Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
Abwiegen der Verdampfereinwaage
English translation:
weighing (out) of the inital weight added to the vaporiser
German term
Abwiegen der Verdampfereinwaage
Wie ist das zu verstehen? Wer kennt sich damit aus?
2 +1 | ... weighing (out) of the inital weight added to the vaporiser |
Marga Shaw
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3 | weighting the evaporated mass |
Johannes Gleim
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Jul 26, 2009 08:40: Marga Shaw Created KOG entry
Jul 26, 2009 08:40: Marga Shaw changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/854608">Marga Shaw's</a> old entry - "Abwiegen der Verdampfereinwaage"" to ""... weighing (out) of the inital weight added to the vaporiser""
Proposed translations
... weighing (out) of the inital weight added to the vaporiser
This selenium can be subsequently used to weigh the initial weight added to the vaporiser for the vapour deposition on X-ray panels.
This is how I would have rendered this sentence using the following information:
abwiegen - to weigh (out) (as provided by Dr, Darakjian above and Langenscheidts Fachörterbuch Chemie und chemische Technik)
Verdampfer - vaporiser, evaporator (I prefer vaporiser in this context) Source: Langenscheidt as above.
Einwaage - Abgewogene Probenmenge, mit der z. B. eine Reaktion oder eine quant. Analyse durchgeführt wird - initial weight (Römpp Chemie Lexikon).
The purpose of this program it to study methods for the vapor deposition of .... large amounts to decompose without ever leaving the vaporizer. ... (a) weigh into a round bottom flask of known tare the quantity of ... From the initial carbon weight, final carbon weight and weight of CuAA used, the ...
Note added at 1 day7 hrs (2009-07-12 21:56:53 GMT)
Vapor deposition of hardened niobium. Document Type and Number: ..... The initial weight of vaporizer 19 and its charge was 1116.0 grams and the cooling ...
Note added at 1 day8 hrs (2009-07-12 23:14:18 GMT)
Vapor deposition of hardened niobium. Document Type and Number: ..... The initial weight of vaporizer 19 and its charge was 1116.0 grams and the cooling ...
used for preparing thin solid films: vapour deposition (Lee 1956), .... selenium is constant for a constant initial weight of Se/Sn alloy, which is equal to ...
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Johannes Gleim
: output weight [tech.] die Auswaage It does not deal with "Auswaage", but "Einwaage".
2 days 16 hrs
Ich kann nicht sehen, wo ich sinngemäß "Auswaage" gebraucht haben soll. Abwiegen = to weigh (out) (nach Langenscheidts chem. Fachwörterbuch); Einwaage = initial weight (nach Römpp Chemie Lexikon); beide zuverl.; ansonsten verweise ich auf meine Antwort.
agree |
Zareh Darakjian Ph.D.
: Now, I see where I may have gone wrong. I now agree with Marga and Cilian that it is the "initial weight"... not the weight after vaporization. // Welcome, Marga.. you are definitely sane!
2 days 19 hrs
Thank you very much, Zareh! I almost started to doubt my own sanity.
weighting the evaporated mass
weighing das Abwiegen
mass die Einwaage
initial weight die Einwaage
net weight die Einwaage
weighted sample [chem.] die Einwaage
to evaporate (sth.) (etw.) verdampfen | verdampfte, verdampft |
to exhale from verdampfen | verdampfte, verdampft |
to vaporizeAE
to vaporiseBE also: vaporizeBE verdampfen | verdampfte, verdampft |
to volatilizeAE
to volatiliseBE also: volatilizeBE verdampfen | verdampfte, verdampft |
to boil away verdampfen lassen
agree |
Zareh Darakjian Ph.D.
: I agree... I do not, in fact, think that there is any special "technical/scientific" term for this. The important thing is that we probably are talking about physical vapor deposition on a substrate. Other methods would include "sputtering" + deposition.
2 hrs
Thank you, also for the reference.
disagree |
Cilian O'Tuama
: can't see where "evaporated" comes from, and where there's an einwaage, there's often an auswaage - you draw no distinction// Verdampfereinwaage to me suggests the (initial) weight of a substance being introduced into an evaporator.
