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German to English: Finanzierung und Vergütung von Gesundheitsleistungen
Source text - German Finanzierung und Vergütung von Gesundheitsleistungen
Ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln
Ausgangslage: Unverminderter Reformdruck
Neben einer noch immer zu starken Fragmentierung der Leistungssektoren im Gesundheitswesen stehen die wenig transparenten und stark zersplitterten Finanzierungs- und Vergütungsstrukturen seit Jahren im Vordergrund der gesundheitspolitischen Auseinandersetzung. Von der behaupteten und wissenschaftlich untermauerten Über-, Unter – und Fehlversorgung der deutschen Bevölkerung und der damit verbundenen unzureichenden Qualitätssicherung können wir tagtäglich in fast allen Zeitungen lesen. Selbst verschuldete Krankheiten treten noch hinzu und über alles wölbt sich der blaue Himmel einer integrierten und vernetzten Versorungsstruktur für jedermann.
Der unverminderte Reformdruck hält an, vor allem dann, wenn die europaweite demographische Herausforderung, der medizinische Fortschritt, die Zunahme chronischer Erkrankungen, die Lohnnebenkosten, die steigenden Ansprüche einer Bevölkerung, die gesund altern möchte, und die chronisch defizitäre Haushaltslage der privaten und gesetzlichen Krankenversicherungen ebenfalls in die Betrachtung einbezogen werden.
Oft wird allerdings vergessen, daß die Deutschen auf einem hohen Versorungsniveau klagen. Bei einem europaweiten – geschweige den weltweiten - Vergleich tritt die umfassende Absicherung für die gesamte Bevölkerung unabhängig von Status, Einkommen und Wohnort noch immer in den Vordergrund. Nirgends ist das Leistungsspektrum so breit und für jedermann zugänglich und die Selbstbeteiligung so gering wie bei uns.
Translation - English Funding and Payment Structures in the Health Services
A Book with Seven Seals
Starting Point: Undiminished Pressure towards Reform
Besides the persistently excessive fragmentation in the various sectors of the health services, the somewhat nebulous and strongly convoluted funding and payment structures have been in the foreground of the health policy debate for years now. Almost every day, in all the newspapers, we may read about the alleged and scientifically substantiated over-provision, under-provision and misguided provision of services for the German population and the accompanying, inadequate quality assurance. Self-caused diseases add their contribution to all of this and over it all, like a dome, is the blue sky of an integrated and intertwined superstructure of provision for all and sundry.
The pressure towards reform continues undiminished, above all when the European-wide demographic challenge, medical advance, the increasing numbers of the chronically ill, the statutory non-wage labour costs, the rising demands of a population wishing to grow old healthily and the chronic budget deficits of the private and statutory health insurances are also taken into account.
It is often forgotten, however, that the lamentations of the German population are levelled at an already high standard of provision. On a European-wide – not to mention a worldwide – comparison – the comprehensive health cover for the entire population of Germany, irrespective of status, income and place of residence, is still in the forefront. Nowhere else is the spectrum of services for all so wide and so accessible and nowhere else is the level of co-payment as low as in Germany.
Italian to English: La Nuova Bentley
Source text - Italian ?
Poi c?蠬o strano effetto che fa il vedere una Bentley ai confini del Polo Nord, quando un?auto del genere si 蠡bituati ad ammirarla nel quartiere pi?c di una grande cittଠoppure in una localit࠴uristica da veri VIP, o ancora in viaggio su qualche autostrada. Ma questa esperienza non ha, invece, nulla di strano. Se si ritorna alle origini del marchio inglese contraddistinto dalla ?B? alata, si scopre lo spirito di avventura che animava il suo fondatore, William Owen Bentley, vero appassionato di meccanica e di auto di classe ad alte prestazioni, ancora pi?denziato dai famosi ?Bentley Boys?, i gentlemen drivers che si aggiudicarono quattro edizioni della 24 Ore die Le Mans tra il 1924 e il 1930. Questo viaggio in Svezia vuole sottolineare il profondo legame che ancora oggi, dopo oltre settant?anni, la Bentley mantiene con le proprie origini. ?
A questo punto non ci resta altro da fare che salire a bordo della vettura e iniziare il viaggio. Al volante della Continental GT ci si ambienta subito, si riesce a trovare la perfetta posizione di guida grazie alle molteplici regolazioni di sedile e volante. Le soluzioni di Bentley in materia di ergonomia si fondano sul buonsenso, creano un posto guida nel quale gli aspetti estetici e funzionali sono in perfetta armonia.
Translation - English ?
An then there is the strange effect of seeing a Bentley on the outskirts of the North Pole when one is normally accustomed to admiring it in the high-class districts of a big city or in a swish tourist locality where the real VIPs abound, or again maybe cruising majestically along some broad motorway. In fact, however, this experience has nothing strange or incongruous about it at all. If one goes back to the origins of this very English make of car, characterised by the famous ?Winged-B?, one discovers the spirit of adventure that inspired its inventor, William Owen Bentley, whose enthusiasm as an engineer with a real passion for high class, high performance motor cars was evidenced most impressively by the famous ?Bentley Boys?, the gentlemen drivers who succeeded in winning the 24-hour race at le Mans four times between 1924 and 1930. This journey through Sweden is intended to underline the deep-rooted link, even today, after more than seventy years, that Bentley maintains with its own origins ?
