Translation glossary: DE-EN Business

Showing entries 251-300 of 710
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in connection within Verbindung mit 
German to English
in duplicatein zweifacher Ausfertigung 
German to English
in large quantitiesin hoher Auflage 
German to English
in order to discuss further detailsum weitere Einzelheiten zu besprechen 
German to English
in sufficient quantityin ausreichender Menge 
German to English
in the branch of international cheese specialitiesauf dem Gebiet internationaler Käsespezialitäten 
German to English
in the case of disputes arisingfür den Fall, daß sich Streitigkeiten ergeben 
German to English
in the case of payment by bill by the customerbei Wechselzahlung durch den Kunden 
German to English
in the long runlangfristig / auf lange Sicht 
German to English
in the short runzunächst / auf kurze Sicht 
German to English
in this casein diesem Fall 
German to English
German to English
German to English
German to English
inclusive ofzusammen mit 
German to English
incorporated companyAktiengesellschaft 
German to English
indeed / although we would grant you the rightwir würden Ihnen zwar das Recht einräumen 
German to English
international strategyinternationale Strategie 
German to English
introductory budgetEinführungsbudget 
German to English
introductory costsEinführungskosten 
German to English
German to English
it can be terminated at once by either partyer kann von jeder Seite mit sofortiger Wirkung gelöst werden 
German to English
it is of no importance for the amount of the commission wetherfür die Höhe der Provision ist es unerheblich ob 
German to English
joint control of a companygemeinsame Kontrolle über ein Unternehmen 
German to English
joint ventureGemeinschaftsunternehmen 
German to English
German to English
knowledge of consumer behaviorKenntnis des Verbraucherverhaltens / Konsumentenverhaltens 
German to English
knowledge of marketKenntnis des Marktes 
German to English
labourschwere Arbeit 
German to English
lack of controlmangelnde Kontrolle 
German to English
lasting presencelängerwährende Präsenz 
German to English
German to English
German to English
launch / introduceeinführen 
German to English
German to English
lay downniederlegen 
German to English
leading importerführender Importeur 
German to English
legal contractrechtsgültiger Vertrag 
German to English
level of commissionHöhe der Provision 
German to English
German to English
German to English
German to English
licensing feeLizensgebühr 
German to English
German to English
list of purchasesListe der Käufe 
German to English
local marketlokaler Markt 
German to English
German to English
loss of rights to products or techniquesVerlust von Rechten an Produkten oder Techniken 
German to English
mail-order businessVersandhandel 
German to English
mail-order catalogueVersandkatalog 
German to English
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