Jun 29, 2019 05:09
5 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Other Medical (general)
Hola, cómo traducirían INFRAESCAPULAR?


Muchas gracias!


Chema Nieto Castañón Jun 30, 2019:
Aunque actualmente infra- y sub- tienden a describirse como sinónimos, su utilización histórica, como reflejan distintos nombres de estructuras anatómicas, es claramente diferente (en inglés y en castellano), haciendo referencia a "por debajo de otra superficie o estructura", en un sentido transversal (por ejemplo subarachnoid, subcutaneous, subscapularis, subclavian) o a "inferior", en un sentido "vertical" (caudal) con respecto a otra estructura (por ejemplo, infraspinatus/supraspinatus,
infratrochlear/supratrochlear). Esta diferenciación entre sub- e infra- resulta pertinente por mor de claridad a la hora de expresar relaciones anatómicas específicas.

No tengo claro que below, beneath, under o underneath puedan utilizarse con un sentido tan específico como para diferenciar los sentidos aducidos, y en concreto para diferenciar inferior a la escápula en sentido anterior (hacia la caja torácica; bajo la superficie de la escápula; en relación al músculo subescapular) o inferior en sentido vertical (caudal). Sub- e infra-, en cambio, aunque hayamos casi olvidado el sentido específico original y diferente de uno y otro, sí cumplen (o cumplían al menos) esa función diferenciadora.
liz askew Jun 30, 2019:
This is a good site too:
https://sohsc.tees.ac.uk/WelcomeWeb/file.axd?file=/Major Bon...
The anterior part of the intercondylar ridge (this raised area divides the tibial plateau ... It has three fossa (supra scapular, infra scapular and sub scapular; two ...
Muriel Vasconcellos Jun 30, 2019:
@ Chema - The Latin name doesn't necessarily translate to the English cognate.

- There's a big difference between 'below' and 'under(neath'). Your diagrams showed the "infrascapular region" below (lower down on the torso) than the other regions.

- Real Academic definition of "infra-"
Del lat. infra-.
1. elem. compos. Significa 'inferior' o 'debajo'. Infrahumano, infrascrito, infravivienda, infradotar.
Chema Nieto Castañón Jun 30, 2019:
And just to add to under or below ;)

situated beneath the scapula
Chema Nieto Castañón Jun 30, 2019:
I feel "subscapular pain" is at the least ambiguous most of the time. These are a few somewhat "clear" examples, and yet...

For example, a gallbladder attack may present as right shoulder (subscapular) pain

Scapulothoracic bursitis is one of the causes for subscapular pain and crepitus

Subscapular pain arising from diaphragmatic irritation

Chema Nieto Castañón Jun 30, 2019:
And you are right. When we refer to región infraescapular or región subescapular in Spanish we are always talking about the region/area "caudal" to the scapula. I was trying to convey the meaning in English of subscapular pain (pain anterior to the scapula and towards the shoulder, related to the subscapularis muscle) and pain in the infrascapular region. Debería haber entrecomillado "región subescapular" en el comentario previo para evitar inducir a error. Lo más correcto sería haberme referido a la "región del subescapular".

En todo caso, reconozco que parece un trabalenguas. La mayoría de referencias no especifican a qué se refieren exactamente y es únicamente el contexto que ayuda a dilucidar su sentido. Además, existen numerosas referencias online de textos en inglés traducidos de otros idiomas, lo que añade mayor confusión.

Lo que tengo claro es el sentido del original, en tanto que referencia a la región "por debajo" (caudal) a la escápula. La denominación formal de dicha área en inglés es regio infrascapularis / infrascapular region.

As said, I am not sure whether there are more common and unambiguous expressions to translate región infraescapular.

Muriel Vasconcellos Jun 30, 2019:
@ Chema But I notice in the two sources that you cited (in Spanish) that they only mention the "región infraescapular" and not a contrasting "subescapular", as you claim. Mind you, my level of confidence is low, but the rarity of the term in English, and the fact that some of the references are translations, suggests to me that 'subscapular' is probably the better choice. (There are also references in English to 'interscapular'.) None of them have a lot of hits when you get to the final Google count - the last "o". Again, this is why I posted a low level of confidence.

