Translation glossary: culinary

Showing entries 1-31 of 31
Portuguese to English
browned basmati ricearroz basmati dourado 
English to Portuguese
café pingadoespresso with a splash of milk 
Portuguese to English
Carolina de bacalhaucodfish puffs 
Portuguese to English
casual foodpetiscos 
English to Portuguese
Confeccionado e Embalado em....prepared and packaged in 
Portuguese to English
diafragmahanging tender 
Portuguese to English
Doces em pastaspreads (desssert spreads) 
Portuguese to English
esmagador de laranjaorange crushers 
Portuguese to English
fatty notessensação de gordura 
English to Portuguese
Feijoada de LentosSnail and bean casserole 
Portuguese to English
Graded tender chicken breastpeito de frango tenro da primeira escolha 
English to Portuguese
jam and coconut slicefatias de bolo de coco com doce de fruta 
English to Portuguese
lambareiroa crafty gluttonous friar 
Portuguese to English
mint relishMolho de Hortelã 
English to Portuguese
na peçawedge or slice 
Portuguese to English
On Tapsempre pronto 
English to Portuguese
pedúnculo de cajucashew peduncle (receptacle) 
Portuguese to English
pickling vegetablesfazer picles 
English to Portuguese
presa de porcoshoulder of pork 
Portuguese to English
Rice Black Puddingmorcela de arroz 
English to Portuguese
SalongoAlfonsino (Beryx splendens) 
Portuguese to English
salsas and beansmolhos e feijões 
English to Portuguese
Sopa de melancia e canela com sorvete de coco verde e frutas exóticaswater melon and cinnamon soup with green coconut sorbet 
Portuguese to English
squashxarope da fruta 
English to Portuguese
sugar in the rawaçúcar não refinado 
English to Portuguese
telha de anguAngu wafers 
Portuguese to English
to get caught on landnão pensar de tacos só de carne 
English to Portuguese
ventiscafé grande 
English to Portuguese
versão executivaGourmet selection/lunch specials 
Portuguese to English
volume de pé"pied de cuve" (fermentation starter culture) volume 
Portuguese to English
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