This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Jun 25, 2016 17:06
8 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

truck bay shutters

English Tech/Engineering General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
The power recovery teams and the in-house fire brigade first had to clear access paths and mechanically open blocked truck bay shutters in order to gain access to the area where the fire protection system intake was located.
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Non-PRO (1): Yvonne Gallagher

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Masoud Kakouli Varnousfaderani (asker) Jun 27, 2016:
Didier You have been very helpful to me, especially by providing a link to a great document if you can remember.
Masoud Kakouli Varnousfaderani (asker) Jun 27, 2016:
@Tana and Didier Tana: Yes you are right. It is about tsunami accident in Japan back in 2011. And, I think Dider was also very observant by reminding me of the point that he stated. Thanks to both of you.
Taña Dalglish Jun 27, 2016:
@ Didier Re: Your last entries. 1) Masoud's original question asked for "truck bay shutters"; 2) while I agree that these shutters can be used at any loading dock, and not just fire stations, I think you are splitting hairs; 3) I really don't think it matters whether access is for "intake" only or for housing, in this case, the fire trucks, or it could be a boat, the question is simply an explanation of what "truck bay shutters" are, and IMO, the pictures I posted, perhaps not that clear, are the "roll-up type enclosures". If I am not mistaken, and Masoud can confirm this, the text is part of a larger report on the disaster in Japan? (but if it isn't, does it really matter? ( Regards.
Didier Fourcot Jun 27, 2016:
I read "blocked truck bay shutters" ie shutting systems for truck bays (also called loading bays, etc) similar to garage doors, and this is where the intake of the fire protection system is located, this intake being a water pipe as far as I understand: the fire protection pipe was behind these shutters that were blocked (electrical opening did not work any more).
Masoud Kakouli Varnousfaderani (asker) Jun 27, 2016:
@Didier Fourcot I agree with you to some extent, especially because of the clause "where the fire protection system was located". However, I couldn't understand that what truck bay shutters are if it doesn't refer to what our female colleague stated. Can you clarify yourself a bit more? I visited the link but couldn't understand which image refers to "fire bay roller shutter.
Didier Fourcot Jun 27, 2016:
Not necessarily for fire trucks Truck bay shutters are used for any loading dock, my understanding of the source is the access was needed to the intake, not so much to the fire trucks, see the fire bay roller shutters here:
Taña Dalglish Jun 25, 2016:
@ Masoud Thank you, but 1) a question like this, IMO, does not warrant a glossary entry; and 2) I do not participate on ProZ for points, so no, the points are unimportant to me! I consider your posting more in the way of explaining the term and that to me is what ProZ should be -- the spirit of participating if you will. Thank you all the same and good luck!
Masoud Kakouli Varnousfaderani (asker) Jun 25, 2016:
Tana There could not be any other better picture and explanation! Why do not you post your answer to get Kudoz? Don't you love Kudoz points? Thanks.
Taña Dalglish Jun 25, 2016:
@ Masoud Pictures may be better to explain what "truck bay shutters" are; the bays are where fire trucks are parked and the shutters are usually roll-up type enclosures for easy access to and fro. brigade truck bay sh...
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