20 hrs
Evaporated stands for "Verdampfte" (Einwaage). I would avoid redundancies as with the German text and used mass instead of "weighted sample". OK?
agree |
3 days 19 hrs
Thank you!
disagree |
Bernd Runge
: Siehe meinen Diskussionsbeitrag. Könntest du deine Referenzen nicht ein wenig kontextrelevanter gestallten? LEO als Quelle? Wie wär's mit einem aussagekräftigen Paralleltext, an dem man ableiten kann, was gemeint ist?
3 days 21 hrs
Statt so harsch zu reagieren, würd ich lieber einen eigenen Vorschlag machen. Im übrigen handelt es sich um durchaus geläufige Begriffe, für die auch LEO herangezogen werden kann. Zu weighting out siehe meinen Beitrag.
Reference comments
A reference that might help in understanding the context - physical vapor deposition
Note added at 4 hrs (2009-07-11 19:16:28 GMT)
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) is a process by which a thin film of material is deposited on a substrate according to the following sequence of steps: 1) the material to be deposited is converted into vapor by physical means; 2) the **vapor** is transported across a region of low pressure from its source to the substrate; and 3) the vapor undergoes condensation on the substrate to form the thin film. In VLSI fabrication, the most widely-used method of accomplishing PVD of thin films is by sputtering.
Note added at 4 hrs (2009-07-11 19:18:01 GMT)
Sputtering is a mechanism by which atoms are dislodged from the surface of a material as a result of collision with high-energy particles. Thus, PVD by Sputtering is a term used to refer to a physical vapor deposition (PVD) technique wherein atoms or molecules are ejected from a target material by high-energy particle bombardment so that the ejected atoms or molecules can condense on a substrate as a thin film. Sputtering has become one of the most widely used techniques for depositing various metallic films on wafers, including aluminum, aluminum alloys, platinum, gold, TiW, and tungsten.
Sputtering as a deposition technique may be described as a sequence of these steps: 1) ions are generated and directed at a target material; 2) the ions sputter atoms from the target; 3) the sputtered atoms get transported to the substrate through a region of reduced pressure; and 4) the sputtered atoms condense on the substrate, forming a thin film.
Sputtering offers the following advantages over other PVD methods used in VLSI fabrication:
1) Sputtering can be achieved from large-size targets, simplifying the deposition of thins with unifrom thickness over large wafers;
2) Film thickness is easily controlled by fixing the operating parameters and simply adjusting the deposition time;
3) Control of the alloy composition, as well as other film properties such as step coverage and grain structure, is more easily accomplished than by deposition through evaporation;
4) Sputter-cleaning of the substrate in vacuum prior to film deposition can be done;
5) Device damage from X-rays generated by electron beam evaporation is avoided.
agree |
Marga Shaw
: I totally agree with what you are saying, but this is only one part of the question, and I still cannot get my head around the answer provided above by J.G.
14 hrs
Thank you, Marga. I think: "abwiegen = weigh out", and "verdampfer = evaporated. Also PVD involves evaporation + deposition (the weighing is optional, of course). I also think "Einwaage = contents, literally, but here it is "mass".
output weight [tech.] die Auswaage
resulting weight [tech.] die Auswaage
weigh-out quantity [tech.] die Auswaage
Ein|waa|ge, die; - (Kaufmannsspr.): 1. Gewicht des Inhalts einer Konserve od. abgepackten Ware. 2. beim Auswiegen ...
Aus dieser Mischprobe werden mindestens 100 g (Wiegegenauigkeit 0,1 Gramm) in einem geeigneten Trocknungsbehälter (Aluschale) eingewogen, anschließend mindestens 12 Stunden in einem Trockenschrank mit Luftumwälzung bei 103° C getrocknet und danach zurückgewogen. Die Einwaage und Auswaage sowie der Name des Ermittlers sind in geeigneter Weise (auf dem Wiegeschein, durch Ausdruck der Probenwaage oder EDV-Erfassung) zu dokumentieren.
Sicherlich ist der übergeordnete Kontext die schon von Zareh angeführte PVD of flat-panel X-ray detectors, oder?