Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

comprobante de operaciones de arbitraje

English translation:

proof of currency arbitrage

Added to glossary by María Eugenia Wachtendorff
Apr 16, 2019 08:32
5 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term

comprobante de operaciones de arbitraje

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) FOREIGN EXCHANGE
Hi guys!
This is just a bank receipt. My client had to purchase dollars to pay for a course at a U.S. college.
The Bank issued one receipt called "Comprobante de operaciones de cambio" and this one, all for the same transaction - they are almost identical.
Thanks in advance for your help :-)
Change log

Apr 23, 2019 01:10: María Eugenia Wachtendorff Created KOG entry


A. & S. Witte Apr 16, 2019:
Proof of Currency Arbitrage (unless the source term really just means Proof of Exchange Rate which I cannot completely exclude, currently, in light of doubts cast on a scenario where the bank informs regular people buying a few hundred bucks about complicated background activity for procuring $ feven though it is the other one, the Proof of Currency Exchange Transaction, that APPEARS to provide the customer with the respective exchange rate details). I am somehow not happy with trades even though it is technically speaking not wrong. The bank will never let every Tom, Dick and Harry into the fine workings of their operations in the financial markets so please do not use trades. It is also a bit off stylistically as it has a slightly rough and electronic age type of ring to it rather than one of proper operations at a traditional bank counter with a bank clerk dressed "double plaidinum" style Transactions, in turn, seems almost a bit "over-implied" given that it makes the English expression become pretty long and all financial market arbitrage is always based on the individual transactions constituting it.

Proposed translations

1 hr

proof of arbitrage dealings (transactions)

This process is called arbitrage and not arbitration.

I've added transactions in brackets, just in case anyone tries again to lift and reword my answer.

Note added at 1 hr (2019-04-16 10:02:14 GMT)


Note added at 1 hr (2019-04-16 10:05:26 GMT)

The link doesn't work at my end, so here is another route:

> Business/Commerce (general) Servicios de cambio (operaciones de compraventa, canje y arbitraje de moneda y b Currency services (sales, exchange and arbitrage transactions) Maria S. | AllegroTrans
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : I do think receipt/voucher is a slight improvement, but it doesn't merit a separate answer.
3 hrs
Agreed, but Allegro could equally argue that it is I who have cribbed his original ProZ answer.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
2 hrs

receipt/voucher for arbitrage trades/transactions

Dictionary Spanish-English
comprobante noun, masculine (plural: comprobantes m)
proof n
receipt n
voucher n (plural: vouchers)
El comprobante aparece en la pantalla después del pago. The voucher appears on the screen after the payment.
slip n
El cajero me dio el comprobante de ingreso y guardó una copia. The teller gave me the deposit slip and kept a copy.
less common: ticket n
comprobante de transferencia m—transfer voucher n
comprobante fiscal m—tax receipt n
comprobante de compra m—proof of purchase n
sales slipAE n

operaciones noun, plural, feminine
operations pl (often used)
La empresa servía de tapadera para operaciones encubiertas. The business served as a cover for covert operations.
transactions pl
El extracto describe todas mis operaciones bancarias. The statement describes all my banking transactions.
procedures pl
Las operaciones médicas están cubiertas por las pólizas de seguro. Medical procedures are covered by insurance policies.
less common: trades pl
activities pl
actions pl
deals pl
workings pl
calculations pl
Peer comment(s):

agree Francois Boye
8 hrs
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