Translation glossary: Heather's legal glossary

Showing entries 51-95 of 95
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in sede stragiudizialeout of court/in out of court dealings 
Italian to English
Italian to English
intereses contradictoriosadversarial actions 
Spanish to English
intervenir [documentos, etc.]intercept 
Spanish to English
inutiliterneedlessly, uselessly 
Italian to English
iter autorizzativolicensing process 
Italian to English
juntada de documentosfiling/attachment of documents (in lawsuit) 
Portuguese to English
Juzgado de Vigilancia PenitenciariaParole Court 
Spanish to English
litisconsorziojoinder of parties 
Italian to English
magistrat taxateurtaxing officer 
French to English
mandado de segurançawrit of mandamus 
Portuguese to English
medio probatorioevidence 
Spanish to English
memoria di costituzionememorandum of appearance 
Italian to English
mort réelle et constantereal and permanent death 
French to English
non debenzatax neutrality 
Italian to English
obligaciones materialessubstantive obligations 
Spanish to English
ocuparseize (legal documents) 
Spanish to English
omnicomprensivoall encompassing 
Italian to English
ordonne qu'il sera sursis à l'exécution de la peine d'emprisonnementorders that execution of the sentence of imprisonment be suspended 
French to English
pacto de nao agressao de clientesnon-solicitation of clients agreement 
Portuguese to English
pieza de conviccionevidence 
Spanish to English
pieza de conviccionevidence for the prosecution 
Spanish to English
polo passivodefendant 
Portuguese to English
pour de ce qui dépasse la détention déjà subiewith respect to that portion of the sentence that exceeds the period of detention already served 
French to English
prestacoes vincendasinstalments falling due 
Portuguese to English
principio acusatorioadversary procedure 
Spanish to English
principio de libre valoracion de la pruebaprinciple of free appraisement of evidence 
Spanish to English
projet priméaward-winning project 
French to English
promoçao ministerialprosecution's request 
Portuguese to English
prueba de cargoevidence for the prosecution 
Spanish to English
quantum probatorioquantum of evidence 
Portuguese to English
récupération des heures supplémentairescompensatory leave re. overtime 
French to English
réserve les dépensreserves costs 
French to English
Spanish to English
rendere interrogatorioto testify 
Italian to English
renta vitalicialife/perpetual annuity 
Spanish to English
rifusione di spesereimbursement/refund of costs 
Italian to English
rinunzia agli atti del giudizio/waiver of right of action/discharge from prosecutionabandonment of action 
Italian to English
segredo de justicainvestigation secrecy 
Portuguese to English
spese ripetibilicosts to be recovered 
Italian to English
STC = sentencia del tribunal constitucionalConstitutional Court Judgment/Ruling 
Spanish to English
STS sentencia del tribunal supremoSupreme Court Judgment/Ruling 
Spanish to English
sumariojudicial investigation 
Spanish to English
TEDH - Tribunal Europeo de Derechos HumanosEuropean Court of Human Rights 
Spanish to English
tutela judicial efectivaaccess to justice 
Spanish to English
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