This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Jul 14, 2014 18:13
9 yrs ago
10 viewers *
English term


Non-PRO English to French Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) preposition
On the day of May, in the year 2014, before me, the undersigned, personal ly appeared AAA.
, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity as a Senior Vice President
Proposed translations (French)
5 devant
3 par-devant
Change log

Jul 14, 2014 20:27: Lorraine Dubuc changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

Jul 14, 2014 22:50: writeaway changed "Field (write-in)" from "law " to "preposition"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (3): DLyons, Germaine, Lorraine Dubuc

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Germaine Jul 14, 2014:
Abel, C'est "moi" qui est le "soussigné" et non AAA qui est plutôt celui qui comparaît en personne.
HERBET Abel Jul 14, 2014:
Tony, no problem, as said it was only an interpretation.
Tony M Jul 14, 2014:
@ Abel There I cannot agree with you; I feel certain the 'undersigned' HAS to refer to 'me' as Germaine quite rightly says, and not to 'AAA' as you seem to be suggesting; the punctuation is very specifically there for that reason. If you re-arrange the sentence into a more normal word order, you would get:

"AAA appeared personally before me, the undersigned, on the ... day of May, in the year 2014"
HERBET Abel Jul 14, 2014:
Je suis d'accord avec "devant moi" comme déjà dit à Tony.
Au sujet de "comparaît en personne devant moi, soussigné, AAA", je l'interprète différemment car le point après AAA est mal placé je pense.
Cad : Ce [?e] jour de mai 2014, le soussigné AAA s'est présenté devant moi en personne. je le connais perso...." ?????
DLyons Jul 14, 2014:
What is the difficulty here? What does your own research suggest?

Proposed translations

4 mins


Usual translation from any decent dictionary, unless you have a special reason to think this would not apply here?

Note added at 4 heures (2014-07-14 22:14:14 GMT)

To try and allay the misgivings of some people concerning this term, used in a specifically legal sense (as I have seen it used in many legal documents here in France), here is a direct copy of the entry from my R+C:

1 préposition Droit

par-devant notaire  : in the presence of ou before a lawyer


it then goes on to mention its other uses in everyday, non-legal senses.

Note added at 4 heures (2014-07-14 22:17:23 GMT)

In fact, I see it is even used without the hyphen; just out of curiosity, I tried a Google search on a typical expression — "comparu par devant" — which returned a healthy 101,000 results, at least some of which seem to be pertinent; and that was of course only one fairly narrow collocation...
Peer comment(s):

agree Daryo : and the term to translate is "before me" not just "before"
7 mins
Merci, Daryo ! I don't really think that changes anything, inasmuch as it might be before her / the judge / the notaire, etc.
agree Annie Rigler
1 hr
Thanks, Annie!
disagree Lorraine Dubuc : Devant moi, simplement. Sorry what you wrote means from the front, which is not at all what before me means. They came to the front door, ils sont arrivés par devant. You see what I mean?
2 hrs
Fair enough, if you say so... though this is one answer given in dictionaries, so I think 'disagree' is a little strong here, given that this could be right in some contexts. Ah no, 'par devant' is a specific expression in legal terminology.
disagree HERBET Abel : "devant moi", "en ma présence" est préférable. Le "ci-devant" Senior Vice President ( seul vice qu'on lui connaisse peut-être)
2 hrs
I've seen 'par-devant' used in lots of legal docs here in France...
neutral Germaine : effectivement, par(-)devant est correct (= en présence de); ce n'est pas a CA/FR thing, c'est seulement dépassé (pour ne pas dire archaïque) et de nos jours, "devant" suffit.
4 hrs
Merci, Germaine, pour ces précisions ! C'est clair que le dico n'est pas en mesure de donner ce genre d'information précieuse.
neutral writeaway : I've only ever seen devant in such texts (from France) but naturally that doesn't mean much as I can imagine my experience is not as vast. Non, par-devant is not a Canadian thing. it's just not used in this context in France either. RC for legal???
4 hrs
No need to be sarcastic! I bow to your far greater knowledge and experience in a specifically legal field, but at least you acknowledge the term does exist, albeit apparently no longer current. / No, RC for 'preposition', as you have defined it.
Something went wrong...
23 hrs


Ce ... ième jour de mai 2014, AAA s'est présenté DEVANT moi,le soussigné...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Germaine : 1er, 1re, 2e, 3e, 4e... 31e (les er, re et e en exposant si possible)
2 days 20 hrs
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

4 hrs

Par devant, devant

Par devant qqc., qqn
Sur le devant d’une chose, d’un animé. Une grotte haute et profonde par devant laquelle tombe une épaisse brassée de lianes vertes à fleurs roses (CLAUDEL, Soulier, 1944…) P. ext. En présence de. Par devant notaire (STENDHAL, L. Leuwen, t. 2, 1836, p. 286). Par devant notre Sainte Mère l’Église! (BOURGES, Crépusc. dieux, 1884, p. 199).;...

Ce jourd'hui le 2me Mars 1677 comparaît par devant moi Guillaume van den Hove notaire public et les témoins ci-dessous nommés…

Et même dépassée, l’expression s’incruste à l’occasion :

Managua, le dix-huit mars de l’an 2009 à onze heures. Comparaît par-devant moi, Walter Abraham Molina Perez, avocat et notaire de la République du Nicaragua, établi à Managua, dûment autorisé par la Cour suprême de Justice à exercer la charge de notaire pendant…

Il vous est par le présent ordonné, toute affaire cessante et excuse mise de côté, d'être et comparaître en personne devant moi, soussigné, à…
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree writeaway
6 hrs
agree Tony M
9 hrs
agree Christian Fournier
10 hrs
Something went wrong...
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