At this point, it remains only for us to jump aboard the car and set off on our journey. At the wheel of the GT, one immediately feels at home; thanks to the multiple possibilities for setting the position of the seat and the steering wheel, one is able to find the perfect driving position in no time at all. The ergonomic interior design of the Bentley is based on good sense and creates a driving environment in which the aesthetic and functional aspects combine in perfect harmony.
English to German: The EU Constitution
Source text - English The EU needs the European Constitution, for only then will it be capable of operating and democratic enough to meet the requirements of a territory with more than 450 million inhabitants.
In the way in which the process of ratification is proceeding at the moment, however, there is a danger that the constitution may ultimately be blocked by a relatively large minority of states, too large to allow it to be put into force by procedural tricks. And no government will take it upon itself to go against a negative referendum on this question and approve the constitution anyway and thereby seal its own fateful end. Moreover, the Presidents of the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission have rightly emphasised that the project “Europe” without the approval of its citizens possesses no legitimacy.
Translation - German Die EU braucht die Europäische Verfassung, da sie nur dann so handlungsfähig und demokratisch wird, dass sie die Anforderungen eines Raumes mit mehr als 450 Millionen Einwohnern erfüllen kann.
Auf dem jetzigen Weg der Ratifizierung wird die Verfassung am Ende durch eine relativ große Minderheit von Staaten blockiert werden; zu groß, um sie mit Verfahrenstricks in Kraft zu setzen. Und keine Regierung wird es darauf anlegen, in dieser Frage gegen einen negativen Volksentscheid der Verfassung doch zuzustimmen und damit ihr eigens Ende einzuleiten. Zudem haben die Präsidenten des Europäischen Rates, des Europäischen Parlaments und der Europäischen Kommission zu Recht betont, dass das Projekt “Europa” ohne seine Bürger keine eigene Legitimation besitzt.
WELCOME TO MY PROFILE PAGE MY BACKGROUNDEnglish native-speaker, born in Nottingham, England.
Permanently resident in Germany for 37 years - fully bi-lingual.
Three daughters still living in Germany.
Military interpreter and liason activities in Germany.
Interpreter at the Berlin Olympic Games,
Private English tutor to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany
and some of his family in 1972.
I am a Member of the Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer. (BDÜ)
From 1964 to 1999, I worked as a language professional,
running English courses for senior civil servants and members
of the German armed forces, lecturing, teacher training and translating,
for the German government in Bonn and Berlin.
Numerous publications. As managing director of my own company in Germany from 1983 to 1996,
I have wide experience in Business, Marketing and Advertising.
I have been living and working in Italy since 2001.
For more details of my work experience click above to view my CV I HAVE MORE THAN 35 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
economic policy, international trade, trade agreements, economic development, foreign aid, trade cycles, macro-economics BUSINESS:
business reports, company reports, auditing, double taxation, customs clearance, business loans, human resources, advertising, marketing and sales, import/export, brand maintenance, product certification, International Org./Dev./Coop., management policy, recruiting, corporate philosophy; REAL ESTATE:
real estate management and maintenance, sales/purchase agreements, conveyancing, real estate advertising, rental agreements FINANCIAL SERVICES:
Asset management, stock market, market reports, insurance, banking; LEGAL:
bids, tenders, contracts, agency agreements, work contracts, real estate contracts, patent applications, patent disputes; ENVIRONMENT & ECOLOGY:
environment noise, environment standards, waste emission, recycling, waste disposal, sustainable development in agriculture, environment protection, crop protection, organic farming, biodiversity, climate research and climate change; ENERGY:
energy research, energy policy, renewable energy, alternative energy technologies; TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT:
traffic systems, traffic control, accident protection; MEDICINE:
general and specialist fields, diagnostics, medical reports; PHARMACEUTICALS:
study projects, study reports, clinical trials and reports; HEALTH CARE:
health care systems, health care funding, health care policy PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS:
business ethics, ethics in medicine, science and research; SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY:
technology assessment, robotics, artificial intelligence, embryo research, human genetic research, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, cloning, manned space flight; INDUSTRY:
work safety, automotive engineering, construction eng., civil engineering, machine engineering, chemical engineering; REGIONAL PLANNING:
and Urban Development; GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS:
electoral systems, constitutional matters; TOURISM:
travel guides, brochures, holiday offers, hotel brochures; EDUCATION:
school systems, school reform, policy and funding PEDAGOGICS:
teaching methods, foreign language teaching, teacher training SOCIOLOGY:
social policy, welfare, equal opportunities, gender equality, demographics.
For more details regarding my references, fields of specialisation and an overview of my rates in English, German and Italian, please send me an e-mail.
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