del target pubblicitario. "
Infatti nel tuo testo dicono proprio che le testimonial devono "incarnare lo stile pratico e originale nonché elegante e moderno del marchio"

Note added at 12 hrs (2009-06-18 14:43:34 GMT)

Hi Aaron, you'll certainly have a clearer idea than us seeing all the context. However, for what I can see, from the two sentences you've given us, I agree that "representive" can work well in the second sentence, but I'm not entirly sure about the first occurence, where I could see better something like 'to be selected for one or more testimonials' - I don't see a person applying for the selection of one or more representatives - doesn't it sound weird? but you may have already thought of a way of turning the phrase/sentence around. :-)
Note from asker:
Hi Maria - as I noted in my response to David, testimonial simply doesn't work for me as a noun referring to a person in English. Thanks to all for their thoughtful comments on this issue. I've decided on "representative".
Peer comment(s):

agree tom corradin (X)
14 mins
Thanks Tom!
agree Shera Lyn Parpia : I would use the word testimonial, not as a label for the people but for what they are saying - i.e. testimonials from people
1 hr
Thank you Shera. Giusta precisazione!
agree Armilla (X)
2 hrs
Thanks Armilla!
agree ARS54
2 hrs
Thank you!
neutral Oliver Lawrence : doesn't sound quite right to me, a 'testimonial' suggests a statement from a satisfied user of the product, whereas here it seems like the people will be involved just as amateur models
3 hrs
Hi Oliver. I see your point, but I think it still would fit in the first sentence reported and in the second it could probably be made into something like "..faces (to take David's idea) for testimonials.."
neutral carly kelly : a testimonial is a statement, not a person, so it wouldn't be right in the context.
3 hrs
Hi Carly. Please see my response to Oliver's comment
agree AC0
6 hrs
Thank you!
disagree philgoddard : As precious answerers have noted, a testimonial is something that people say or write.
12 hrs
Hi Philip. As I explained before, my suggestion was exactly that of 'testimonial' as a statement, with the correct rewording in the sentence, often necessary in translating
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
46 mins


I would say ...

Note added at 48 mins (2009-06-18 03:21:22 GMT)

as in: Jessica Biel is the New Face of Revlon. Recently many beauty companies are on the search for celebrities for their campaigns and Jessica ... -

Note added at 57 mins (2009-06-18 03:30:06 GMT)

or: "discovery" but prefer "face"

Note added at 1 hr (2009-06-18 03:36:25 GMT)

how about "representative"?
Note from asker:
I think this is good - I was thinking along these lines. The thing is, these aren't celebrities, they're no-names. And there will be 6 of them, so there won't be a single new "face" to the brand.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kate Chaffer : faces - using the plural here should work fine
3 hrs
agree carly kelly : with Kate
6 hrs
agree Vanda Wilcox (X) : faces sounds right to me, seeing as it is just the image we're talking about
1 day 4 hrs
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16 hrs

fashion placement

Here's one example:

and another:
"Unconfirmed, unreported deals between stars and designers are undoubtedly the wave of the future when it comes to Oscar fashion and Hollywood’s most sought after actresses … It’s long been rumored that certain jewelry companies have been paying stars to wear their diamonds on the red carpet – if not in cash, then by letting them keep their pricey baubles. Is it really a surprise designers would follow suit? After all, the preshow is really just a long commercial for designers and their wares so why not guarantee placement with a tidy business deal?"

I'm not sure if there's a specific term for the person who actually does the wearing - how about celebrity fashion placement?
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2512 days


testimonial (ingl.)
m. inv.
1 (il messaggio) advertising testimonial
2 (il personaggio) endorser.
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Reference comments

4 hrs

testimonial in inglese

From the Italian explanation of the term in wikipedia it looks like it's used in English too, in the same context as yours. It seems it's in Italian that we've generally started using the term incorrectly (although they probably haven't here) - although I personally don't make that distinction, a "testimonial" is a "testimonial" whether he/she is famous or not.
From Wikipedia:
Con esso si definisce un procedimento che associa l'immagine e la testimonianza di una persona considerata rappresentativa (un esperto, una celebrità, un opinionista, un consumatore-tipo) ad una causa o ad un prodotto per rafforzarne la credibilità. In italiano, un termine corrispondente potrebbe essere «testimonianza rappresentativa», «referenzialità» o «patrocinio».

In inglese si suole distinguere tra testimonial e endorsement ("validazione", "avvaloramento"): ***"testimonial" si usa di solito in riferimento a messaggi attribuiti a gente comune, mentre "endorsement" viene di solito usato per i messaggi legati a celebrità.*** Come spesso avviene nel caso dei prestiti, questa distinzione non è stata recepita e oggigiorno in italiano testimonial viene impiegato di norma per alludere all'utilizzo di personaggi famosi nella pubblicità. E addirittura, il termine è passato dall'astratto (la tecnica pubblicitaria in questione) al concreto, per cui si suole dire che il tale attore o cantante famoso è il "testimonial" di questa o quella ditta.
Oggigiorno, testimonianze di gente comune appaiono soprattutto nelle pubblicità televisive. Può così capitare di vedere, ad esempio, una sorridente madre di famiglia di classe medio-alta che esprime la propria eccitazione per un detersivo da lavatrice e descrive i vantaggi che trae dal suo uso. Gli esperti di mercato trovano che questo tipo di testimonianze aggiunga un tocco personale all'attrattiva del prodotto e contribuisca anche a diffonderne un'immagine "popolare".

Per il massimo di efficacia, la testimonianza della non-celebrità dovrebbe venire da qualcuno che abbia un profilo demoscopico quanto più possibile simile a quello del target pubblicitario. Nel caso delle celebrità che fungono da testimonial, invece, si punta al fattore di riconoscibilità per produrre l'effetto alone...
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