Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

cubeta de RSD

English translation:

solid domestic waste pit

Added to glossary by patinba
Jan 20, 2010 16:11
14 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term

cubeta de RSD

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Other waste management
I'm having trouble with this term in a document on environmental assessment and requirements. The context is handling non-hazardous waste.

"los residuos que se dispondrán en el relleno sanitario del projecto serán transportados hasta dicho centro en camiones aptos para tal efecto. Para realizar las actividades de cobertura diaria (cubeta de RSD) se contempla la utilización de un cargador frontal."

Any help is appreciated. I've googled for some time now with no results. Thanks!
Change log

Jan 22, 2010 13:23: patinba Created KOG entry


jmh2433 (asker) Jan 21, 2010:
Many thanks to you guys; it was a great help. I finally went with "domestic waste pit," which made the most sense. Thanks again!
Giovanni Rengifo Jan 20, 2010:
@patinba Is the source text from Chile?
Giovanni Rengifo Jan 20, 2010:
MUNICIPAL VS. RESIDENTIAL You should take a look at this definition of MSW. "municipal" includes both commercial and household waste, but "residencial" (as in your source text) refers only to "household waste".

"Municipal solid waste" or "MSW" means household solid waste and commercial solid waste.
patinba Jan 20, 2010:
Cubeta Please read the refs included in my answer, which leave no room for doubt. It may well be an exclusively Chilean use, but it is certainly a very large hole in the ground.
Giovanni Rengifo Jan 20, 2010:
CUBETA VS. PIT I believe that translating "cubeta" as "pit" might actually distort the meaning of the word. Please take a look at the following definitions of "cubeta" from the DRAE:

(Del dim. de cuba).

1. f. Herrada con asa hecha de tablas endebles.

2. f. Parte inferior del arpa, donde están colocados los resortes de los pedales.

3. f. Recipiente, por lo común rectangular, de porcelana, plástico u otras materias, muy usado en operaciones químicas, y especialmente en las fotográficas.

4. f. Recipiente para obtener el hielo en frigoríficos, neveras, etc.

5. f. Depresión del terreno ocupada por aguas permanentes o temporales y que constituye una cuenca cerrada.

6. f. Cuba manual que usaban los aguadores.

7. f. Fís. Depósito de mercurio, en la parte inferior del barómetro, que recibe directamente la presión atmosférica, la cual se marca en un tubo por medio de grados.

8. f. Hond. y Méx. cubo (‖ recipiente de forma de cono truncado).

Proposed translations

12 mins

solid domestic waste pit

If you Google the whole phrase you get two relevant hits.

Relleno Sanitario Para el manejo de los residuos sólidos domésticos y asimilables a domésticos (RSD), secontempla la construcción de un Relleno Sanitario. Estos residuos provendránprincipalmente de comedores, oficinas y servicios sanitarios y consistirán básicamente enpapeles, restos de comida, envases y elementos similares.

La disposición de los RSD se realizará en un relleno
sanitario y la disposición de los RISES NP se realizará en un relleno controlado. Ambas
instalaciones tendrán una vida útil estimada de 25 años que considera 4 etapas. Cada etapa,
en cada uno de los rellenos, considera la habilitación y operación de una cubeta, la que
tendrá una capacidad aproximada de disposición equivalente a los residuos generados en,
aproximadamente, 6 años de operación.

Note added at 22 mins (2010-01-20 16:34:03 GMT)