P.S. 'Under' the scapula would be different from 'below' it.
Chema Nieto Castañón Jun 30, 2019:
La región infraescapular alude al área de la espalda "caudal" (inferior) a la escápula. Aunque los términos infraescapular y subescapular a veces se confunden, la región por debajo de la escápula (infraescapular) versus la región subescapular ("por debajo" también pero con el sentido de "anterior" a la escápula, entre la escápula y la parrilla costal) son regiones diferentes.
En inglés se utiliza formalmente infrascapular region -o su equivalente en latín, regio infrascapularis. No tengo claro si under the scapula o under the shoulder blade podrían funcionar también como equivalentes no ambiguos de región infraescapular.

Región infraescapular
(Slide 9)
Joseph Tein Jun 29, 2019:
Found online: "The subscapular pain in the four patients increased in intensity with respiration and coughing."

Proposed translations

18 hrs

infrascapular [pain in the infrascapular region]

The original conveys the idea of pain "caudal to scapula".

I am afraid subscapular pain usually refers to either the muscle subscapularis or the corresponding region of the subscapular fossa. In Spanish it is also expressed as dolor subsecapular. Sub meaning under but under meaning in this case toward the front of the chest and not toward the feet; this is, subscapular meaning under the flat concave inner region of the scapula.

the scapulothoracic articulation is formed by the convex surface of the posterior thoracic cage and the concave surface of the anterior scapula. 

Pain under [below] (the) shoulder blade or pain under the scapula seem to be common expressions to refer to dolor (en la región) infraescapular, although those are also used to refer to subscapular pain sometimes, so they may come out as ambiguous expressions after all. The same happens with subscapular actually, sometimes actually pointing to under (caudal to) the scapula, and so adding to an ambiguous reading.

Infrascapular pain and pain in the infrascapular region (regio infrascapularis) are probably the most accurate in a formal context.

Subscapular pain

Snapping scapula syndrome is fairly rare. When it happens, the soft tissues between the scapula and the chest wall are thick, irritated, or inflamed. Snapping scapula syndrome can also happen if the bones of the shoulder blade or rib cage grate over one another.

Pain under the scapula

Pain below the scapula

Infrascapular pain:

The patient's initial infrascapular pain, which later radiated to the left groin, relates to passage of the ureteric stone along the ureter. 

Stimulation of the anterior branches produces right upper quadrant pain and of the posterior cutaneous branch leads to the characteristic right infrascapular pain ...

pain in the infrascapular region (loin)

Infrascapular region (regio infrascapularis)
http://www.encyclo.co.uk/meaning-of-infrascapular region


Pain in the infrascapular area
the veteran presented with complaints of lower back pain in the infrascapular area after having fallen off a wall during training.

Note added at 18 hrs (2019-06-29 23:55:07 GMT)

Infrascapular region (atlas)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias!"
42 mins


"Infra-" and "sub-" can both mean 'lower'. 'Subscapular' is used in English.


Download Citation on ResearchGate | Soft Tissue Swelling at the Subscapular Region | A 38-year-old female presented with a longstanding painless swelling ...

by P Saxena - ‎2008 - ‎Cited by 8 - ‎Related articles
Clinical diagnosis of this condition can be difficult as the subscapular region is difficult to evaluate clinically with the overlying scapula and rotator cuff muscles.
Peer comment(s):

agree Joseph Tein : Sure ... worth more than a "2" confidence level!
19 mins
Thank you, Joseph! And thanks for the good example.
agree liz askew : Principles of Nutritional Assessment - Page 325 - Google Books Result https://books.google.co.uk/books?isbn=0195171691 Rosalind S. Gibson - 2005 - ‎Medical At present, the only reference data for triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness available for us
3 hrs
Thank you, Liz!
agree raptisi : Yes!
6 hrs
Thank you!
agree Marie Wilson
7 hrs
Thank you, Marie!
agree Marco Paz : https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&ei=HqkXXfuW...
12 hrs
Thank you, Marco!
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