Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Marsha Wilkie
Jun 26, 2009 00:06
15 yrs ago
Spanish term


Spanish to English Social Sciences Government / Politics corruption
From Mexican Spanish to US English

...los vicios que se han venido entrampando...

I wonder if ...vices that have been cheating us... would be appropriate.


Henry Hinds Jun 26, 2009:
ENSNARE I'd like to see more CONTEXT as well, Rachel, but if you like "ensnare", why just put it in and maybe get some points...
Rachel McRoberts (X) Jun 26, 2009:
It is still hard to say without more context (whether the full sentence or more about the topic being discussed), but it sounds to me like it is discussing the vices that have been ensnaring those involved in politics (given your note that this is about corruption). If this makes sense, I would suggest the verb "ensnare."
Marsha Wilkie (asker) Jun 26, 2009:
...los vicios que se han venido entrampando en la política... I cannot give the full sentence - perhaps this addition will clarify the meaning.
Will you please give us the complete sentence You know... context... ;)

Proposed translations

2 hrs


"vices that have got entangled into..."

My interpretation, Marsha. Hope it helps!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thx, María Eugenia. I makes a lot of sense."
9 mins

tripping us up / been trussing us up/ got bound up in

A few ideas:

"vices that have been tripping us up", "been trussing us up" or "that we have got bound up in
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Reference comments

28 mins


Creo que las acepciones 3 y 4 podrían ser aplicables, pero necesitamos contexto.

1. tr. Hacer que un animal caiga en la trampa. U. t. c. prnl.
2. tr. Engañar artificiosamente.
3. tr. coloq. Enredar, confundir un negocio, de modo que no se pueda aclarar o resolver.
4. tr. coloq. Gravar con deudas la hacienda, un negocio, una empresa, etc.
5. prnl. Meterse en un trampal o atolladero.
6. prnl. coloq. endeudarse (‖ contraer deudas).

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