Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

nicht rechtsfähiges Sondervermögen

English translation:

special Federal fund without independent legal personality

Added to glossary by Jutta Scherer
Jan 10, 2007 17:08
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

nicht rechtsfähiges Sondervermögen

German to English Bus/Financial Investment / Securities protection for investors
Die ... ist als nicht rechtsfähiges Sondervermögen des Bundes bei der Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau errichtet worden

The translation that seems to offer itself is * non legally resonsible fund asset /special asset of the German Government* However, * non-legally responsible* is hardly what one might call confidence inspiring for an entity which is supposed to offering protection for investors! Is there another term?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

special Federal fund without independent legal personality

Found this on the site mentioned below - context seems to fit, too
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Jutta. This seems to be about the nearest one can get - though what the Dickens an independent legal personality means in real terms remains obscure and I think - if it means what I thinks it means - could and should be expressed more clearly both in German and in English. "
2 hrs

special fund without (separate) legal personality

Note from asker:
Thanks also to you Reinhard. The reference decided the awarding of the points.
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1 day 11 hrs

nonappropriated funds

this brings to minds a term used by the US military/government.

Nonappropriated funds are something like special funds that have no specific purpose or fewer spending restrictions. As in, they were not appropriated by congress.

The ... was established as a non-appropriated funds account of the Federal government with (administered by??) the Lending Institution for Reconstruction.
Note from asker:
Thanks, Simon. I also thought of something like - not legally bound or not legally confined to specific aims/purposes etc. but these expressions, in my context, don't seem to make much real sense either.
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