Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

employee (or employment) centrality

Added to glossary by EMatt
Mar 8, 2005 14:43
19 yrs ago
German term


German to English Bus/Financial Real Estate real estate location
It means employment is centered in the city and there are a lot of commuters.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 employee (or employment) centrality
3 -1 Central employment location

Discussion Mar 8, 2005:
Die Beschaeftigtenzentralitaet, die den Anteil der Beschaeftigten pro Einwohner widerspiegelt, ist ca. 177.
Marcus Malabad Mar 8, 2005:
Please, please, always provide enough context. Include the entire sentence or even the entire paragraph. Thanks, Marcus
BrigitteHilgner Mar 8, 2005:
Could you possibly provide the whole sentence - otherwise we are just guessing. "Centre of employment for the whole region" might be what you mean, but this is just a guess.

Proposed translations

2 hrs
German term (edited): Besch�ftigtenzentralit�t

employee (or employment) centrality

This is a new-fangled expression relating to the attraction of a centre as a place of work.

One or two universities seem to know the expression, and apart from that, only the city of Freiburg-i-B.

DOC] Scholarly interest in urban form is not newFile Format: Microsoft Word 2000 - View as HTML
... Population and employment centrality: proportion within x mile rings of center; Density at median distance: density at median distance from center to edge. ... pdf/KnaapSongEwingEtAl_Elephant_022305.doc

Note added at 2 hrs 54 mins (2005-03-08 17:38:29 GMT)

And here it is, defined in all its gory - sorry, g*L*ory...

European Business Network - Beitrag
... Die Beschäftigtenzentralität (Beschäftigte/Einwohner am Arbeitsort dividiert durch
Beschäftigte/Einwohner im Bundesgebiet, multipliziert mit 100) ist mit ... projekt=25&seite=1&sprach_id=1&land=1&st_id=24
Peer comment(s):

agree gvetek : Yes, that must be the word.
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks."
10 mins
German term (edited): Beschaeftigtenzentralitaet

Central employment location

...employee to commute on a daily basis to a central employment location.

Note added at 31 mins (2005-03-08 15:15:33 GMT)

An even better expression would be: \"employment centrality\"
Peer comment(s):

disagree Robert Sleigh : employment centralisation
3 mins
Centralization (which is a process) would rather be "Zentralisierung" or "Zentralisation" in my opinion. This expression is about the fact of "centrality" (=Zentralität) and not the process of achieving it.
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