Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

la persona con la que se hubiese entendido la diligencia

English translation:

the person who acknowledged the proceeding

Added to glossary by Charles Davis
Aug 17, 2018 16:33
6 yrs ago
26 viewers *
Spanish term

la persona con la que se hubiese entendido la diligencia

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
The verb "entender" seems to be used in a very unusual or specific way here: "entender una diligencia".

The phrase is in the context of Mexican patent legislation, and has to do with site inspections by government authorities. Here is additional context:

De toda visita de inspección se levantará acta circunstanciada en presencia de dos testigos propuestos por la persona con la que se hubiese entendido la diligencia o por el inspector que la practicó, si aquélla se hubiese negado a proponerlos.

Si la persona con quien se entendió la diligencia o los testigos no firman el acta, o se niega a aceptar copia de la misma, o no se proporcionan testigos para firmar la misma, dichas circunstancias se asentarán en la propia acta sin que esto afecte su validez y valor probatorio.

I also find Google results for the concept of "entender la diligencia", but it clearly has some meaning other than "understand" that I cannot ascertain.
Change log

Aug 20, 2018 04:00: Charles Davis Created KOG entry


Alan Lambson (asker) Aug 20, 2018:
Dear Charles, and Stuart and Aida. I deeply appreciate your willingness to help me with this translation problem. In the end, my own parsing of the sentence leads me to go with Charles' option. I am quite sure that "diligencia" is being used here as a direct object of "entender". The "valency" of verbs can be a complicated thing, but here I just can't find a reading in which "entenderse con una persona" is the underlying structure, since it leaves "diligencia" orphaned, so to speak, as a complement of the verb. As all of us have noted, it is an unusual concept: "entender una diligenia". In translating Latin American documents I often run into phrasings that are peculiar to a country or to a few countries, and this seems to be the case here. I find Charles' examples given in his note of 12:50 Aug 18 to be quit convincing, and so I have opted for his recommendation. This is not to diminish in the least the contribution of Stuart and Aída. I am most grateful to both parties to this discussion.
Stuart and Aida Nelson Aug 18, 2018:
I understand the verb to be reflexiv :( la persona *con* quien *se* *entendió* la diligencia = entenderse con.
Charles Davis Aug 18, 2018:
"Entenderse con alguien" certainly has that meaning. But here "entender" is transitive: it's "entender la diligencia con alguien" ("la persona con la que se hubiese entendido la diligencia" means "la persona con la que la diligencia hubiese sido entendido"). That's the strange part; it's not at all easy to relate this to any of the usual meanings of "entender", as Alan said in the question.
Stuart and Aida Nelson Aug 18, 2018:
Perhaps I am using the word 'task' wrongly here. What I mean is that in some cases it is appropriate to replace 'diligencia' with whatever is taking place. For example, I found a document dealing with an eviction and with references to diligencia. If you have the sentence 'Hora, día, mes y año en que se practique la diligencia'. IMO, it would be appropriate to say ' time... when the eviction will be carried out'. I fully agree with the examples of notification and proceedings depending on the context. It is all about fitting the context, Cheers :)
Stuart and Aida Nelson Aug 18, 2018:
Entenderse con One of the legal meanings of 'entenderse con' acc. RAE 11.2 'entenderse con uno [una persona] Avenirse con él para tratar determinados negocios', in other words, dealing with somebody within an specific context/situation.
Charles Davis Aug 18, 2018:
Here's another example of "entender la diligencia" in this sense, from Mexico:

"Diligencia de notificación [...]
En virtud de no encontrarse presente el demandado, procedí a entender la
diligencia con una persona que se negó a dar su nombre y dijo que el domicilio del demandado era este lo que confirmé con el dicho de los vecinos encontrados"

The person who wouldn't give his/her name took delivery of and acknowledged receipt of the "diligencia", which here, as is often the case, was service of notice (a summons, apparently).
Charles Davis Aug 18, 2018:
Well, the "diligencia" is the inspection, yes, but it doesn't mean task here; it means procedure or proceeding. It's essentially a synonym of "trámite". And "entenderse" with "diligencia" has a special legal and administrative meaning.
Stuart and Aida Nelson Aug 18, 2018:
Diligencia - task itself In this context, 'diligencia' is the task itself. Here, the inspection.

Found the first sentence ' De toda visita de inspección [...] and other examples such as ' Hora, día, mes y año en que se practique la diligencia', ' Nombre y firma de quienes intervinieron en la diligencia' in

Proposed translations

2 hrs

the person who acknowledged the proceeding

"Entender la diligencia" commonly applies to service of notice. When notice is served, someone has to take delivery of it: not necessarily the person on whom notice is being served, but someone to sign or at least acknowledge service. "Entenderse la diligencia" can apply in that situation. Here's an example:

"El 23 de octubre de 2003, el Notario de Pozuelo de Alarcón, don Antonio Pérez Sanz autorizó acta de notificación de la escritura antes referida, en la que hace constar que en el día de la fecha, siendo las diecinueve horas y cuarenta minutos, se ha constituido en la calle P., n.º-, donde pese a sus repetidas llamadas no contestó persona algunas, ni se abrió la puerta y no encontrándose el conserje, vecino ni persona alguna con quien entender la diligencia."

This example is from Spain, not Mexico, but it's the same there. Here's an earlier question we had, in which the late Henry Hinds, who was very good at expressing Mexican legal matters clearly and accurately, explained that in "exhibiendo el original al X, con quien se entiende la diligencia, quien firma de recibido", "con quien se entiende la diligencia" meant "who is receiving notice or service".

In your case, however, I don't think we can use that translation, because it's not exactly a matter of service of notice. The "diligencia" here is an inspection. I think the word "diligencia" has the meaning "trámite de un asunto administrativo, y constancia escrita de haberlo efectuado" (DLE, definition 3).

So I think "entenderse la diligencia" means, in effect, agreeing that the proceeding was duly conducted. So I suggest "acknowledge the proceeding". In practice what must have happened was that an detailed official record (acta circunstanciada) of the inspection had to be made, and the "persona con la que se entendió la diligencia" was the person at the site who certified that the inspection took place.
Peer comment(s):

agree neilmac : I was thinking it might mean "officiated" or "oversaw" the thing...
13 hrs
Well, in practice it probably includes that idea, since whoever it is certifies the proceeding on behalf of the company. Thanks, Neil ;-)
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks for your "diligence"!"
17 mins

the person with whom the (?) was arranged

I'm not sure how you want to translate "diligencia" in this case, but "entender" looks like it means "concertar", i.e. arranged in the context.

Note added at 20 mins (2018-08-17 16:53:54 GMT)

Unless, ,of course, it means "due diligence".
"The due diligence was arranged by the broker"
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

the person who attended the inspection

participated in, was present at the inspection


"Another use of the notion of diligence [..] can be associated with a task".

Otro uso de la noción de diligencia [...] puede asociarse a una labor"

The task here: the inspection

"De esta acta se dejará copia con la persona con quien se hubiere entendido la diligencia...

A copy of the report will be left with the prson that participated in the visit. " se en...

Note added at 3 hrs (2018-08-17 20:18:31 GMT)

A copy of the report will be left with the person that participated in the visit. "

Note added at 4 hrs (2018-08-17 20:46:22 GMT)

The concept probably comes from 'hacer diligencias' = 'run errads' or 'tengo que hacer una diligencia' 'I have to do [... a specific task]

Note added at 4 hrs (2018-08-17 20:48:03 GMT)

upps... errands
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