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Jun 25 02:03
5 mos ago
30 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Medical: Instruments
In-use tests available to assess efficacy of cleaning of medical devices.
In-use verification of staff competency...

"in-use" is used throughout the text. The text is a manual about sterilization. My translation so far is "Pruebas en uso" for the first sentence and "verificación de uso" for the second one.


Karla Papaqui (asker) Jun 25:
It's not a translation but an original manual from the American National Standard Institute.
Here's another example of how they use "in-use": "Users can evaluate in-use samples."
Tomasso Jun 25:
Thanks everyone, like to read larger document. This written from the viewpoint of the manufacturer and others, specific language what they call jargon, industry talk.

(he English seemed strange to me,)

Proposed translations

2 hrs

pruebas de uso

Una prueba de uso es un dossier. También se le conoce como "testeo".

- Las pruebas de uso disponibles para evaluar la eficacia de la limpieza de los dispositivos médicos.
- Verificación en uso de la competencia del personal...
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7 hrs

Ensayo(s) durante el uso

Se trata de uno o más ensayos que se realizan a lo largo del período de uso del medicamento
Peer comment(s):

agree Víctor Zamorano : Yo diría que sí, aunque no sé si ensayo, prueba, intercambiables, otro...
5 hrs
Gracias Víctor. Me parece que ensayo es más adecuado por tratarse de un estudio clínico.
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12 hrs
English term (edited): in-use test

prueba de uso práctico

According to several reference pages I consulted, the attributive in-use refers to real-world use. An example:

The whole context needs to be analyzed and English definitions (readily available on the web) have to be studied first before attempting a translation.
Example sentence:

<b>In-Use Test</b> An in-use test can determine whether an actively used solution of disinfectant in a clinical setting is microbially contaminated (Figure 9.7). A 1-mL sample of the used disinfectant is diluted into 9 mL of sterile broth medium that...

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13 hrs

en condiciones reales

Otra opción, que aparece bastante en Google.
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15 hrs

actualmente en uso

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1 day 17 hrs
English term (edited): in-use test

pruebas de funcionamiento

in-use sería durante el uso o servicio. En el contexto de pruebas, serían pruebas durante el uso, pero no suena fluido, es mucho mejor pruebas de funcionamiento.
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Reference comments

1 hr

manual may be poorly written

Me parece hay sentidos tan diferentes, distintos, que no deben usar el termino IN-use testing, tantas veces.

Test made during the actual USE of the autoclave. vease a "Tuttnauer provides end to end sterile processing solutions for dental and medical clinics, including; advanced autoclave sterilizers, thermal washer-disinfectors, indicators and sterile processing products. Our comprehensive line of chemical and biological indicators ensure safe, reliable and timesaving processing and sterilization. Based on decades of infection control knowledge and experience, Tuttnauer delivers a comprehensive range of **indicators for the precise monitoring and control of cleaning, decontamination, and sterilization***."

Me parece IN-Use Testing, chemicals, kits, that detect microbes and other substances, some kits for autoclaves turn color if contamination detected.
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