Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Edith Kelly
Dec 19, 2013 11:10
11 yrs ago
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng aroma substances - carbonyl compound
I cannot find any native EN/US reference for 2,3-methylbutanal or 2/3-methylbutanal, all seem to be translations from German or French.

Can anyone confirm that it might be 3-methyl-2-butanal?

Proposed translations (English)
4 2/3-methyl butanal


Edith Kelly (asker) Dec 20, 2013:
Rainer nochmals danke. Mich hatte das Deutsche verwirrt und ich habe einfach nicht klar gesehen. Der ganze Artikel war einfach schlampig geschrieben.
rainerc (X) Dec 20, 2013:
@ Edith: Gern geschehen! Mit weihnachtlichen Grüßen ;-)
Edith Kelly (asker) Dec 20, 2013:
Rainer stimmt was du sagst. Absolut korrekt. Ich habe es auseinandergenommen und als 2-Methylbutanal und als 3-Methylbutanal geschrieben. Übrigens, ich bin mit einem englischen Muttersprachler Chemiker verheiratet. Ich danke dir für die Warnung. Aber 2/3 bedeutet wohl: es ist 2 als auch 3. Ganz herzlichen Dank und die üblichen Weihnachtswünsche..
rainerc (X) Dec 20, 2013:
critical eye of a chemist Do not add to the glossary! There is no such thing as 2/3-methylbutanal in chemistry. You either get 2-methylbutanal or 3-methylbutanal or a mixture of the two - spelled out as '2-methylbutanal and 3-methylbutanal' and nothing else! Unfortunately I have seen shortcuts such as 2-/3-methylbutanal, but I would not use them in a specialist context. Then you get 2,3-dimethylbutanal i.e. butanal with two Me groups attached to the 2- and 3-positions.
@ Edith: make quite sure what the source text says - if there is still time, that is.
Good job Yorkshireman That makes sense, it meaning two compounds. With a comma it would refer to two methyl groups and be called 2,3-dimethylbutanal. (See )
Edith Kelly (asker) Dec 19, 2013:
Got it it is indeed 2/3 methyl butanal as reference is also made to 2-Methylbutanal and 3-Methylbutanal individually. The German is confusing.
Edith Kelly (asker) Dec 19, 2013:
Cheese thanks, why not post as an answer
Yorkshireman Dec 19, 2013:
Say cheese :-) I found it as 2/3 Methyl butanal here

and here

Proposed translations

1 hr

2/3-methyl butanal

As suggested in the discussion box. A very "cheesy" substance.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jochen König
2 hrs
disagree rainerc (X) : see my discussion entry / chemistry is not everybody's slice of cheese - or is it cup of tea ? ;-)
1 day 4 hrs
Please take it up with the cheese-makers - I admit that I know much more about cheese than chemistry. @Rainer - I fear to think what things may be in both cheese and tea :-) But whatever there is is very probably from Mon..nto!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Herzlichen Dank, Yorkshireman und Fips. "
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