Translation glossary: AD4

Showing entries 251-300 of 1,452
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English to German
All GlyphsAlle Glypten 
English to German
All LayersAlle Ebenen 
English to German
English to German
Also Export &Non-Compressed SVG (.svg)&Nicht komprimierte SVG-Dateien (.svg) mit exportieren 
English to German
Also Export Compre&ssed SVG (.svgz)&Komprimierte SVG-Dateien (.svgz) mit exportieren 
English to German
Also Export Compre&ssed SVG (.svgz)Also Export Compre&ssed SVG (.svgz) 
English to German
Always preserves embedded color profiles in newly opened documents. For colors imported to RGB, color appearance overrides numeric values. For colorsEingebettete Farbprofile werden in neu geöffneten Dokumenten immer übertragen. Für in RGB importierte Farben werden numerische Werte durch das Farbaus 
English to German
An error has occured.Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. 
English to German
An unknown error caused the operation to fail.Bei dem Vorgang ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten. 
English to German
An&ti-Alias ArtworkZeichnung &glätten 
English to German
English to German
Apply Swatch:Farbfeld anwenden: 
English to German
Applying Zig Zag Filter...Zickzack-Filter wird angewendet... 
English to German
are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Protected by U.S. Patent 4,837,613; patent pending. \\0sind Warenzeichen von $$Adobe Systems Incorporated. Geschützt durch US-Patent 4,837,613. Patent angemeldet. \\0 
English to German
Artwork which contains placed objects cannot be saved in TIFF format.Zeichnungen mit plazierten Objekten können nicht im TIFF-Format gespeichert werden. 
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
Axis ValuesAchsenwerte 
English to German
Bad ParameterUngültiger Parameter 
English to German
Bad ParameterFehlerhafter Parameter 
English to German
Bad ParametersUngültige Parameter 
English to German
Bar W&idth:&Balkenbreite: 
English to German
Baseline ShiftHoch- und Tiefstellen 
English to German
Baseline ValuesBaseline-Werte 
English to German
English to German
Blending ModeAngleichmodus 
English to German
Blending Mode:Angleichmodus: 
English to German
English to German
Bottom AxisUntere Achse 
English to German
bottom centerunten Mitte 
English to German
bottom leftunten links 
English to German
Bottom LeftUnten links 
English to German
Bottom MiddleUnten Mitte 
English to German
bottom rightunten rechts 
English to German
Bottom RightUnten rechts 
English to German
By Columns, Left to RightNach Spalten, links nach rechts 
English to German
By Columns, Right to LeftNach Spalten, rechts nach links 
English to German
by Gary Hanson and Paul AsenteVon Gary Hanson und Paul Asente 
English to German
by Glenn Reid and Darin TomackVon Glenn Reid und Darin Tomack 
English to German
by Glenn Reid and Darin Tomackvon Glenn Reid und Darin Tomack 
English to German
by Glenn Reid, Gary Hansen and Darin TomackVon Glenn Reid, Gary Hansen und Darin Tomack 
English to German
by Glenn Reid, Gary Hansen and Darin TomackVon Glenn Reid, Gary Hansen und Darin Tomack 
English to German
by Glenn Reid, Gary Hansen and Darin TomackVon Glenn Reid, Gary Hansen und Darin Tomack 
English to German
by I\'lam Mougy and Dan Waylonisvon I\'lam Mougy und Dan Waylonis 
English to German
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