El Relleno Controlado considera la construcción de cubetas de disposición de residuos sólidos no peligrosos y de construcción, en una superficie que será cercada y de acceso
La unidad básica de disposición de RSNP en la cubeta es la celda unitaria diaria, que es
la encargada de recibir los RSNP generados diariamente en Caserones.
Proyecto Caserones
Solicitud Autorización Provisoria
Anexo 14: PAS 93 - Relleno Sanitario y Relleno Controlado
Padre Mariano 103, Of. 307 - Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Fono: (56-2) 236 0886 - Fax: (56-2) 235 1100 -
La cubeta tendrá una rampa de acceso de aproximadamente 5 m de ancho, 50 metros de
longitud y una pendiente del 10%. A diferencia de la operación del Relleno Sanitario, el
Relleno de RSNP, no requiere acceder al nivel inferior de la cubeta debido a que
considera una descarga en altura de los residuos.
Cada cubeta de disposición de RISES NP tendrá una capacidad de 6 años de operación,
por lo que deberán almacenar, aproximadamente, 4.700 m3 de RISES NP.
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
cantidad de RSD ingresados, disposición de RSD en la cubeta de RSD, construcción de la celda unitaria, y cobertura diaria de los RSD. ... -
Formato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Vista rápida
cubeta de RSD, construcción de la celda unitaria, y cobertura diaria de los RSD. b). Relleno controlado (RISES NP). El Proyecto considera la construcción de ...

Note added at 28 mins (2010-01-20 16:40:02 GMT)

Once you see that a cubeta is a pit, the "cobertura diaria" with a front-end loader makes sense ( a layer of earth is buldozed over the waste).
Peer comment(s):

neutral Giovanni Rengifo : "cubeta" is actually some sort of container (bucket, bin, etc.), and IMO "solid waste" shouldn't be separated by other adjectives.
4 mins
I have added some refs where you will see that the cubeta is a large pit capable of holding 6 years of waste, has a 5m-wide, 50m-long access ramp, etc. I know, it surprised me, too.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot; this was a great help."
15 mins

residential solid waste container


Note added at 18 mins (2010-01-20 16:29:31 GMT)

They say answers shouldn't be based on google hits, but if you google this entire phrase, you'll get 14,200 hits.
Peer comment(s):

neutral patinba : You will indeed, but a cubeta is not a container in that sense at least, although it sounds like one.
11 mins
agree Dolores Arjo (X) : you can also use bin or can, but this is the most general translation
21 hrs
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16 mins

Solid household waste

RSD stands for "residuos sólidos domiciliarios". So I suppose they are talking about some type of container for standard solid household/everyday rubbish.

I think it refers to day to day non-specific solid rubbish (or garbage I think it is is in the States). Depending on the type of English (US/UK etc) you'd need to think of the best term for this

Hope this helps.

Note added at 20 mins (2010-01-20 16:32:12 GMT)

Also known as MSW so therefore you could simply use MSW container as your translation

Note added at 24 mins (2010-01-20 16:35:15 GMT)

Hehehe I agree with you about the google hits Giovanni, but, ya que estamos:

"municipal solid waste container" gets 39,200 results, hehehe :P
Note from asker:
Thanks so much, that's exactly what I needed!!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Giovanni Rengifo : "municipal solid waste" gets more hits, but "municipal" actually means "house solid waste and "commercial" solid waste. "Residencial" only refers to "household" waste, though.
44 mins
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2 hrs

waste container

Could be mobile (on a truck or grua) or fixed.

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-01-20 18:32:23 GMT)

And "cargador frontal" sound like it is describing the loading of the container for transport and disposal...

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-01-20 18:33:27 GMT)

I agree with Giovanni, "cubeta" is usually some sort of container (bucket, bin, etc.), here in Spain anyway.

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-01-20 18:34:45 GMT)

In fact, "container truck" sounds like it is what is needed here.

Note added at 17 hrs (2010-01-21 09:52:34 GMT)

On the basis on patinba's research and knowledge, I now suggest LANDFILL:
A landfill, also known as a dump(and historically as a midden), is a site for the disposal of waste materials by burial and is the oldest form of waste treatment. Historically, landfills have been the most common methods of organized waste disposal and remain so in many places around the world. A site at which refuse is buried under layers of earth; The material so disposed of; To dispose of garbage by burying it at a landfill site
Peer comment(s):

disagree patinba : "could be""sounds like" and "usually" maybe, but it isn't.
40 mins
Maybe "pozo" wasn't good enough for our Chilean masters ;) In Spain it means a container/truck more often than not.
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